My rating: 5 of 5 stars
When we first met Beau and Danni it seemed to be just a casual fling.
As we read about them in each installment of Evie and Ryder's story we found out that it was so much more than that for both of them. But neither was will to be the first to admit it for fear of a broken heart.
Back in "Redeemed" Beau makes a horrible mistake that has Danni running away from him.
Realizing he loves her more than he ever loved anyone he goes into a downward spiral into alcohol.
In Reckless Danni comes to Cincy to help Beau recover from his alcoholism. Beau will do anything to get Danni to notice he is changed man and all for her the love of his life.
Its almost immediately that this couple has "the talk" and decide they want to give it a shot. I like the the author didn't drag out the "getting back together" part. The book was dedicated to the love that this couple has and how they deal with moving forward. Handling a few surprises along the way.
The love the have for each other is so strong it was very heartwarming to read.
We also get to find out what's going on with Evie and Ryder and their new baby Max is born.
Jude and Sadie are back, Jude is a clueless as ever to Sadies feelings and continues to deny them to everyone.
Kris and Jessie are back trying to have a baby of their own.
We also get to see the guys from Eternal Down too love them. :)
Danni's parents Dan and Brenda join the group and they are just too much, comic relief as well as loving parents.
I am so looking forward to Kris and Jessie's back story, which is the next book.
And I will wait not so patiently for Jude and Sadies story because I believe that one will be my favorite.
I fell in love with this group of misfits from the first book, Rockers and the women they adore *sigh*. The author really conveyed a sense of family to me with this wonderful group of people.
Give me more more more!!
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