Friday, December 18, 2015

Blog Tour: Rehab - Intoxicated Series Book 3 by Eden Rose

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All of your questions are about to be answered and some sh*t has hit the fan. Will Savannah and Vincent be able to live happily ever after? Will their
relationship withstand prison and FBI agents?

Between you and me, who knows what's about to happen!

Freshly home from their nuptials and honeymoon, Savannah and Vincent begin to understand that the honeymoon is over. With the wedding present of her own
real estate firm, Savannah realizes that she has a lot more to take care of and it's not as easy as she and Anne originally thought. Now the wives of made
men, they have to work harder to separate themselves from the family. It's important that they are not grouped into the underworld with their new business.

Vincent is back to doing whatever he did before their wedding but there's agents who are lurking around their private life more. However, one agent is
determined to bring him and the Lucky Family down no matter what.

Joel died.

Who killed Joel? That is the question and even though Savannah suspects she knows who did it, the truth won't set anyone free. The FBI have inserted
themselves into their life and they are not leaving.

What happens if Vincent goes to prison? What does that mean for Savannah? What does that mean for everyone else?

This conclusion has sensitive subjects such as infertility, babies and murder.

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My name is Eden Rose and it's a pleasure to meet you. I have been writing for a long time and once I picked a topic, I couldn't stop writing. My books are
very special to me because in some aspect I have had experience in the subject matter one way or another. I love reading romance but I like the main male
lead to be a real bad boy, not one who thinks they are bad.

I live in Michigan with my husband and three fur babies! I can be found taking my dog for walks all over town or in a quiet corner reading. I have two
degrees in history and criminal justice from a small private college in Michigan where I also joined a sorority.

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Blog Tour: Eerie by C.M. McCoy

by C.M. McCoy
Release Date:  15 Dec 2015
Omnific Publishing with distribution through Simon & Schuster


Being a ParaScience freshman is a nightmare come true

Hailey’s dreams have always been, well...vivid. As in monsters from her nightmares follow her into her waking life vivid. When her big sister goes missing, eighteen-year-old Hailey finds the only thing keeping her safe from a murderous 3,000-year old beast is an equally terrifying creature who’s fallen “madly” in love with her. Competing to win her affection, the Dream Creature, Asher, lures her to the one place that offers safety—a ParaScience university in Alaska he calls home. There, she studies the science of the supernatural and must learn to live with a roommate from Hell, survive a tunneling earworm, extract a carnivorous splinter, evade the campus poltergeists, and hope the only creature who can save her from an evil immortal doesn’t decide to kill her himself.   

Watch the awesome book trailer:

Early praise for EERIE:

“5 stars! I felt there was a mash-up between Hogwarts, Xavier Institute for Exceptional Youngsters, and Beauty and the Beast, AND I LOVED IT! The creatures, the classes, the college, the Middle of Nowhere! How awesome!”
 - Truth About Books by A. Fae on EERIE

“I would definitely buy this series. I really loved these characters. It read very quickly, and the Alaska jokes really got me giggling.
 - Confessions of a Book Whore, Jamie S. on EERIE

“EERIE is Harry Potter meets Twilight meets the Bible with a little bit of the abusive/controlling 50 Shades male mixed in. This is a really fast-paced, exciting novel. There is plenty of drama, romance, mystical beings and mystery to keep you flipping the pages and promising yourself "just one more chapter" before bed. And then before you know it, ten o'clock turns into two in the morning...again.”
 - Amanda's Own Little Corner Book Reviews

About C.M. McCoy:   C.M. McCoy is an Irish dancer and former Air Force officer living in the Great White North. Though B.S.'d in Chemical Engineering and German, she’s far happier writing stories involving Alaska and a body bag (with an awkward kiss in the mix.) While working emergency dispatch for Alaska State Troopers, she learned to speak in 10-codes, which she still does...but only to annoy her family.

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PRE-ORDER EERIE for $2.99:
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RAFFLECOPTER $50 Gift Card Giveaway (3-31 Dec)

Here's an excerpt:

A Guarded Girl
“Of all forms of caution, caution in love is perhaps the most fatal to true happiness.”
Bertrand Russell

