My rating: 4 of 5 stars
In this third installment of the Play Me series, we find Sebastian and Aria are becoming completely obsessed with each other. Their chemistry is intoxicating. Their back and forth power exchange is exhilarating. The sex is hot and emotionally charged, leaving them both breathless and vulnerable.
Aria doesn’t consider herself submissive, she doesn’t belong to anyone but herself. Sebastian is out to prove to her that he can take care of her and open a world of give and take and trust if she would just give him a chance to show her. Can Sebastian put her needs before his own or will his need for complete control push away the only woman he has ever wanted to give himself to.
I am so excited about this series, each installment has me more and more enthralled. I am invested in this couple and I need to see how this plays out. We find out the secret Sebastian has been keeping a guilt he has been holding in for ten years. It's shocking and he worries that the revelation will cost him Aria. Just as he feels he is making strides with her, teaching her that giving up her control to him will be rewarding for them both. A person from his past threatens to ruin the progress he’s made. He fears Aria will put the walls back up that she keeps around her heart.
Each installment of this series takes us further on the journey of self discovery that these two damaged people don’t even realize they are on. Great job Tracy Wolff you have a new fan in me.
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