Tuesday, July 17, 2018

Cover Reveal Riding The Edge (A Satan's Knight Novel) by Janine Infante Bosco

Happy Cover Reveal Day to Janine Infante Bosco - Author! 

Check out the AWESOME new cover for 

Are you ready for Wolf and Maria’s story?
¸.•´✶Riding The Edge.•´✶
(A Satan’s Knights Novel) 
by Janine Infante Bosco
Publication Date: August 7, 2018

#RidingTheEdge #fightingstrong #SatansknightsMc #JanineInfanteBosco 

Genres: Adult, Contemporary, Erotic, MC, Romantic Suspense

.•´✶Preorder Today!¸.•´✶
Riding The Edge 
Buy Links
US: http://a.co/0xS9KG3
CA: http://a.co/9nmVcEq
AU: https://amzn.to/2KXnUfU
UK: http://amzn.eu/dKHpMSD

Add to #Goodreads:  https://bit.ly/2KAukjW


Cover Designer: JB's Cover Obsession Design
Models:  Darrin James Dedmon and Michelle Lynn McLeod 
Photographer: JW Photography

#RidingTheEdge #fightingstrong #SatansknightsMc #JanineInfanteBosco 


Once in a while, right in the middle of an ordinary life, something extraordinary comes along that knocks you on your ass...

I’m a simple man with simple values. You either love me or you hate me, but the ones who need me, always got me. I’m the self-proclaimed Wolf of the Satan’s Knights MC, the beast who will fight his way out of any dark alley to defend your honor. The brother you call upon when you’ve lost your faith in humanity. 
However, secrets and lies are the cancer of a man’s soul. Exposed, they will eat away all that is good and leave nothing but destruction in their wake. They’ll prove the best intentions sometimes fail and leave you questioning your life’s choices.
Now, searching for a purpose, I find myself facing the ride of my existence with a woman just as jaded as me. As she fights the biggest battle of her life, I want to be the man who stands by her side. The man who ain’t afraid to ride the edge of misery because he knows there is something beautiful on the other side…

I’ve prevailed against the mob, a deadbeat ex-husband and the woes of being a single mother. While someone else may have wished for a different life, I believe I’m stronger for everything I’ve endured. I’m someone who speaks her mind and fights for what is right. A woman who will smack you upside the head with a frying pan and ask questions later. 
Terrified of love, I’m an otherwise fearless woman.
Until a doctor solemnly diagnoses me and my strength falters.
Now as fear engulfs me, an unexpected man dressed in leather, holds out his hand.
As a woman who never needed anyone, I suddenly need him.
His assurance.
His strength.
His love

***NOTE: Contains explicit sexual situations, violence, offensive language, and mature topics. Not recommended for people under the age of 18***

Janine Infante Bosco - Mystery box valued at $100

Giveaway direct link: ​

.•´✶Meet and Greet.•´✶
Come meet Author, Janine Infante Bosco and models, Darrin James Dedmon (“Wolf”) and Michelle Lynn McLeod (“Maria”)  "Tempted & Tantalizing Author Event" in Staten Island, New York this October! 

For further information visit http://TNTNYC18.weebly.com/tickets.html

Check out the link below to purchase the exclusive Ride Or Die: A #TNTNYC18 Collaboration


Janine Infante Bosco lives in New York City, she has always loved reading and writing. When she was thirteen, she began to write her own stories and her passion for writing took off as the years went on. At eighteen, she even wrote a full screenplay with dreams of one day becoming a member of the Screen Actors Guild.

Janine writes emotionally charged novels with an emphasis on family bonds, strong-willed female characters, and alpha male men who will do anything for the women they love. She loves to interact with fans and fellow avid romance readers like herself.

She is proud of her success as an author and the friendships she’s made in the book community but her greatest accomplishment to date would be her two sons Joseph and Paul.

Website: http://www.janineinfantebosco.com/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/janineboscoauthor/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/JanineBosco
Janine’s Land of Temptations Facebook Group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/1730045370558131/
Pinterest: https://www.pinterest.com/grassking205/
Goodreads: http://bit.ly/1FJa8S3
Newsletter: http://bit.ly/29Dfru4
Amazon Author Profile: http://amzn.to/2b98hQM
Book Bub Author Profile: http://bit.ly/2kXDpo1

Monday, July 16, 2018

Get a First Look at HARD TRIGGER by S.L. Hannah!

Get a First Look at HARD TRIGGER by S.L. Hannah!

Here’s your FIRST LOOK S.L. Hannah’s upcoming romantic suspense novella, HARD TRIGGER! Join us as we get our first peek at this dark and sexy enemy to lovers tale where loyalty is in the eye of the beholder. Plus, enter to win one of five paperback ARCs of HARD TRIGGER!

