Thursday, October 30, 2014

Two Bar Mitzvahs by Kat and Stone Bastion - Netgalley ARC review

Two Bar Mitzvahs (No Weddings, #3)Two Bar Mitzvahs by Kat Bastion

My rating: 5 of 5 stars

In the third book in the No Wedding Series, we hear Cade Michaelson’s point of view again and I was utterly delighted. I loved reading his witty banter with his friends, his sister and Hannah. His charming ways drew me in every time he opened his mouth.

He continues to sweep Hannah and us off our feet as he attempts to have it all. Hannah and Cade are trying to make their way through their new relationship. At the same time Cade is trying to juggle two businesses and an ex-girlfriend from hell. Keeping secrets from Hannah in a misguided attempt to “protect her”. Cade has a few miss steps along the way. Can he show Hannah that their love is worth fighting for or will she run from him again. Will he convince her that she can trust him with her heart? Will Cade learn how to balance love and work without losing the person who means the most to him in the world?

The first two books we began to slowly know Cade and Hannah as individual people. In book one we learned about Cade’s relationship passed and how he was burned by love. In book two we learned from Hannah how her past relationship had scared her, losing her ability to trust men, to trust herself. It has been interesting to get into Cade and Hannah’s heads. I love how the authors have changed POV from book to book. I think it really has made a solid story, one that I want to know more about. There was a very slow buildup of sexual tension from the first two books; I got to say book three makes up for the rare sexual encounters in book one and two. The sex scenes in book three were scorching, hot, and steamy. Cade takes his alpha male persona and magnifies it by a thousand in the bedroom. While still allowing Hannah to grow and explore her sensual side.

“I meant what I said earlier, Hannah. It’s not about the sex for me. No matter how wild we get, or how much I tease, what we do sexually will always be about the deeper connection between us.”

The thing I love most about this series is that Hannah and Cade’s relationship is so real. They face problems that we all face in our relationships in real life. Trying to balance prosperous businesses and being able to stay successful in relationships. Being together is hard. Trusting someone with your heart is the scariest thing in the world. Cade and Hannah struggle with outside forces trying to break them. I was enthralled from chapter to chapter wondering where the authors would take this amazing couple. Truly a roller coaster ride of emotions that I would like to get on again and again. I laughed, I cried and sometimes I screamed in frustration when Cade messed up.

“Chase after me. Always fight for us, even when I can’t.” “Promise me.”

If you like a romance with real people who begin as great friends and build into a forever kind of love and passion for each other then you will love this series. Truly a fabulous read and I can’t wait to get my hands on the continuing story of this wonderful couple.

"We decide how happy we are even with real-life things happening around us that we can’t control. There will always be that. But no matter where we do or what happens, we’ll have us in the middle of it all”

Received an ARC from Netgalley in exchange for an honest review.

View all my reviews

Wednesday, October 22, 2014

Entwined - The Life of Anna Part 2 by Marissa Honeycutt - ARC Review

Entwined (The Life of Anna, #2)Entwined by Marissa Honeycutt

My rating: 5 of 5 stars

this is not a stand-alone novel. This is the second of five novels that tell Anna’s story.

Entwined - The Life of Anna – Part 2- by Marissa Honeycutt

This is the continuing story of Anna Perkins, a sex slave. She has been trained since the age of twelve to be the ultimate seductress. To be used by Devin Anderson in order for him to gain power over the people he wants to control in the world. The characters in this series live in a world that we are certainly not used to. Devin is a powerful man attempting take over, scheming to gain control of the Brotherhood. Our Anna is at the center of it all. Alex is a confident assassin for the Brotherhood. He doesn’t want to control Anna he wants to love her and cherish her, his “Schatzi” (Treasure). Anna’s life since her parent’s death has been anything but ideal. At twenty years old she has never had the normal life of a young woman. Never dated like regular girls, never has she known love or true friendship. In this installment secrets of what Anna is and her abilities are exposed. Things about her past and her parents are revealed. Once again heed the warnings if they intrigue you as they did me then go get this series, you won’t regret it. If they make you afraid, then this book is not for you. The author promises a happy ending, but it’s a complicated and rough road for Anna to get there. This is a dark erotic romance series that will take you places you never thought you wanted to go.

