Saturday, June 11, 2016

Book Tour: All the Rage by T.M. Frazier


Are you ready to meet Rage?
Now is your chance!
All The Rage by T.M. Frazier is LIVE!

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They call me Rage.
My real name is like a shadow, always close behind, but never quite able to catch up.
I fly under the radar because no one ever suspects I’m capable of the kind of brutal violence I commit each and every day.
You see, I’m a girl. I’m nineteen.
And I'm a killer.
This life is all I know. It s all I want to know. It keeps the s**t buried that I need kept buried. It allows me to live without thinking too much.
Without dwelling on the past.
Until him.
It all changes when an ordinary boy becomes my next target.
And my first love.
I have to choose.
The only life I ve ever known has to die, or he does.
Either way, I ll be the one pulling the trigger...
All the Rage is a STANDALONE

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It was once said that if you love someone enough you should let them go.  If they come back to you, they were always meant to be yours.  
It's kind of bullshit.
My story was a little different than most.  I was a little different than most.  
Because in my story, if you love someone enough, you should first drop the gun.  

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About the Author
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T.M. (Tracey Marie) Frazier resides in sunny Southwest Florida with her husband and three feisty fur kids.

She attended Florida Gulf Coast University where she specialized in public speaking. After years working in real estate and new home construction, she decided it was finally time to stop pushing her dreams to the back burner and pursue writing seriously.

In the third grade she wrote her very first story about a lost hamster. It earned rave reviews from both her teacher and her parents.

It only took her twenty years to start the next one.
It will not be about hamsters.

Stalk Her: Website, Facebook, Twitter, Amazon, and Goodreads.




ARC Review: Hanging Pawns by Emersyn Vallis

Hanging Pawns (Fate Series, #2)Hanging Pawns by Emersyn Vallis

My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Mea and Josh are an unlikely couple from the start. She wants no ties and prefers to hide in the shadows, while Josh has a bigger than life persona. From the moment Josh meets Mea he can’t help but want to bring her out of her shell to show her the light and fun side of life.

My Review: 5 Stars

This is the second book in the Fated series and I absolutely loved it I breezed through reading it in a day. Adjournment took me a few days much longer and a lot going on. This story flow really well and goes back in time to introduce us the Mea and Josh and how they become a couple and part of the motley crew from friends from the previous book.

Mea’s home life was anything but ideal, coming from wealth you would think she had it all. But its quite the opposite. Mea’s family is cold, her mother uncaring and her father too weak to stop her from making Mea’s life miserable. Her sisters are cruel and shun her at every turn.

Josh brings a whole new world into Mea’s life, he makes her realize that life can be fun. She doesn’t have to be alone. His sweetness and love for Mea drew me in from the moment he skipped in line in front of her at the college in an effort to get her to talk to him.

We also get the McAllister triplets and their pranks against the not so innocent Morgan and Molly Chandler twins. I was also interested in poor Simon nursing his broken heart after leaving his one true love Sidney behind. Morgan and Molly and the guys take Mea into their fold of friends and chaos without question. I loved the fun they all seem to have.

The story is not without heartbreak when Mea is confronted by the harshness of her family’s rejection. But Josh and her new found family of Morgan, Molly and the triplets help to get her through the devastation.

This was truly my favorite of the series so far, it answers some of my questions from the first book that had left me a little confused. Gain this author doesn’t write as much sexual heat in her books as I usually like but this series doesn’t need it. The heat that is there is well written. I look forward to seeing how these guys and gals end up.


View all my reviews