Saturday, August 15, 2015

Blog Tour: Deputy by Susan Horsnell

by Susan Horsnell
Blog Tour
Victorian Western Historical Romance

 Amazon PB  

When James Glenmore locks up a feisty young girl because she
causes a disturbance in the local saloon; he doesn’t realize both their lives
are about to change forever.

They have to endure her father’s deadly temper, which has already
destroyed her young life, before they can be free.

A band of outlaws target the bank in Gold Springs and several
horrendous tortures and murders take place before the law finally catches up
with them. James’ life is placed in grave danger.

James and Rebecca’s lives withstand all obstacles that are put
before them but will James survive the capture of the cruel outlaws?


James was
concentrating on a report and twirling a cider in his hand when the front
swinging doors were pushed in so hard they banged on the walls behind.
He swore
the doors hit the wall so hard the whole building shook. He dropped his hand to
his colt as he kept his eye on the door.
A woman
in the doorway roared.
“Pa, you
get your good for nothing, lily livered ass off that stool and get home right
this minute. I swear I’ll hog tie you and drag you there behind Peachy if you
don’t move now. If Peachy happens to release his business over you on the way
home I wouldn’t be sorry.”
Tim March
the owner and barkeep groaned. He really didn’t want any trouble.
The woman
at the door drew James’ attention. The powerful banging of the doors and
thunderous voice came from a tiny package that a good gust of wind could have
blown away.
She had
chestnut brown hair that was more out of, than in a braid, eyes the colour of a
summer sky and the fullest, pinkest lips he had ever seen.
She wore
a drab brown dress with no frills or lace and although old, it appeared to be
clean. Like the woman, it was all business.
She had
her hands placed on a pair of very curvy hips and her breasts looked full and
firm. James cringed. She was everything he hated in a woman. He felt
embarrassed for her father, whoever the unfortunate fella might be.
relaxed his hand that had been hovering over his colt and watched to see how
this would play out.
Every eye
in the saloon was on her except for one mans’ and James guessed he must be her
father. He was perched on a stool and draped over the bar with a whiskey in his
watched with interest as she stomped her way towards him.
The man
lifted his head but didn’t look at his daughter.
what the devil do you think you’re doing? I’ve told you a thousand times,
saloons are no place for a lady.”
She drew
up alongside him.
Nolan, I’ve told you a thousand times, I’m not a lady. I have never been one
and I’m never gonna be one. If you weren’t always in a saloon I wouldn’t have
to keep coming in to drag you home. Now get your sorry ass off that stool and
get on home. There’s chores need doing and I’m not doing them all myself
please.” Wade lifted his hands to his head and slumped back down on the bar “Me
heads a hurtin’, just one more whisky for your old Pa eh?”
watched with amusement as Rebecca moved closer to her Pa. No-one in the saloon
had moved an inch. They were too engrossed with the exchange between father and
Wade was
a huge man. James had seen him walk in earlier and figured he would be at least
a head taller than him.
he wasn’t muscular; he was wide in the chest.
His large
belly, thanks to constant consumption of liquor, hung over his belt. Rebecca
would have barely come to his waist. His ruddy face from years of drinking was heavily
happened next had James leaping from his chair and moving towards them in a
hooked her leg around the leg of the stool and yanked with all her strength.
As the
stool tipped, Wade fell backwards onto the floor. His head hit the floor with a
thud and his eyes glazed over.
the cause was the whisky he’d been imbibing or his head hitting the floor,
James didn’t know.
As she
began moving toward her father again James grabbed her around the waist and
hoisted her off her feet. She kicked and screamed, catching him hard in the
shins with the heels of her boots. It caused him to let her go and she spun
around to face him.
“What the
hell do you think you’re doing mister?” she yelled. She hadn’t noticed the
badge on his chest.
noticed the fire in her eyes. She was one very angry young gal.
you can’t go around treating people like that. You could have injured him real
bad.” he said calmly.
wasn’t paying attention to James as she’d noticed Wade had sat up and was rubbing
the back of his head. She reached down to grab a handful of his hair but before
she could get to it James grabbed her arm to stop her.
“Get your
goddamned hands off me.”
With her
free arm, and using all her strength, she swung. Her fist connected hard with
James’ jaw. He stumbled back a step from the force of the punch but he didn’t
release her. As she lifted her leg to stomp on his foot, James decided he’d had
enough of this wildcat.
He flung
her over his shoulder, picked up the report he’d been reading and headed for
the saloon doors.
pounded his back with her tiny fists and kicked her legs. “Put me down, you
good for nothing mudsill.”
He took
no notice. He picked up his Stetson from a peg near the door and jammed it onto
his head.
“Wade, if
you know what’s good for you, you’ll get yourself home and get those chores
done. I’m gonna lock her up and let her cool off overnight. You can come by and
get her in the morning. I’ll decide by then if I’m gonna press charges.”
“Yes sir,
deputy.” Wade said as he scrambled to his feet.
He could
hear the customers laughing as he left.
It was
early summer and the night was warm. There were still a few people on the
streets and Rebecca’s screaming and cussing attracted their attention as he
stomped to the jail.
unlocked the front door and carried her through the swinging door to a cell out
the back. He dropped her onto the bunk and left, locking the door behind him.
leaped up onto her feet and slammed up against the locked door. “You let me out
of this godforsaken hoosegow right now.” she bellowed. “I’m not staying in here
a minute longer.” She shook the door and stamped her feet.
James had
his back leaned against the wall opposite with his arms crossed over his chest.
He was a picture of calm and this upset her even more.
“Let me
out now.” She yelled at him. He noticed tears welling in her eyes.
waited for a break in her tantrum before he spoke.
going out front now because thanks to you I’ll be spending the night. I’m
telling you missy, you’re not going anywhere before morning. Now, calm down,
hobble your lips and get yourself a good night’s sleep.”
She was
pacing up and down the cell like a caged cougar.
As James
walked away he heard the clanging sound of the drink mug. She’d picked it up
off the table beside the bed and was hitting the bars. He couldn’t help but
chuckle to himself.
He went
into the small room off the front office which had a bunk and a washstand with
a water pitcher. It was used by the sheriff and deputy for overnight stays. He
poured water from the pitcher into the bowl and washed up. His jaw was tender
and throbbing and he knew he’d have a decent sized bruise come morning. For
such a tiny little thing she sure packed a wallop.
shucked off his uniform, hung it on the wall pegs and crawled into bed. He
could sure use a good night’s sleep but his head was beginning to ache from all
her yelling and his jaw didn’t seem to want to quit its damn throbbing.
He had a
feeling sleep wouldn’t come easy. To make matters worse he could hear the
little hellion pounding on the bars of her cell and yelling to be let out.
When she
hadn’t quieted after an hour he decided to get up and do something about it.
dressed back into his uniform and grabbed the cell door key from the table
beside his bunk.
His head
and jaw now had a symphony going with their pounding pain and he was mighty
angry as he stormed down to the cell.
minute Rebecca saw his thunderous face she knew she was in trouble. She dropped
the mug onto the floor and jumped into the bed.
late.” said James as he unlocked the cell door. She folded herself into a tight
ball and pressed against the wall at the top of the bed.
watched in fear as he stalked towards her.
He picked
her up like she weighed no more than a feather and sat down on the bed. He laid
her face down across his thighs, lifted her skirts and proceeded to spank her
yelled, cussed and kicked but James continued.
After a
few minutes James pulled her skirts back down, sat her on the bed and stormed
back out the door picking up the mug on his way.
“Now, go
to sleep.”
sir.” Rebecca squeaked. Tears flowed over her cheeks as she undressed and
climbed into the bunk.
went back to his room, shucked off his uniform for the second time that night
and got back into bed.
stinging hand had joined in the symphony with his head and jaw.
of his anger he’d hit her a bit harder than he’d intended and thought to
himself she’s sure gonna have a sore backside in the morning I bet.
The rest of the night was quiet but James didn’t get much sleep.
He tossed and turned with images of Rebecca’s shapely backside and legs filling
his mind.
Author Bio