Hailey stared at the empty can on her tray, silently willing the caffeine to kick in. The last thing she needed was to fall asleep, dream of monsters, and have an “episode” in front of her 200 closest non-friends.
No way she’d let that happen.
Now if only her droopy eyelids would cooperate, because the hard plastic chair under her butt sure wasn’t. The dang thing was teasing her and feeling mighty comfy, like a puffy armchair, and she was sinking fast. Thankfully, though, just as her head bobbed, the bell rang, jolting her into a wide-eyed, full-body spasm.
Great. Real smooth, she thought, rubbing her face with both hands as a few gigglers shuffled past.
She groaned, rising with all the enthusiasm of a mushroom, not at all looking forward to another two hours inside the social torture chamber, or as everyone else referred to it, South Side High School.
She was so intent on avoiding the students there for the rest of her senior year that she rarely looked up from her books anymore, and those last two hours dragged. When three o’clock finally rolled around, she bolted outside, took the first open seat on the bus, rested her head against the window, and let it bounce there. She was just about to make it through another day of school very happily unnoticed, when Tage Adams smacked her on the back of the head.
“Ah!” she yelled, startled from sleep.
The bus was waiting at their stop, like normal, and Tage was waiting for her in the aisle, politely—not normal.
Tucking a wayward strand behind her ear, she hurried off the bus.
Tage followed.
“What’s up with you today?” he said nonchalantly, adjusting his pace to walk next to her.
He’d never done that before.
“Nothing,” Hailey said, surprised Tage was talking to her. They’d been catching the bus at the same stop for four years, and he’d never so much as looked at her.
“You’re usually not like that, that’s all.”
“Like what?”
“Nodding off in class, falling asleep on the bus…you know, slacking off. It’s just, you know, you usually have your nose in a book.”
He watches me?
“Oh,” she said, unsure.
“Guess you were working late last night…St. Paddy’s Day…”
“Yeah.” Of course she was working late. Her family owned the most popular Irish pub in Pittsburgh. Hailey pressed her lips together. Small talk was not her thing. Especially not with him.
Her mind went blank.
Searching the pavement for a thought, she chewed her lip as too many seconds stretched the silence. Finally the pressure forced her good sense aside and she opened her mouth to say…anything.
“Well, see ya ‘round, Dancing Queen.”
She snapped her mouth shut and waved as he peeled off and trotted down Bridge Street. She tried to form the word, “bye,” but all that came out was “buh—”. Standing dumbfounded, she stared after him. She hadn’t realized Tage knew she existed, let alone the fact that she waitressed. And danced.
Stunned, Hailey walked, then jogged, then stopped dead to puzzle over what had just happened. Then she jogged again until she finally reached the pub.
Nobody at that school “chatted” with Hailey. Not since the fourth grade, not since the day a particularly mean girl concocted a particularly ugly rumor—that Hailey had started the fire that killed her parents. The whispers and sideways glances lasted close to a year, and in trying to defend herself, Hailey only made things worse. By the time she figured out that nobody else believed in pyromaniac-nightmare-monsters, it was too late. She’d already earned the label, “weirdo,” which, unfortunately, stuck.
Here's a teaser:

Nowhere to Hide
“Judge of your natural character by what you do in your dreams.”
- Ralph Waldo Emerson 

Hailey plunked her head on the desk and groaned. Why, why…why couldn’t she just tell Asher that she wanted out, that she was afraid—afraid of the others, afraid of dying, and even afraid of…of him. After all, he was planning to kill her. Only temporarily, but still.
She couldn’t believe she was even considering it, but she had no choice. If Asher didn’t kill her, one of the others would.
And Asher protected her. He cared about her. He loved her, right? Asher—an emotionless creature. Hailey wasn’t sure if he was even capable of love.
Oh, this made absolutely no sense. Kill her to save her? Was that love?
Freshman year at her dream college was turning into nightmare, and as she rolled her forehead on the desk, the library’s impossibly large ceiling clock echoed a thump with her heart. She simply had to pull on her big girl pants and tell Asher she was done.
That’s all.
She squeezed her eyes shut as a swarm of butterflies took flight in her stomach.
Lately, she felt an awful lot like Jekyll and Hyde: logical, rational ParaScience student by day—emotional monstrosity at night. Come to think of it, this was more like The Phantom of the Opera, and she was the naïve student who didn’t realize the secret and strange angel she’d come to know was actually a homicidal maniac…
“I’m not a maniac.”
Hailey jumped up. She didn’t mean to say that out loud.
Asher slid behind her, putting his lips next to her ear. “But I suppose I am homicidal,” he whispered, his breath on her skin sending goose bumps down her arms and legs.
She leaned into him and sighed.
So much for steadfast resolve.
Wrapping his arms around her waist, he pulled her closer.
 “How did you know I was here?” she whispered.
“You were dreaming, Hailey,” he murmured. “I’ll always find you when you’re dreaming.”

Cover Reveal: Distraction by Aurora Rose Reynolds

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Fall in love with Maggie & Sven in Distraction by
Aurora Rose Reynolds
RELEASE DATE:  Early 2016
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Distraction: The great intensity, novelty, or attractiveness of something other than the object of attention.

Sven is a man who takes pride in his ability to separate himself from his emotions. He's a man who knows who he is and where he’s going in life, a man who needs no one, because needing someone, anyone, is a weakness.

His past taught him love isn’t enough.  