Book two picks up exactly where book one left off. Beginning with Alex’s point of view, we get inside his head and find out what he’s thinking. Alex interferes with Devin’s plans to control Anna’s mind. In doing this Alex and Devin both become her masters. Things really begin to get difficult for all parties. Alex and Devin both have different ideas of how they want Anna to live. Alex decides that Anna needs to experience some freedom, he gets her an apartment and negotiates with Devin to allow Anna to dance more. She begins to make more friends and experience a normal life. Yet she is still expected to for fill her duties to Devin. Which means having sex with any man that Devin sends to her or brings her to. Which usually ends up with Anna being abused and hurt. Anna is a sweet naïve girl who has been conditioned to think she is just a slave and deserves nothing more than what the men in her life give her. Even when she thinks she can find happiness, it is ripped away from her. Yet she still preservers, showing an inner strength I am not sure she realizes she has. Entwined throughout this installment are some new characters, some we love and some we hate.

I felt the emotions that Alex carries of distress and feelings of failing to protect Anna. They just tugged at my heart. Getting to know Alex was one of my favorite parts of this book. We only got a distant glimpse of Alex in book one. In this book we really got to sense his emotions, his love for a girl he barely knows but feels a deep connection to. His fear of failing her at every turn.

"A man appears in the darkness of her mind. She reaches toward him. It is the man in pain. He kneels on the floor by a bed. Too many times I have failed, he cries to himself. No, you have not failed. You cannot have failed. I am still here. Do not give up. I need you...."

This story is so well written and well thought out it is like no other book I have ever read. It is truly a battle of good versus evil. Devin once again does despicable things that will make you cringe and scream. There are so many revelations and twists and turns in this book, but the author manages to keep it all together. Taking us along on a rollercoaster ride of emotions, fear, love, and self-loathing. Once again I held my breath, wondering where all this will end up for Anna.

Devin is pure evil. He punishes Anna numerous times for small infractions to show his power over her. He uses unfair tactics to try and get Alex to give up his fight for Anna, he drugs Alex twice and makes him do horrific things. This book is darker than the first and I am told each book gets darker and then darker still.
I really loved how the author had me feeling like I was reading a conventional romance one minute and then a dark and twisted romance the next. When Anna is with the different men in her life we experience the feelings that she goes through. With Devin she always seems to be just following his lead mindlessly, playing into his plans but believing she loves him. With Alex she is afraid and then confused by his kindness one minute and hurt by his distance the next. She doesn’t understand what he wants from her. Alex wants her to truly want him and not feel obligated so he keeps refusing her sexual advances. Which devastates Anna she doesn’t comprehend why he wanted to be her Master if he won’t let her please him. Anna’s only way of expressing herself is through sex so when Alex denies her that it pushes him further away from her. When Alex finally realizes Anna wants him completely and they have sex for the first time, this was one favorite parts hands down the best love scene I have ever read. Never has a foot massage been so sexually charged.

"Schatzi..." he whispered in a voice that went straight to her heart. This was more than just physical touch. He took her, consumed her, made her his own. And she wasn't afraid."

I am in love with the Life of Anna and I can’t wait to read the next installment in this fascinating series. If you love dark erotica or haven’t tried it yet and would like to give it a shot this is the one to try, so worth the read.


View all my reviews

Monday, October 20, 2014

Beautiful Outlaw by Emily Minton - Cover Reveal & Giveaway

After the last fourteen years of
surviving as a walking, talking, living doll, Laura feels dead inside.

She has sacrificed everything for
her family, marrying a man she could never love. Her husband doesn’t beat her,
doesn’t berate her. He transforms her, forcing her to live as a stand-in for
his long dead wife. She stays silent as piece after piece of herself
disappears, willing to do anything to protect the people she loves.

When his demands go too far, she
finally tells her brother the ugly truth.

Wanting to protect her without
putting the rest of their family at risk, he sends her to the one place he
knows she’ll be safe. He places her into the hands of his best friend, Vice
President of the Savage Outlaws MC.

Once again, she is transformed into
someone new; Shay.

