Sunday, January 17, 2016

Cover Reveal: - Cover Up - Cover Series 2 by Kim Black

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Emily Roberts is a confused woman.

While her heart feels entangled with Julien’s, her mind fights for the man who had always been true to her—Adam. Feeling that she can never trust Julien again, she tries to move on, but the heart will not be ignored. Even after all Julien has done, she still yearns for his touch…

Julien Belmont never meant to hurt Emily.

One night, one mistake, one lie cost him the love of his life, and he is left with no choice but to watch her leave. When Julien causes Emily to have an accident, the guilt he feels is unbearable.
Determined to get her back, he tries to cut his ties to the only thing standing in the way of his happiness—his wife.

But all is fair in love and war.

Cutting ties with a woman scorned is never easy…

Sexy nude man

The Series
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About the Author

International Amazon Bestselling Author, Kim Black is a born and raised New Yorker. She is engaged to a wonderful man and loves spending time at home with her family. She currently resides in Bronx, NY, but is a true Brooklyn girl. You can take the girl out of Brooklyn…

From the time Kim picked up her first book at her middle school library, she fell in love with the feeling of getting lost in another world. Books became her escape and she dove headfirst into the many books she loved with joy. She strives to provide that same feeling for her readers.

In 2011, she was introduced to the world of erotic romance and fell in love with the genre, reading any and everything she could get her hands on. By the following year, she decided to take a chance at self-publishing an erotic romance series and thankfully she has been fortunate enough to have gained a fan base, though she still finds it unbelievable.

While Kim Black may be known for her angst and suspenseful, sexy romances, she is working on branching out into other romance genres.

Kim holds a Degree in Graphic Design and Animation and is the CEO of a new publishing services company, TOJ Publishing Services, where she provides authors with custom graphics, marketing and promotional services.

She is also a proud member of Romance Writers of America and is a part of two of their chapters: RWA-NYC and KOD-RWA. ♥

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Release Boost: Sunset at Lake Crane by Casey Hagen

Title: Sunset at Lake Crane
Series: Livingston Valley #1
Author: Casey Hagen
Genre: Contemporary Romance
 Release Date: January 12, 2016


Love, truth, and pain lie buried beneath the Sunset at Lake Crane . . .

Faced with a blackmailer’s ultimatum, 19-year-old Erynn O’Neal protects her lover by disappearing from his life. Brokenhearted, she vanishes—and takes a life-altering secret with her.

Grant Alexander crossed the line when he took former student, Erynn O’Neal, as his own a mere two months after her high school graduation. Knowing the truth revealed would shred his career and reputation, he accepted the risks in exchange for the promise of a lifelong love. A heartbeat later, Erynn abandoned him without a word.

Years pass as Grant and Erynn lead separate lives–he as a reclusive author, she as an ambitious reporter. Yet, despite scarred hearts, true love lost is never forgotten, and Grant devises a way to draw Erynn back into his sphere of passion. Their aching hearts begin a tentative détente, but old jealousies flare, devastating truths come to light, and Grant and Erynn must resurrect and overcome the painful secrets of the past if they’re ever to love again.

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He stood in front of his desk, tension radiating from the ri-gidity of his shoulders when he asked in a rough voice, “What’s his name?” At the change in Grant’s voice, Brewster sat up on his bed and glanced back and forth between them.


“You love him?”

She turned to him, hoping he would get the point when she said, “I do.”

She saw it. The flash of hurt before he masked it. “So it’s se-rious?”

“We own a home together.”

He shook his head. “That’s not an answer.”

She held her hands up, palms out. “It’s the only one I have.”

He stalked her, a predatory gleam in his eye. She knew the look—in the right situation, that look alone could get her half-way to a mind-shattering orgasm. Something she hadn’t experi-enced since him. Talk about the wrong time to acknowledge that only he had the power to turn her inside out with pleasure, almost to the point of pain.

“And what about us?”

Her heart tumbled in her chest. She held eye contact. She needed him to understand. So that no matter how close he got, no matter what he did, she would not back down. “There is no us.”

“We kissed,” he whispered. His eyes locked on her mouth. She struggled to keep still and not squirm under his intense stare.

“You kissed me. There’s a difference.”