Title:  Hard Trigger
Author: S.L. Hannah
Release Date: August 28, 2018
Publisher: AOH Publishing
Genres: Romantic suspense
Word Count: 30K
Format: Print and digital


“Your mother’s opiates are coming from Jose Herrera’s distribution network.” My pulse races as my stepfather speaks these words. Because taking on the Herreras also means taking on Diego.

Reckless, and hardened by a volatile past, Victoria does not see a future with Diego Herrera as a realistic option. As their childhood friendship ignites, they find themselves on opposite sides of a bloody feud between the two most powerful families in Mexico City. And she’s a Moreno now—brought up to be the secret weapon nobody suspected.

But Victoria can’t deny the attraction. Diego’s commanding muscles, the coarse, dark hair of his solid chest, that rugged scar above his sensuous lips…

Loyalty is in the eye of the beholder.

Add to Goodreads http://bit.ly/2M6NzzQ
Pre-Order Now: Amazon | B&N | Kobo | iTunes

Enter to win one of five paperback ARCs of HARD TRIGGER!

Copyright © 2018 S.L. Hannah

I take a long sip of my drink, the flavor of olives and alcohol saturating my mouth. “How’d you do in there?”
“Not even close to as impressively as you.” He shakes his head, as if we’ve just finished a friendly one-on-one game on my balcony.
The bartender slides a tumbler brimming with brown juice towards him. I press Max Bet, and hold two Queens. “You know what they say about losing propositions.” I land a full house, and suck on my cigarette. Diego notices. “Get out before you get killed.” I tilt my chin up to exhale away from his broad torso, moving in closer as he leans an elbow on the bar. The current between us surges.
He swirls the ice in his glass before downing most of the whiskey. “Unless the risk is worth the reward,” he says placing his near-empty glass on the bar. “Like winning a $150,000 pot…on a bluff.” He stares at the cut over my brow. “Jujitsu?”
I nod, gulping down more alcohol, watching his jaw flex from youth and an overabundance of testosterone. “Are you looking for pointers?”
“I want to apologize.” One of his large, well-manicured hands takes the cigarette from between my fingers. He inhales deeply, glancing briefly at my empty ring finger.
He’d accused my step-father of purposely calling me to break up our trip, and worse, that my working for him was the reason that my mother had ended up in the hospital.
I finish my drink and push it out of my way. It’s the only thing I can do to calm my nerves. I stand, and in my heels, we’re nearly at eye level. “My mother is out of the hospital. Thank you.” I place a fifty on the bar and press the Cash Out button. “But it doesn’t change anything between us.” I slip the paper worth a couple hundred extra now into my clutch, sidling up next to him, “So fucking hot, aren’t you?” My bare shoulder brushes against his jacket, and my cheek gets flush the closer it inches towards his. “But let me be clear.” My lips brush his ear. “I’m not interested.”
I let that sink in before pouting like I’m about to blow him a kiss and strutting away, even though I know his eyes are still on me.
“Hey,” he calls out, but I don’t bother turning around. Diego and I…we’re better at being friends. I shouldn’t have given him false hope.
But he’s keeping pace. “Hey,” he says, firmly grabbing my arm.
My fist whips up. Reflex. I nearly clock him. And he let’s go, putting some distance between us. “I know you like to play rough, Victoria. But I also know you’re trying to kill my uncle.”
I grind to a halt. My heart thumps loudly in my chest.
“Interested now?” Diego places his hand back on my arm and walks me towards a set of elevators.

About S.L. Hannah:
S.L. Hannah was born in Poland, grew up in Canada, and moved to Southern California to pursue her love of single-engine airplanes. Her latest rogue romance, Hard Trigger, will be published on August 28th, 2018. Visit her online at www.slhannah.com to learn about her other books, to get updates about her new release, and to connect through social media. S.L. Hannah lives in Los Angeles, CA with her husband and garden of succulents. When she’s not writing fiction, she continues to solve the aviation problems of the world.

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Friday, July 6, 2018

Pre-Order Blitz for DEEP COVER by Scarlett Cole!

Pre-Order Blitz for DEEP COVER by Scarlett Cole!

"Cole is a genius at weaving together heart-racing, suspenseful moments with scorching intimacy and real characters." —USA Today

One of Book Riot's "9 Not-To-Be-Missed Romances Hitting the Shelves this Summer!

“The balance between a budding romantic relationship and a dark, dangerous case filled with suspense made my night very short.” —(un)Conventional Bookviews.