Maggie wants the happily ever after, but has never picked the right men, or stuck around long enough, to build a forever. It’s always been easier to get out early, before emotions make things messy.
When Maggie wakes up naked in Sven’s bed, with no memory of the night before, these two must be honest about their feelings and face their fears, so they can build a future together.

Will love be enough for them to get their happy ending together, or will a threat from outside strike them down before they ever have a chance?

Additional Books in the Underground Kings Series

Assumption (Book 1)
Barnes & Noble:

Obligation (Book 2)
Barnes & Noble:

About the Author:
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Aurora Rose Reynolds is a navy brat who's husband served in the United States Navy. She has lived all over the country but now resides in New York City with her Husband and pet fish. She's married to an alpha male that loves her as much as the men in her books love their women. He gives her over the top inspiration everyday. In her free time she reads, writes and enjoys going to the movies with her husband and cookie. She also enjoys taking mini weekend vacations to nowhere, or spends time at home with friends and family. Last but not least she appreciates everyday and admires it's beauty.

Blog Tour & ARC Review: Dirty Ink by K. Renee

Dirty Ink BT Banner

Dirty Ink Ebbok

Dirty Ink
Book One in the Dirty Love Series
Cover Photo by Darren Birks
Front Cover Model: Khandace Charest
Cover Design: KLa Boutique

Dirty Ink

**Warning** Suggested for 18 and over. Contains BDSM and explicit sex scenes. May also contain triggers.
Brielle Tyler is a twenty-five year old college student, trying to find her place in the world.

Hudson Knox is a thirty year old tattoo artist who has been building up his tattoo shop, Dirty Ink.

Brielle's long term boyfriend breaks up with her and she finds herself going to a tattoo shop to break free of her good girl shell.

Once Hudson inks Brielle's skin in his shop, he can't stop thinking about the fiery raven haired beauty.

A chance encounter a week later, throws Hudson and Brielle together for the ride of their lives.

Add it to your TBR on GoodReads!
Purchase Links:

Walking with her towards the door, I see a few of the women do double takes, and a few of the men check her ass out....
As much as I want to kill any mother fucker who goes near her, I know I have to be fair since the women stare at me too.
“You know, everywhere you go, you get women staring at you like you’re the answer to their prayers,” she says, wrapping her arm around my waist and pulling me closer.
“Mmm I love when you get a little jealous baby girl,” I murmur against her hair.
“You won’t like it when I have to go all ghetto white girl on their asses for getting too close to you,” she huffs out.
“It might turn me on,” I reply.
Her head snaps towards me, and she gets a strange look on her face.
“You wouldn’t get mad if I went off on some girl who was hitting on you?”
I shake my head no, and her mouth drops open, “Really?”
“No, I wouldn’t. I’d think it’s sexy as fuck that my girl only wanted my attention on her, and would do anything to make that happen. Now I’m not saying start shit with every woman, but pick your battles.”
She nods her head, and I stop and look for the car from my parking lot earlier. Walking her over to her car, I open her car door, and help her inside. But before I close the door, she pulls me in for one last kiss.
“Are you the jealous type?” she mumbles against my lips.
“Yeah baby, so I suggest you start dressing like a nun, unless you want to see me go bat shit on the next man who thinks about touching what’s mine.”

Image and video hosting by TinyPic

**Warning** Suggested for 18 and over. Contains BDSM and explicit sex scenes. May also contain triggers.

Brielle Tyler is bored with her life and especially bored with her boyfriend of five years. Seth doesn’t make her feel sexy or even loved for that matter. Contemplating why she’s even with him is a daily occurrence. Seth catches her in the act of pleasuring herself and instead of asking to help her out he is disgusted and later that day breaks up with her over text message. Hardly upset at all Brielle decides some changes are in order for this twenty-five year old college student. First stop a tattoo shop to get her first ink. The owner of the shop blows her away with his charming smile, tattooed muscled body and his creative designs. Too bad he turns out to be a jerk by the time he’s done with her tattoo, oh well he could have been fun.

Hudson Knox is the owner and operator of Dirty Ink tattoo shop. He long ago decided after a terrible experience that messing around with his clients was a big mistake. He’s been steadfast at keeping to that promise to himself until a dark haired sexy as sin girl walks into his shop for her first tattoo. An uncomfortable sense of possessiveness takes over Hudson the minute his needle hits her smooth and creamy skin. He shakes off the urge to take her make her his opting to be a jerk and push her away.
Fate had other ideas, when a mutual friend unknowingly sets them up on a blind date they both realize quickly their attraction is too strong to resist.

Brielle is a tough girl who has been through a lot but has still allowed people, like her now ex-boyfriend to drag her down make her feel unworthy of love. When she finally decides to make major changes in her life is when she blossoms. Meeting Hudson is a whirlwind of fun, crazy sex and emotions she never thought she could feel for a man. Hudson wants to claim her bring her into his world. She is intrigued and wonders if her fantasies that she has never shared with anyone can be fulfilled by this tattooed beautiful man.

