Sunday, January 24, 2016

True love awaits. Passion burns bright…

Carrick is an Alpha werewolf preparing for the annual Pack Gathering. Pack law dictates he must have a mate by his thirty-sixth year or forfeit his rule. But what if he’s already found her and lost her in a swirl of cinnamon-scented dreams? Can this Alpha brave a sea of single wolfy females to find the one woman who enchanted his heart?

She’s a kitty girl, in a wolfy world…

Sage is the curvy owner of the Hot Whips Café. Bound by pack law, even as an adopted cat, she must attend the Gathering for the Alpha to select a new mate. Heading to a wolf ball isn’t high on her list of fun activities, but damned if she can’t get the image of a certain amber-eyed wolf out of her head.

Release date:
February 1, 2016

Publisher: All

Shifter, cat shifter, wolf shifter, m/f, abuse recovery, infamous, monster movies, series, tattoo, coffee shop, cinnamon, erotic romance, novella, alpha, big beautiful woman, bonding, business owner, cafe, cats, cisgender, erotic, felines, heterosexual, infamous, mating bond, paranormal, paranormal romance, rubenesque, shifter romance, shifters, shifters / cats, shifters / felines, shifters / wolves, werewolf romance, wolves

Carrick stood with his back to his second in command, his
wolf pacing beneath his skin. He wanted to break the double doors open and
bound into the woods rather than face the torment waiting for him in the
grounds outside. Women. Hundreds of single wolfy females. All vying for the
privilege of putting his cock and balls into their handbags like some
godforsaken trophy.


Ever year he’d dodged the bullet, but this year one of the
hungry piranha circling his house would become his mate.

Double fuck. He’d been through this before. He already had
one. He just needed to find her, but the elders wouldn’t listen.

“You have to make a choice, Alpha.” Reid crossed the room
and stood in front of him, blocking his view.

Carrick growled and spun away. “I’ll find her.”

Reid’s lips flattened, his dark eyes flashing in his anger. “You know the rules. Thirty-six is the last year an Alpha can rule without a mate by his side. The pack needs an Alpha female to be whole.”

“The pack is stronger than it’s been, or are you forgetting how I got here?”

Reid swallowed and backed up a step. “No. Justin was a horrible Alpha. You were right to destroy him. He was wrong for the Westmore Pack. Evil.”

And the bastard had been. He’d abused his power as Alpha to enslave his pack rather than uplift it. The amount of victims he’d unearthed in the days that followed would disturb him for the rest of his days. He could still see the faces of the women Justin had taken against their will and the shivering form of his sister and the strange girl who stood up to a monster.

Hers was the face that haunted his dreams. Her need reached out to him and made him into who he needed to be to overcome a near impossible situation. He had been up against a being far superior in strength but what he lacked in brawn, he’d more than made up for in sheer bullheadedness. And the
electricity he felt when he touched her. His wolf recognized his mate and so
did he. Now all that remained was to find her. It wasn’t like he hadn’t been
looking. No one knew her name and, with her face partially shifted, her image was only a fleeting ghost in his mind.

“You’re damned right.” Carrick leaned back against his desk and rubbed the bridge of his nose. His father would be proud of the work he’d done. He’d turned the Westmore Estate from a near financial ruin to a lucrative operation centered on the newly formed security company owned by him and his second, Reid. Where people had once feared shifters for their propensity for violence because of Justin and his henchmen, he’d turned the tide and people paid for their protection. Handsomely. So much so that when the media had heard about the weekend’s festivities, he’d been dubbed the Ultimate Bachelor.

It made him fucking nauseous.

The one person he needed to find and he couldn’t and it made him crazy. Now, in a matter of a few days, he would either have to relinquish
his role as Alpha or marry a gold digging piece of arm candy. The closest
person he’d found was a barista at the coffee place he frequented but she
didn’t look anything like the girl in his dreams. And now whenever she saw him coming, she hightailed it for the hills.

But she had popped a whisker.

Just like his goddess.

Jesus. He was losing his shit. Completely.

About the author:

Erzabet Bishop is an award winning author who loves to write
naughty stories. She is the author of Lipstick, Crave, The Science of Lust,
Wicked for You, Arcane Imaginarium: Spirit Board, Holidays in Hell, Mallory’s Mark (upcoming 2016),The Devil’s Due (upcoming 2016), Charity Benshaw’s Enchanted Paddle Emporium (upcoming 2016), Sigil Fire, Glitter Lust (upcoming 2016), Written on Skin, Club Beam, Pomegranate, A Red Dress for Christmas, The Black Magic Café, Fantasies in Red, Sweet Seductions: The Erzabet Bishop Collection, Holiday Cruise, Fetish Fair, Temptation Resorts: Jess, Temptation Resorts: Marnie, Taming the Beast, The Erotic Pagans Series: Beltane Fires, Samhain Shadows and Yuletide Temptation along with being a contributor to many anthologies. Erzabet has been a finalist in the GCLS awards for 2014 and 2015, winning the Goldie for her spot in two anthologies. She has been nominated for the Golden Flogger Award for Crave. She lives in Texas with her husband, furry children and can often be found lurking in local bookstores. She loves to bake,
make naughty crochet projects and watch monster movies. When she isn’t writing, she loves to review music and books.