Title: Deep Cover
Author: Scarlett Cole
Release Date: July 31, 2018
Publisher: St. Martin’s Press
Series: Love Over Duty #3
Genres: Romantic Suspense
Page Count: 336
Format: Print and digital

Ex-Navy SEAL Cabe Moss always comes when called to duty—at all costs. Even though the death of his fiancée nearly destroyed him, Cabe won’t let his past interfere with any work that has to get done. When his latest task pushes him to team up with FBI operative Amy Murray, a fierce beauty with the undercover skills to match, Cabe must admit that, for the first time in years, he wants to do more than just complete their mission together…
Amy was born ready for this assignment, but working side-by-side with the the strong, silent, and frustratingly professional Cabe seems to be the biggest challenge of all. But when the sparks begin to fly—and the stakes rise to dangerous heights—the only thing Amy is left worrying about is how she can resist him. Their lives may be in danger, but their hearts hold the biggest risk of all…

Add to Goodreads http://bit.ly/2JIzAyF
Find out more at: Amazon US | Amazon UK | B&N | Chapters | iBooks
Amazon UK  https://amzn.to/2xXzT75
Chapters Indigo → https://bit.ly/2xXFytZ

Copyright © 2018 Scarlett Cole

Amy’s stomach dropped, and her head spun. Despite everything, her heart betrayed her and skipped a beat at the sight of him. It was understandable. Her memory of him had not even begun to do him justice. He wore a navy blue suit tailored to his swimmer’s frame. The jacket hung open, fitting snuggly over his wide shoulders. A pale blue shirt stretched perfectly across his trim torso. She’d bet dollars to donuts that there was one of those hugely attractive six-packs beneath the soft-looking cotton.
She watched him greet one of the analysts assigned to the project, his back now to her. Damn, that butt.
Which she shouldn’t be studying. Because the guy was a jerk. There was no other word for him.
He was joined by the men she’d seen him sitting with in the bar. One was tall, like a Nordic Viking. The other one was equally built, with chestnut hair and a broad grin. They had an easy confidence. It irked her.
Cunningham had joined Cabe and was shaking his hand. Her stomach sank even further as she realized what he was about to do. Yup, there it was. He lifted his hand in her direction, and Cabe’s eyes met hers.
No freaking response. Wow.
A body-language expert would get absolutely zero from him.
No telltale lines of concern between his brows, no curl of a smile in recognition. No Oh my god I am so freaking sorry for being a jerk and leaving you standing alone at the bar in front of a room full of people.
As hard as she focused on keeping her gaze equally neutral, she knew she was failing. If her cheeks felt hot—and by her guess were likely a little pinker than normal—there was nothing she could do to control it. Her breathing was a little more erratic than normal. But she took a deep breath as Cabe walked toward her.
“Cabe Moss,” he said calmly, offering her his hand. “Eagle Securities.” His tone was even, not a hint of recognition. Had she been that bland, that uninteresting that he couldn’t even remember her? Amy tried to clear the thought. If he truly didn’t remember her, it was a good thing. It would make working with him even easier.
“Agent Amy Murray.” She reached for his hand, and memories of shaking it in the bar crashed through her. It was just as warm as she’d remembered, and large, his handshake firm and confident.
Not even a freaking blink from him. Or a wink. Or an extra squeeze of the hand. No, he just let go of her hand after a completely appropriate length of time.

Enter to win A Signed Paperback Set of the Love Over Duty Series!

Want to start from the beginning? UNDER FIRE, the first book in the LOVE OVER DUTY series is on sale now! Get the first installment in this romantic suspense standalone series for only $1.99. This is a limited time sale, so don’t wait! Grab your copy today!
Read UNDER FIRE (Book #3) Now! Buy Now:  Amazon | Amazon UK | B&N | Chapters Indigo | iBooks

Read FINAL SIEGE (Book #2) Now! Buy Now: Amazon | Amazon UK | Chapters | B&N | iBooks

About Scarlett Cole
The tattoo across my right hip says it all really. A Life Less Ordinary. Inked by the amazingly talented Luke Wessman at the Wooster Street Social Club (a.k.a. New York Ink). Why is it important? Well, it sums up my view on life. That we should all aspire to live a life that is less boring, less predictable. Be bold, and do something amazing. I’ve made some crazy choices. I’ve been a car maker, a consultant, and even a senior executive at a large retailer running strategy. Born in England, spent time in the U.S. and Japan, before ending up in Canada were I met my own, personal hero – all six and a half feet of him. Both of us are scorpios! Yeah, I know! Should have checked the astrological signs earlier, but somehow it works for us. We have two amazing kids, who I either could never part with or could easily be convinced to sell on e-bay.
I’ve wanted to be a writer for a really long time. Check through my office cupboards or my computer and you’ll find half written stories and character descriptions everywhere. Now I'm getting the chance to follow that dream.
Connect with Scarlett: Website | Facebook | Instagram | Twitter