I grew up
in the Western Suburbs of Sydney in the 50's and 60's and have always been a
fan of Cowboys, Indians and Outlaws.

During my
years as a nurse I would write down ideas and when I retired five years ago I
finally published my first book - The Glenmore's: Revenge. This developed into a
four part series.

then I have published a further eleven Western Romance books and one
contemporary. My westerns are set in Texas, USA during the 19th century and my
contemporary in Sydney, Australia.

When I am not writing I enjoy walking our dogs with my husband and

Author Links

Cover Reveal: Surrender John & Patty The Broken Series Book 3 by Angela Fattig

Cover Reveal:

Surrender: John & Patty

The Broken Series Book 3
by Angela Fattig

Aug 15th

They say everyone has a soul mate. Those who believe spend their whole lives searching for that one true love and some never find it.

Storms rage inside all of us. Lightning strikes, thunder clashes and if we don’t choose the correct path, our lives will tumble out of control.

John Case’s life did just that several years ago. He walked away from the woman he was afraid to love into the arms of a woman who seemed safe. Now the woman he was afraid to love is within his reach again.

Patty Daniels found her soul mate years ago and he broke her heart. Years later, she is still in love with him. She knows his life was thrown out of control, but sees this as her chance to claim what is hers, his heart. However, she wonders if she has the strength to fight anymore.

Angela Fattig spent most of her childhood reading any book she could find. That's when her passion of writing was born. When she was 10, she started writing short stories and poems and kept quite a collection.

In 1998, she met Paul and they have shared a life together for 15 years. In 1999, she introduced the world to her firstborn, Brandi, and again in 2000, Sarah.

Today, when she is not doing what she loves, writing, she spends time with her beautiful family and the addition of two dogs named Izzy and Herly.

Angela's inspirations have always been Stephen King and Poe.