Bowie has spent many nights
dreaming about his best friend’s little sister. The reality is so much sweeter
than his dreams. He wants to be more for Shay, needs to protect her, but he’s
not sure if he knows how.

Can an Outlaw show her how
beautiful life should be?

About the Author
USA Today Best Selling Author,
Emily Minton is a Kentucky native. She claims she bleeds blue--Wildcat Blue!
Emily loves to read, and this love of the written word led to her writing

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Sunday, October 19, 2014

Fitting the Pieces (The Riverdale Series Book Three) by Janine Infante Bosco

This is the third and final book in this series, the series should be read in order.  If you are a fan of love stories this is the series for you.  You will laugh, you will cry and get a bit hot and bothered by the Lanza brother’s and their friend Nick Foti. The couples in this series go through some really tough emotional times.  In the end they support each other and help to heal each other.  From the first book Pieces, to the second Broken Pieces and now the third book Fitting the Pieces I wanted to be a part of this group of people.  The author tells a real story with real subjects and real emotions.

Luke Lanza has always been the responsible guy, the one to always know when to do the right thing.  He took on being a single dad without complaint.  Started his own repair shop and has grown it into a flourishing business.  He has always had the help and support of his family.  Tragedy strikes the Lanza clan when they lose one of their own.  Jake Lanza was Luke’s little brother, he was supposed to save him but somehow he failed him.  So when Jake pleads with Luke on his deathbed to look after his fiancé Cara, Luke promises he will without hesitation.

“Promise me, I need to hear you say it, Luke.”

Luke swallowed. “I promise I’ll take care of Cara, you don’t have to worry about her.” A tear slipped down his cheek as he finished his vow to his little brother.
Jake smiled slightly and closed his eyes. “I could always count on you.”

But when Luke starts to find himself falling in love with the beautiful Cara he doesn't know what to do with his feelings.  Betraying his brother’s memory by lusting after his girl is not an option for the steadfast Luke.  Can he deny his growing feelings and make the sacrifice to live without her? When he discovers Cara’s life spiraling out of control his need to protect her kicks in and he helps her through the most difficult time in her life.

“I don’t want to fix her because she’s broken.” He said with his own voice sounding a bit broken. “I want to help her because losing her too isn't an option.”

When Cara Slone finally admitted that she was in love with her best friend Jake Lanza her life couldn't have been better.  Until he loses his battle with cancer and leaves her feeling alone, lost and broken. Wanting to escape the pain Cara starts using prescription drugs so she can stop feeling.  She hits rock bottom when she nearly kills herself driving while high on pills.  Desperate she finds herself begging the one person she didn't want to depend on for help.  Jake’s brother, Luke. 

“I know you’re at peace and I should be thankful for that, but I can’t be. I never realized what a selfish person I was. You were suffering and all I could do was pray for you not to leave me.”

Is there really such a thing as true love a second time around? Or has Cara had her one chance at true love and lost it? 
Can you help who you fall in love with? Even if Luke can’t love her, he will save her from herself.

My Review:

When we met Cara in book one she and Jake were inseparable from age fifteen.  He was her rock, her savior, her hero in all ways.  Cara is lost without him to hold her up, keep her safe.  She doesn't know what to do with her feelings of loss, so she does the only things she can and stops feeling.  The drugs allow her to forget, to stop dreaming of Jake's voice, his touch.  She can’t live without him her life is over so why bother living.  Not the most mentally healthy way to deal with her grief but Cara is lost.  Luke has been trying to help her, guide her, keep her safe.  But she resists his help at every turn.  Until a tragic accident makes Cara realize she is hurting herself and the only family she has ever known, the Lanza’s.  In an effort to mend her broken life she asks Luke for help and checks into rehab.
In rehab Cara learns about her daddy issues and tries to deal with them as best she can.  She also tries to deal with her tremendous grief over not having a life with Jake.  While she is in rehab she begins to remember a particular incident involving Luke while she was high on drugs and suddenly changes how she looks at Luke.  He has been nothing but committed and helpful in her recovery they begin to start a comfortable friendship they never had before.  But she notices different things about Luke that in all the years she has known him never stood out to her before.