Hudson is just plain hot. His BDSM lifestyle was a surprise to me as it was to Brielle. He pegs her as a submissive from the start. He slowly brings BDSM into their sex life, K. did a great job of incorporating BDSM into this story tastefully. Their love grows quickly and Hudson comes to know he would do anything to protect this girl. When danger lurks around every corner he can’t help be fear for Brielle’s safety.

I always enjoy K. Renee’s stories. Hudson and Brielle are a smoking hot couple, their relationship does move fast but that’s ok sometimes that works and it does for this story. The side characters like Brielle’s best friend Reilly were really great to read. I was very curious about Reilly and Ethan’s relationship which is only hinted at being a D/s relationship I wonder if we will get a book for them. There is an element of suspense I did not expect as well, someone is watching Brielle and Hudson. Who could it be? Is it someone after Brielle or after Hudson? His ex or her ex? Lots of possibilities which makes the reader want more.


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About the Author:
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K. Renee is from sunny, California. Creative by nature, she decided to put her imagination to paper. K. Renee is an avid reader. During the day she works in an office and at night she writes. These stories have been in her head for years and are finally coming out on paper.

Book Blitz: Walking Heartbreak by Sunniva Dee

Walking Heartbreak
Sunniva Dee
Publication date: December 17th 2015
Genres: New Adult, Romance, Suspense

Don’t judge me.

I am not what you see.

I am the opposite.

—Nadia’s lipstick note on Bo’s mirror.

Indie-rocker Bo Lindgren is worshiped for his looks and musical genius. It’s been lonely at the top since his ex left. Bo will never take a girlfriend again though, because he doesn’t have the chops to love. He knows he’s poison, a heartbreak waiting to happen for anyone he allows too close—like his ex. Bo screws his way through the fangirls until he’s sick of it all. Until the dark gaze of Nadia Vidal appears in the door to his dressing room.
Saved from an arranged marriage by Jude, the love of her life, Nadia eloped and got married at nineteen. But now, two years later, life is wilted, dead, and not what anyone should have to endure.
Nadia, with her secret-keeper eyes and instant understanding of who Bo is, attracts and fascinates him without even trying. The ring gleaming on her finger should keep them apart, but morals can’t always resist destiny.
When brokenhearted meets heartbreaker, whose heart is really at stake?
WH Obsession is music

Her moods flow in gentle waves. The coffee of her irises swims with sadness then lifts into whiskey gold with the twang of my guitar. Left to ourselves in the back lounge, our silence is sinuous, laced with stories from my hometown, Skala, and Nadia’s anecdotes from growing up in a cult. But when we’re quiet, my fingers itch and find my guitar. Toy with strings and enunciate emotions she tries to conceal.
Sometimes, my riffs turn to ballads while lyrics splash out in patches of color in my head. Sometimes, when Nadia curves a hip to get comfortable, my gaze float to her waist and shifts to her chest. The game of my chords turns loaded, adding a steady, slow beat, the way I do to make her climb when we’re together.
Without words, she still hears my hunger. Watches my fingers work metal strings with a need that becomes X-rated. And she sits up. Joins her legs and lowers her chin to her knees, demure, secretive, hiding behind her hair in shyness and not understanding that she’s sexier than ever.
All these females. So many women and vixens with a past, a present, and a future—a full life I never wanted to be a part of. But now, I crave to bury deep under the skin of a single girl who is not single.
It’s been a while since I spoke last, so my voice rasps deep when I say, “You kill me.”
“I don’t want to kill you. Do you know the person you are? How talented you are? You deserve so much, Bo, you don’t even know, and the last thing you need is dead weight like me.”
Walking Heartbreak rectangular Ad

Author Bio:
Sunniva was born in Norway, the Land of The Midnight Sun, but spent her early twenties making the world her playground. Southern Europe: Spain, Italy, Greece—Argentina: Buenos Aires, in particular. The United States finally kept her interest, and after half a decade in California, she now lounges in the beautiful city of Savannah. Sunniva has a Master's degree in Spanish, which she taught until she settled in as an adviser at an art college in the South.
Sunniva writes New Adult fiction with soul. Sometimes it's with a paranormal twist, like in Shattering Halos, Stargazer, and Cat Love. At other times, it's contemporary, as in Pandora Wild Child, Leon's Way, Adrenaline Crush, and now Walking Heartbreak.
Sunniva is the happiest when her characters take over, let their emotions run off with them, shaping her stories in ways she never foresaw. She loves bad-boys and good-boys run amok, and like in real life, her goal is to keep you on your toes until the end of each story.


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