My rating: 3 of 5 stars
I am not sure how I feel about this installment.
I like the relationship between Brian and Hallie when its sweet and you can feel that they love each other. I am a bit confused as to why they broke up I think it had something to do with his family and her background. The blackmail thing is kind of unbelievable but I guess its fiction so I can't expect it to be reality based. A shocking thing happens within the first few chapters that kinda made me go what?? where did that come from but that seems to be how H.M. Ward writes I have read her serials before and she likes the out of left field shock factor. At the end there is another shocker and something that leaves us wondering. Again this is how H.M. Ward like to keep us hanging and wanting more. I like this installment not sure why though and I am looking forward to the next one again not sure why. :)
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