“You’re hot.” She blurted freely and then closed her eyes mentally kicking herself.

Cara and Luke’s building friendship to something much more progressed slowly as it should.  Luke wanted her but he was giving her the time to figure out what she really wanted.  Cara was conflicted feeling that Jake’s family would think badly of her. One brother dies and she picks up the pieces with the one left behind.  Luke is the ultimate sexy, hot, alpha male, protective guy that we all want to have fall in love with us and take care of us.  To top it all off he is a dedicated father to his daughter Ava, the interactions between father and daughter really tug at your heart.

“I know I promised to be patient.” He said gruffly. “I can’t wait any longer Cara. I physically can’t wait anymore.” He leaned into her and with the sexiest voice she had ever heard he all but purred his plea into her ear. “I need to be buried deep inside of you…”

This series was about family and the love and support that we all need and thrive on.  These characters held each other up when they needed it.  They were there to give each other the honest truth that sometimes we don’t want to hear.  Nick and Sam are back to have their baby and get married.  Nick steps up as more of a brother since Jake's passing.  Deb and Joe are highlighted more in dealing with their son’s death and their other son’s growing feelings for his brother’s girl and feeling like he failed his brother and family. The whole family including young Ava has a hand in bringing Cara and Luke together.

“I was just telling Cara a bit of our story.” Deb said before standing up and walking over to her husband.
            “Pretty good story, no?” Joe asked Cara, throwing a wink in for good measure.
            “One of the best ever written.” Cara said sincerely.
            “Makes you want to go write your own, no?” Joe smiled at her before looking at his wife.

Amazon Order Links

Pieces Book 1:

Broken Pieces Book 2:

Fitting the Pieces Book 3:

Facebook – Janine Infante Bosco Author page

Smashwords- Janine Infante Bosco

Good Reads – Author Page

Friday, October 17, 2014

Entwined - The Life of Anna Part 2 by Marissa Honeycutt - COVER REVEAL

Title: Entwined (The Life of Anna, Part 2)
Author: Marissa Honeycutt
Genre: Very Dark Paranormal Erotica
Publication Date: October 29, 2014

Anna has two masters, one she hardly knows, but who makes her feel safe, the other she's known all her life and says he needs her.

Alex wants her to be free.

Devin demands her obedience.

As Anna takes her first steps into the world, into love, into friendship, she wonders if she will ever understand either of them.

There is a subculture within our own world that you’ve only heard whispers of. The conspiracy theorists wish they knew Anna’s story. What the conspiracy theorists think they know is only put out there to keep them from the real story.


This is not a stand-alone novel. This is the second of five novels that tell Anna’s story.


This book is for grown-ups. This book is not for people who are easily offended, get nightmares easily, or have difficulty reading books about tough subjects. I do not glorify bad things, but bad things do happen to my poor characters. This is not your typical love story. My heroine does not fall in love and live happily ever least not like the typical heroine. There is a happily ever after, but it is a long, painful journey to that end.

Anna’s story is told in five, novel-length books.

This book will likely offend you. This book might make you cry; it might make you throw up. It is a dark book. As my friend, Heidi, said, “It’s dark. It gets darker. It gets even darker, and then it gets even more darker. And then, just when you think it can’t get any darker, it does.”

But, don’t worry. I take you to the deep end gradually. ;)

There are many sexual situations in this series of books. People die. People get hurt. Things aren’t always truly the way they appear to be. The antagonist isn’t just a bad guy; he’s EVIL. My heroine’s worldview is skewed; things that may appall you are perfectly normal to her.

Any violence in this book is non-gratuitous and crucial to the plot and character development.

Do not read this if you are under the age of consent in your country. Do not get angry if the subject or actual book upsets you. If you're reading this, you've been warned.


This book series is about a sex slave. Therefore, there is sex in it. Lots of sex (though I took a bunch out. lol). Other disclaimers: Physical abuse, emotional abuse, physical torture, sexual torture, rape, death, violence, violent rape, gang rape, anal sex, regular sex, violent sex, violent anal sex, sex with non-sexual objects, sex with sexual objects, m/f, m/m, f/f, m/f/m, orgies, bloody scenes, disturbing scenes, scenes that might make you throw up or cry, scenes that make my characters throw up and cry, mindfucks, cursing, drug use, multiple snuff scenes, disturbing rituals, manipulation, brain-washing, people in disturbing situations (duh!), imperfect heroes and evil antagonists doing evil things.