“You kissed me back.” He laughed without humor. “There’s something. At some point, we’ll have to address it.”

She took a deep breath and tried another tactic. “Aren’t you seeing someone? I mean, you went somewhere Saturday night, a sleepover.”

He smirked at her. “I see someone.”

“So it’s not serious?” The words were out before she thought about what she had done, and his smile grew. She’d showed an interest. She’d screwed up, and his smug expression said he was celebrating his victory.

“I don’t do serious.”

His tone invited no argument, but the reporter in her wanted to know. So did the woman. “Why?”

“I just don’t.”

It was her turn to smirk at him. “Now who’s full of it?”

“Don’t,” he bit out.

“Can’t handle it?”

With surprising speed, he spun toward her. He leaned his face within inches of hers, the muscle along his jaw jumping. “Can you, Erynn? Can you handle it?”

“Absolutely.” She stood her ground, leaning toward him with almost as much aggression as he’d leveled at her. “I don’t do serious because—” He closed his eyes, and when he opened them again she saw more agony in those their depths than she thought possible. “I’ll never give another woman enough of me that she has the power to gut me when she walks away. Not. Ever. Again.”

Author Bio

Casey Hagen is a debut contemporary romance author releasing her first book, Falling in Fiji, in October. She writes her stories from the dense, green wilderness of the Delaware National Forest, Middle of Nowhere, Pennsylvania. She’s a born and raised Vermont native with Ben & Jerry’s in her heart and real Vermont maple syrup pumping through her veins.

Over the years, Casey has dabbled in a wide variety of professions. She worked in the States Attorney’s office, created beautiful works of art as a florist, slaved to the public in retail, taught preschool (and potty trained eleven two-year-olds at the same time), and finally, she owned and operated her own residential cleaning business for over a decade. She is also the new Vice President of the Penn Jersey Women Writers Guild.

Casey is the proud mother of three girls, two of which are successful college students…yay! She resides with her youngest daughter, husband, and two cats. Her days are spent in her new office that she proudly admits they would need dynamite to blast her out of! When she’s not working she can be found chasing after her youngest with a camera (much to her youngest daughter’s embarrassment) or on the golf course with her real life hero!

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Release Blast: The Virgin Auction by Jessa Fox

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Jessa Fox 
Releasing on January 15, 2016

She’s selling her virginity. He’s been secretly obsessed with her for years. They’ve only got one night together, better make it count.

She’s the last virgin on earth, at least that’s what it feels like to Kyle. Now she’s auctioning her virginity online in order to pay for medical school and give money to charity. She has no idea what she’s getting herself into, but she’s committed, and now there’s no turning back.

Caspian has been secretly obsessed with Kyle since the day they met years ago. He’s kept tabs on her for all of these years, and when he sees she’s auctioning her virginity, he knows there’s no way he’s going to let anyone else touch her. Ever.

The rules state that he gets one night with her, but rules are made to be broken.

“I want you to feel comfortable with me and with everything that we do. I need you to know that I would never do anything to hurt you.”
“Ok, I think I’m beginning to see that.”
“Good, I want you to trust that everything we do will be for your pleasure, and mine too, but mine will be second to yours.”
His words had me mesmerized as I tried to envision what exactly he was talking about.
“I want to introduce you to things that are beyond your expectations.”
“I would like that too. I hope that I’m able to satisfy you as well. I’m not completely inexperienced, I’ve done a…”
He stopped me just then, and put his finger over my lips.
“It doesn’t matter to me what you’ve done or haven’t done before, all that I care about is right now, being here with you. Everything from this moment on is all that matters.”


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Hi, my name is Jessa Fox. I’m a professional by day and an erotica writer by night. There’s nothing I love more than writing all of the smutty stories that are in my head and bringing them to life. I specialize in writing down all the taboo, sexy scenarios that we all wish we could experience, at least once.

But maybe that’s just me.

I’m also a wife and mom, and dutiful member of the Parent’s Association. Shh, don’t tell.

Jessa Fox is my pseudonym, because no one knows about all of the kinky stories and characters I love to create. They would never imagine all of the dirty thoughts running through my mind.

I hope you enjoy my stories as much as I love writing them. If you’re looking for a quick smutty treat, you came to the right place.