Hosted by
Obsessive Pimpettes Promotions

Blog Tour: Ultimate Betrayal by Catrina Courtenay

Title: Ultimate Betrayal Revelations
Author : Catrina Courtenay 

It didn’t matter that Veronica Harper spent years in the military and then was trained by the best of the best at the FBI. It didn’t matter that she was skilled in hand-to-hand combat or that she was one of the most sought after bodyguards in the industry. When Kincaid got a hold of her, he stripped away everything she thought she was and left her broken and terrified. That was five years ago.
Now, she is being forced back to L.A. in order to protect Hollywood’s most sought after bad boy, Erik Sinclair. He’s sexy, protective, and unrelenting in his pursuit of her, but he doesn’t know about the demons that haunt her past. When past and present collide, will Ronnie be able to face the darkness that haunts her and save the only man capable of fixing her? 

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Born and raised in New York, Catrina is a U.S. Veteran, wife, mommy, controller of chaos, domestic engineer and cook. She loves wine, good books, good food and especially anything slathered in Nutella.

Always a storyteller, she enthralled her friend with tales of her wild daydreams involving the latest hot boy band (okay, they weren't called boy bands back in the 80s. They were called Duran Duran), but she never wrote them down.

She eventually grew up and embarked on a not so exciting career in the military, followed by an exciting career working in IT for a few major U.S. corporations and traveled the world. And instead of meeting in their hometown, she met her husband in Cyberspace while he was in Korea.

Marriage and having a child afforded Catrina more time to read, one of her former passions, and eventually, to begin writing.

With the support of her family, she's released her first novel, Ultimate Betrayal: Revelations and is working on the follow up - Nightmares.

P.S - She still kinda likes Duran Duran

Hosted by 

Cover Reveal: January Dreams by Carrigan Richards

January Dreams Cover Reveal Banner

Today I am helping author Carrigan Richards reveal the cover to her new book, coming in January, January Dreams. So excited to be sharing it with you!


Megan Nekorb’s life is consumed by dreams of sharing an intensely, visceral love with Casper Truitt. But in real life, she hates Casper.

Megan starts dating the brooding and handsome Vincent, and they quickly fall in love. But each time they kiss, she sees vivid visions of another time and place.

Megan’s determined to learn the truth about her dreams and visions, but the more she learns, the more her life is in danger.

Want to stay up to date on all things January Dreams? Consider becoming a member of Carrigan's reader group - Carrigan's Stalkers here!

Cover Reveal: Unraveled The Gatekeeper Chronicles Book Two by Dina M. Given

Unraveled AMAZON

Title: UNRAVELED (The Gatekeeper Chronicles, #2)
Author: Dina M. Given
Genre: Urban Fantasy
Release Date: August 31, 2015
Cover Design: By Hang Le


Emma Hayes, a mercenary turned monster hunter, finds herself the secret savior of Earth as she attempts to battle creatures, called Monere, and keep unsuspecting humans safe.

Emma already has blood on her hands, and the tide of Monere keep coming. She quickly learns that not all battles can be won with a gun and she must decide whether to take up Sharur, the magical battle axe, which may trigger a latent and terrifying magical ability within her.

Emma’s monster hunting skills also catch the attention of a government operative who enlists her help to discover the identity of another hunter. This investigation leads Emma deep into the heart of a supernatural organized crime Syndicate, and all of her notions about the evil nature of these creatures are called into question when she meets The Syndicate’s leader.

Can Emma unravel the true nature of the Monere and come to terms with her own magical ability before the next gateway opens, threatening the future of humankind?

unraveled teaser 2

UNHIDDEN (The Gatekeeper Chronicles, #1)

Unhidden FOR WEB

It’s not always easy to differentiate between the good guys and the bad guys, especially when your heroine is a trained killer and she may be falling in love with her evil hunter…

Emma Hayes, a former military Special Forces Operative turned mercenary-for-hire, finds her tightly controlled world turned upside down when she is attacked by horrible monsters.

Emma must use every skill in her arsenal to stay alive as she tries to solve the mystery of why she has been targeted. Her list of enemies keeps growing - from Zane Shayde, an evil Mage, to a secret branch of the US government - and she doesn't know if there is anyone left she can trust.

To complicate matters further, Emma is inexplicably drawn to Zane in a way she doesn’t quite understand, even knowing her life is forfeit if captured. Who is he and why does he have this affect on her? How can she fight a being that calls to her, body and soul?

Emma is left haunted by questions, doubts and fears as to why she has been targeted, when they will come for her next, and how she will possibly be able to survive against an enemy she doesn't understand.

About the Author
Dina Given

Dina Given lives in rural New Jersey – home of farms, horses and the largest hot air balloon festival in North America – with her husband, two crazy kids, and one rescue dog. She is an exercise enthusiast and avid lover of food and wine (hence the need to exercise). Dina also works full time for one of the largest healthcare companies in the world. She attributes her ability to juggle family, work and writing to her obsessive, hyper-focused, Type A personality.

Connect with Dina



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