Enslaved: The Life of Anna, Part 1

Marissa's story of Anna began with a dream about being kidnapped with Adam Savage from Mythbusters (Yes, really). Over the next year and a half, it morphed into the story you will be reading soon. She has several other stories in progress, one of which is based on her kidnapped dream.

When she's not writing or editing, Marissa is taking care of two young boys, training to be an astronaut, running her household, wrestling with gorillas, playing around on Facebook, promoting whirled peas, and busting her tush for her accounting degree. She enjoys chocolate, air conditioning in the desert's summer heat, really good strawberry margaritas, sleeping, and shopping.



Author Website:

Author GoodReads:

Reader’s discussion & support group for Part 1:

Reader’s discussion & support group for Part 2:

Deleted scenes coming soon to Marissa’s blog:

Sunday, October 12, 2014

The Indulging Series - By D.L. Raver - Release Day Blitz

ON SALE FOR .99cents on Amazon for the first 48hrs 


The Amazon Bestseller, Indulging in Irelyn and
the sequel

Being Zolt, are now together in one book.

Indulging in Irelyn

Warning: Don't read this book if you hate effed up alpha males, strong female leads, hot sex, and a kismet love story six years in the making. Oh yeah and a plot twist that will leave you reeling.

NFL quarterback, Zolt Hamil was America's heartthrob until a career ending injury changed his life. Years later, he's picked up the pieces and carved out a new path for himself. But the mental and physical scars of that day have left him moody and reclusive, and his only relief is indulging in pleasure and pain with his many one night stands. Though many women have tried, Zolt refuses to care about any of them. Only one woman has his heart; a hallucination of a young, sable-eyed, blonde beauty whom he conjured that painful day on the football field.

On the first day at his new job at a law firm in Scottsdale, Arizona, Zolt comes face to face with his hallucination, Irelyn Wilkes. Their fateful connection, and explosive passion for each other pulls them together, and this time, Zolt refuses to let her slip from his life.

But Irelyn has her own demons to fight, and her controlling boyfriend is one of them. He doesn't take kindly to other people playing with his toys, and he'll stop at nothing to keep her by his side.

Can Irelyn and Zolt defy the odds and find a way to be together? Or, will the events set in motion years ago keep them apart forever?

Being Zolt
Irelyn Wilkes was Zolt Hamil's seraph. His angel. His hallucination suddenly real. But her abrupt departure from his life has sent him into a tailspin of nameless women, alcohol, and drugs. When Zolt realizes that Irelyn lied to him, he sobers up and sets into motion a public rescue, making an even greater enemy of Marcus Xavier.

Marcus doesn't take kindly to people taking what is his, and he's not about to let Zolt and Irelyn ride into the sunset without a fight. He's already murdered her brother; taking out Zolt Hamil would make his day

Can Zolt and Irelyn mend their broken relationship and find a way back to each other? Or will Marcus succeed with his plans to separate this fated pair forever?

the Author

Dawna Raver didn't always want to be a writer, but the voices in her head keep sending her stories, ranging from new adult, romantic fantasy and contemporary romance.
When she's not spending time in her fantasy world, Dawna loves football, reading, and pretending she's a top chef in the kitchen. Oh, and fawning over her dogs and husband, sometimes in that order.


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Saturday, October 11, 2014

Want It (Rule Breakers #3) by Jennifer Chance - ARC review

Want It (Rule Breakers, #3)Want It by Jennifer Chance

My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Want It (Rule Breakers #3) by Jennifer Chance

Book three in the Rule Breaker’s series and can be read as standalone.

Erin is a young woman who grew up with a deadbeat mother. Zander a young man, constantly trying to live up to his military father’s expectations. For a while they had each other to lean on but a split second decision changed their lives forever. When Zander and Erin meet up again the sparks fly immediately. She needs his help, he needs to protect her. Can they keep their hands off each other long enough to save Erin’s mother from yet another mishap? Can a past mistake be forgiven? Can love survive four years apart?