Follow her reviews and posts on Twitter @erzabetbishop.

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Cover Reveal: Breaking Down - The Garage Series, Book 2 by Holly Renee

Cover Reveal Facebook Cover

Title: Breaking Down
Series: The Garage Series, Book 2
Author: Holly Renee
Genre: Contemporary Romance
Release Date: March 17th, 2016

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Synopsis cover
It had been two months since I laid eyes on the man who made my heart race, set my body on fire, and infuriated me more than anyone I had ever met. It had been two months since Gabe had given me the best night of my life then walked away without a backwards glance.

But today his best friend was marrying my best friend, and avoiding each other was no longer an option. But just like every great Maid of Honor before me, I had a game plan: Don't make direct eye contact, don't be alone with him, and don't trust him.

Gabe had already broken me once, and there was no way I would be breaking down for him again. My happily ever after was buried at the bottom of the rubble where he left my heart.

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Bookaholic, firm believer in grand gestures, and obsessed with happily ever afters.
Holly Renee is from the small town of Maryville, TN where she was born and raised. She currently lives with her husband and fur baby, Luna. (Yes. She was named after Luna Lovegood from Harry Potter.)

Holly Renee is the author of The Garage Series which includes Letting Go and soon to be released Breaking Down.

During the day, Holly spends her time as a nurse, but once her shift ends, she falls deep into her passion of reading and writing.

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Release Blitz: Redeeming Rhys by Mary E. Palmerin

Redeeming Rhys
A Dark Novel
Author: Mary E. Palmerin
Publication Date: January 19, 2016

Are people born pure?
Is evil learned, or is it birthed into one's soul, like a fallen angel who was previously part of graciousness? Rhys is decayed, black, and bad. He cut distortion out of his life years before, but he let her live; his only way to gain redemption once more. As his sinful needs blanket him with dread, he seeks penance from the soul he saw as a second chance. Is absolution too late for Rhys? **Warning, dark scenes depicted heavily throughout this novel. Read the Author's disclaimer carefully before proceeding with this title.**



About Mary E. Palmerin
International bestselling author of the Monster series. Writer of dark, taboo tales. Lover of tattoos, art, and a hopeless book junkie.



Release Boost: Absolution by LP Lovell & Stevie J. Cole

Title: Absolution
Authors: LP Lovell & Stevie J. Cole
Genre: Romantic Suspense
 Release Date: January 11, 2016



I pray to be forgiven for my sins, but the prayers of someone like me won't dare breach the edge of heaven.

Sins. All sins are equal in the eyes of God, but I'm not God. Some sins are far more wretched than others. And those sinners should pay, Evelyn. One sinner made me his sin, and I can't let men like him live. They must face their judgement, Evelyn. I want to kill them. Every. Last. One.

Ezra James is no different, and I wanted to kill him, I needed to kill him, I'm was going to kill him...And then I found myself fascinated by him, obsessed and possessed in the most reverent of ways. I became his sinner, and he became my sin, but the wages of sin is death, so I must kill him.


The son of a whore, raised by gangsters, moulded into a key player in a corrupt world ruled by money and completely without morals.

This world can break a person. I’ve seen it time and time again. I never gave a shit, until the night I watched a man drop dead at the feet of a woman so broken she made even me feel whole. My little killer called to my depravity and everything in me demanded that I take her, possess her, own her.

Some monsters hide behind the faces of angels, where others stand in plain sight.

Damned. Broken. Irredeemable.

Through blood, absolution shall be found.

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LP Lovell

Lauren Lovell is an indie author from England. She suffers from a total lack of brain to mouth filter and is the friend you have to explain before you introduce her to anyone, and apologise for afterwards.

She's a self-confessed shameless pervert, who may be suffering from slight peen envy.

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Stevie J. Cole

Stevie J. Cole is a secret rock star. Sex, drugs and, oh wait, no, just sex. She’s a whore for a British accent and has an unhealthy obsession with Russell Brand. She and LP plan to elope in Vegas and breed the world’s most epic child.

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Blog Tour: Watch - Watching Serial #3 by Bethany James

Title: Watch
Series: Watching Serial #3
Author: Bethany James
Genre: Erotic Romance Serial
Release Date: January 19, 2016

“Do you like to watch?” He whispers this question into my ear as he tugs my thong to the side. 

I don't answer him, but stay there in the shadows, and watch the couple in the VIP room. I can't look away. Watching them is turning me on more than anything ever has before. 

Do I like to watch? 


Bethany James was born and raised in Florida, and currently resides in Tampa. When she isn’t writing you can most likely find her with her nose buried in a book.

“Warning, do not read this book if you are sitting in line of the carpool lane waiting for you kids to get out of school. You will be panting hard and parents will notice. True story!” ~ Watching (Watching Vol. 1) Nerdy, Dirty & Flirty 5 Star Review
“Sweet Jesus. I think that my lady bits are still on fire. Seriously. Please send Jack to my home immediately to dose the fire out with his tongue!!” ~ Watched (Watching Vol. 2) Maine Book Momma 5 Star Review