My rating: 5 of 5 stars
I was lucky enough to receive a Netgalley copy of Devil's Game, when I got the email I literally screamed and jumped up and down, my husband thought I lost my mind. Then knowing me he said “You got a new book didn’t you?” I grabbed it and started reading it immediately.
Joanna Wylde is truly an extraordinary writer and definitely my favorite.
I was excited about Devil's Game but unsure how she would be able to pull it off. How do you get us to love a guy who started off as a kidnapper although a gorgeous kidnapper? Somehow she managed to retell events from Reapers Legacy from two other POVs and actually not completely retell a story we already knew. She just picked it up and filled in the missing pieces from Hunter and Em’s perspective of the kidnapping and it worked so well. I never felt confused or like she missed anything that we would have known from Reapers Legacy.
As I read the prologue I laughed out loud at some parts and was sad at the more emotional parts. I was nice to get a glimpse of Picnic and his wife and the girls when they were a whole family. We also find out where Liam came from which helps to understand who he is now. From chapter one I said ok she got me I love Liam, then no wait I hate Liam, nope now I love him again.
It was a fun, sexy roller coaster ride of emotions throughout the book. I also doubted how she would get Picnic to actually give Liam a chance and somehow she did it without making it silly or not true to the character of Picnic that we already know as a hard ass especially when it comes to his girls. But don’t for a second think he makes it easy for Liam and neither does Em.
What can I say about Em she has to be the most kickass heroine I have ever read and I love her she is my favorite of the entire series. My favorite heroine of all time. Not once was she a whining poor me kind of female character. She does some things to Liam that just make me fall off my chair she is such a tough chic.
Now I will not so patiently (lol) wait for Picnic’s story because yes Joanna makes us love him even more in Devils Game. Between his love of his club and his love for his daughters I can’t get enough of him.
The heart to hearts he has with Em and her sister just made me melt. Even though he’s a big ole man whore we love him and I think he needs a good woman to put him in his place. His book promises to be a lot of fun to read.
Devil's Game is a fantastic addition to an already amazing series the attention to the detail into the MC world and the character development makes it a top notch read.
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