Erin Connelly has always been a good girl. She keeps her head down and stays out of trouble. Too bad she can’t say the same for her mother. Her mother has yet again gotten herself into trouble and expects her daughter to get her out of it. Erin soon finds herself cleaning out her bank account and mortgaging her Grans brownstone to rescue her mother from the clutches of a Mexican drug lord. Desperation consumes her, having no idea how to handle this dangerous situation she makes a decision to ask her ex-boyfriend turned Army Ranger for information on how to save her mother. She has no right to ask since she ruined his life four years ago, but she has no choice. Will Zander help her or laugh in her face and turn away from her again like he did that horrible night she betrayed him and broke her heart?

Zander James was planning on following in his father’s and brothers’ footsteps, go to West Point become an officer make a career out of the military. All those plans were lost, one crazy night when the girl he thought he loved ripped it all out from under him with one phone call. He turned his back on her that night, hurt and confused at her actions. After seeing the disappointment in his father’s face, he immediately enlisted in the Army and has been gone for four years. Until he got the call his father passed away. Now he’s back home and the last thing he wants is to see Erin. When she approaches him at his father’s funeral with a crazy scheme to rescue her parents, he can’t let her go alone. He needs to help her and maybe in the process get her out of his system. Can he keep his emotions at bay and get through this op with his heart intact, or will he lose himself in the only girl he ever loved.

My Review:
I really liked Zander right from the first moment we met him. I was not so sure about Erin. She came off as kind of bland and whiny to me. Even though I was not feeling the chemistry between these two characters in the first few chapters I read on. I am so glad I did, this story truly surprised me. When Zander and Erin started off on their adventure into Mexico to rescue her mother it was all sexual tension and angst, I loved it. This is my first Jennifer Chance book and will not be my last. I plan on grabbing the other books in this series for sure. Zander was hot, alpha male protective military guy. Erin started off a bit wishy washy for me, but she pulled it together and I began to like her when she started to be honest with Zander. Through the book these two characters have explosive sexual chemistry and they fall into a bit of a two day affair as they face the dangers ahead. The whole time I held my breath, wondering as the characters did what the future would bring for them when the op was over. There is adventure in this book that will keep you on the edge of your seat. There are emotions that will have you crying for the loss of a parent and never having the chance to say the things you should have said. It’s a roller coaster ride of emotions for both Zander and Erin. This book is about losing love. It’s about the decisions we make in the heat of the moment and how they can affect our lives and the people we love around us. It also showcases the emotional pain of strained parent/child relationships. Emotional, sexy adventure sure to keep your attention. Great love story, highly recommend.

Received an ARC from Netgalley in exchange for an honest review.

View all my reviews

Tuesday, October 7, 2014

REAPER'S STAND (BOOK 4 REAPER'S MC SERIES) by Joanna Wylde - Release Day Blog Tour

Book Four in the Reaper’s MC Series


As Reapers Motorcycle Club president, Reese “Picnic” Hayes has given his entire life to the club. After losing his wife, he knew he’d never love another woman. And with two daughters to raise and a club to manage, that was just fine with him. These days, Reese keeps his relationships free and easy—he definitely doesn’t want to waste his time on a glorified cleaning lady like London Armstrong.

Too bad he’s completely obsessed with her.

Besides running her own business, London’s got her junkie cousin’s daughter to look after—a more reckless than average eighteen-year-old. Sure she’s attracted to the Reapers’ president, but she’s not stupid. Reese Hayes is a criminal and a thug. But when her young cousin gets caught up with a ruthless drug cartel, Reese might be the only man who can help her. Now London has to make the hardest decision of her life—how far will she go to save her family?


I shuddered, and shook my head, burying my face in his shoulder as he started working my clit harder. My hips twisted over his, grinding his cock down hard as the tension built inside me.

“Ladies first,” he whispered, then used his hand on my ass to lift me just enough for him to shove three fingers down deep inside. Holy crap. I don’t know how he pulled it off logistically and I didn't care. All that mattered was the way he filled me up and ground down on my clit at the same time. My heart was beating too fast and I felt dizzy with need and desire and pleasure that wound so tight I thought I might explode. Oh, God… please explode! Then it hit and I bit his shoulder so I wouldn’t scream, waves of ecstasy shattering me. My body went lump over his, and he pulled the hand that’d tortured me free. Then it was at my mouth, pushing inside until I tasted myself all over him as he gripped my jaw in a soft but firm hold.

“You ready to suck my cock?”

I nodded so fast it made me dizzy. Then I slithered down his body, ripping at his jeans and pulling his belt free. He lifted his hips to help me, his erection springing free to slap up against his belly. I’d seen it before, of course, but never quite this close and personal. We hadn't had a normal courtship, and I realized with a shock that we’d only had sex three times, total. Wow. Felt like so much more than that.

A little fission of excitement raced up my spine- there was so much more about him I couldn't wait to learn. I giggled, giddy and he grinned down at me, wrapping his fingers tight into my hair.

“I feel like a kid when I’m with you.”

“I do, too,” I whispered back.

My Review:

This is Reese Hayes story, we all know him better as “Picnic” the dangerous President of the Reapers MC. He’s scary and sexy as hell all at the same time. Even when he’s bad he’s so good. 
London Armstrong is a small business woman, who has had some hardships in her life, but managed to keep it all together. She will do what she has to, to protect her family, even at the expense of her own life and happiness.

We first met Picnic in Reaper’s Property he was kind to Marie showing her pictures of his young daughters. Yet when he needed to be a badass he did it without hesitation. He’s managed to raise his two daughters and run his club without letting his pesky feelings get in the way. He doesn’t have time for complicated entanglements with women. Relationship free since his wife’s passing, he refuses to be tied down and lives his life free and easy. Until London cleans her way into his life and wreaks havoc on his no strings attached world. London needs his help, her young cousin who she’s raised like a daughter is in danger getting herself mixed up with a drug cartel. The only one who can help her is the man who is more dangerous to her heart. Can she save her family? Can she shield her heart? Will Reese be able to deny the pull he feels towards her? All those questions answered and much more in this exhilarating installment of the MC series that has us on the edge of our seats. Hop on for the thrill of a lifetime you won’t regret it.

“London filled my head until I couldn’t hardly think straight.” 

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“Something about him… The way his eyes followed me. Like he wanted to eat me, and not in a nice flower and candle lit dinner kind of way.” 

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Joanna Wylde has done it again. She finally gave us Picnic’s story, the one we all have been waiting for and it’s so worth the wait. 

“I wanted London and I definitely planned to keep her for a while.” 

This installment is packed with excitement, suspense and surprises you won’t believe. I knew I would love Picnic and London’s story, Reaper’s Stand did not disappoint. We are treated to steamy well written sex scenes as well as emotional dramatic revelations. London does things that you will hate her for one minute, then root for her the next. Picnic does things that will make you cringe and feel bad, but then he melts your heart. We are presented with some new characters as well as revisiting with some previous characters like the ever sexy and humorous Horse. As well as the rough around the edges Ruger. Em and Hunter and her sister Kit also show up. Some very emotional scenes between Picnic and his daughters I always find it endearing to read their interactions.

This story is of two very flawed people coming together and learning to accept and forgive each other’s mistakes and see where the future will take them. Picnic and London are made for each other and it shows with the heated chemistry between them.

“This wasn’t sex, it was revenge and it was perfect.” 

“It’s right between us isn’t it? You feel it, too.”


There is a bonus epilogue at the end that will keep you guessing about what the incredible mind of Joanna Wylde has in store for us in future MC books. 

Previous Books in the Reaper’s MC Series

Reaper’s Property (bk 1)
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Reaper’s Legacy (bk 2)
Barnes & Noble:

Devil’s Game (bk 3)
Barnes & Noble:

Author Information
Joanna Wylde

Joanna is a freelance writer living in Coeur d’Alene, Idaho. She started writing fiction in 2002, then took a long hiatus to explore other writing opportunities. She returned to fiction in January 2013 with ‘Reaper’s Property’, the first book in the Reapers Motorcycle Club series.

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