Monday, September 14, 2015

Cover Reveal: Passion in Paradise Duo by Sarah O'Rourke

Title: Passion in Paradise Duo
Novels Included: Cain's Salvation & Hard as Stone 
Author: Sarah O'Rourke 
Genre: Erotic Romance Suspense
Release Date: September 22, 2015

In the small, sleepy Southern town of Paradise, not everything is as it seems. Nestled in the foothills of the Smoky Mountains, the tiny country town seems like it would be the perfect spot to raise a family, build a life and enjoy living in what most natives call ‘God’s Country’. What no one seems to realize is that there are secrets hiding in the families of this quaint little community – especially the McKinnon clan. 

And everyone knows, in a family, secrets never stay secret for long.

Cain’s Salvation Excerpt

Suddenly Faith was there by his side, her slender hand circling his wrist and tugging frantically. “Cain! Let him go right now!” she ordered, pulling fruitlessly against the manacle-like grip he had on the drunk’s throat. 

His gaze shifted from the asshole to Faith. “He put his hands on you,” he bit out, ruthlessly tightening his hold. “And then, he threatened you again.”

“I’m fine!” she begged, tugging again at his wrist. “The only one in danger here is you if you don’t let him go! He can’t breathe, Cain! Please!”

Flinging the asshole away from him with a twitch of his wrist, he sent the man stumbling backward into the Deputy’s grip, gasping for much needed air. Pointing a finger at the gaping man, he warned, “Come near her again and I’ll end you slowly.”

“Take him down to the station and get him booked,” Zeke ordered harshly to his Deputy before sparing a look toward Cain. It was clear to him that the other man was as likely to attack again as not. “Get him some air, Faith. Get Cain out of here,” he demanded, his voice brooking no arguments.

Faith nodded wordlessly as she slid her body between Cain and where the two Deputies held the straining drunk. Sliding her hands against his tense shoulders, Faith lifted on her tiptoes as she tried to catch Cain’s eyes with hers. “Cain, honey, please!” she whispered. “Let’s just go back to the office. Zeke and his boys will get rid of this guy, and Abel will look after Patience. Won’t you, Abel?” she said with a quick look at where his brother stood watching.

“You know I will,” Abel agreed quickly.

“Patience can take care of herself,” Faith’s sister called out as she came out from behind the bar. “Zeke, what the hell are you waiting for? Get that asshole the hell out of my bar!” she ordered imperiously, gesturing wildly toward the door. “He’s ruinin’ the vibe in here. Messing with my Zen and everything.”

“Sweet Christ,” Abel moaned, running a hand down his face before moving to intercept the tiny tornado headed toward them.

“See,” Faith said gently, rubbing one hand against Cain’s hard chest. “It’s all under control. Patience is gonna kick everybody’s ass for us. We don’t need to stick around for that. We can see that show anytime.”

Finally forcing himself to focus on Faith’s face, he saw worry swirling in the azure depths of her gaze. “You know they called me the Soul Reaper in Afghanistan for a reason,” he kept his voice low, but he stared deeply into her eyes.

“I’m not afraid of you,” Faith assured him serenely. “I’m afraid for you right now.  C’mon, Cain. This is your chance. You said whenever I was ready to talk, you’d be ready to listen. Let’s just get out of here and let the good deputies of Paradise do their jobs,” she murmured, urging him toward door on the other side of the bar. “That guy isn’t our problem anymore.”

Cain disagreed. That bastard still felt very much like his problem, but with Faith touching him and staring so openly up at him, he couldn’t resist giving her what she wanted. Nodding, he grabbed her hand in his and stomped toward the door to the adjoining dining room, hauling her with him.

Hard as Stone

Stepping between her spread legs, Jake held her squirming body still as he fought not to laugh at her theatrics. “Calm down and settle,” he ordered against her temple, holding her firmly against him.

“I could have gotten on board with the pink carpet. I might even have been able to wrap my mind around a puppy. Maybe!” she railed, smacking his arm as she spat each sentence. “But dropping the bomb that you want me and my daughter to move in with you just takes the cake!” Jerking her gaze to him as she heard a low chuckle escape his mouth, she shook her head furiously. “Are you laughin’ at me? Trust me, I don’t find any of this funny, Jake!”

“I’m not laughin’ at you, darlin’. I’m just a little amused at our situation. See, I thought I’d been real clear from the outset about what I wanted. Are you honestly gonna tell me that this is a surprise, babe?” he asked, capturing her frantic eyes with his and holding them. “Look me in the eye and tell me that you didn’t realize that I was in this for the long haul. I told you weeks ago that I was staying in Paradise because of you, Harmony. And in the last month, I’ve gotten as wrapped up in Heaven as I am in her momma. Where the fuck did you think this was going?”

“I don’t know!” Harmony exploded in a burst of temper. Seriously, this is not the conversation she’d seen happening tonight. “Tonight, I’d hoped that it was leading to the bedroom, but I hadn’t thought too far beyond that.” Really, she’d just finally worked up the courage to get intimate with a man again after years of celibacy, and now he wanted more?

“Oh, the bedroom is definitely our destination for the evening, sweetheart,” he agreed with a slow, wicked grin. “But a night stolen here and there isn’t gonna satisfy me, Harmony. I’m a selfish bastard. I want everything you’ve got to give me. Your beautiful body is only part of that. Oh, it’s a gorgeous part, but I want the heart and mind, too. ”

“Jesus, Jake,” Harmony muttered weakly, her head falling against his shoulder as she sagged against him. “It’s all or nothing with you, isn’t it?”

“Told ya, baby. I’m a selfish bastard,” he whispered, wrapping his arms around her. “The good news is that I’m your selfish bastard. Yours and Heaven’s. And I’ll do whatever I need to do to keep you both safe and protected and to make sure you never doubt that you’re both loved and wanted.”

“I don’t know anything about you,” she whispered into his neck as her heart did a tap dance in her chest. What Zeke had said earlier in the day resonated in her brain. None of them really knew anything about Jake. She didn’t know if he’d ever been married or if he had any allergies or if he slept on the right or left side of the bed, for God’s sake. How the hell could she even consider living with a man she knew next to nothing about? How could that ever work between them?

He tilted his head for a second, then said, “No, I’ve never been married, I don’t have any allergies that I know about, and I sleep on whichever side is closest to the door.”

Closing her eyes, Harmony grimaced and burrowed her face against the space between his neck and shoulder. His familiar woodsy scent mixed with sweat and man comforted her, relaxing a little of the tension that hand taken up residence in her back. “I said all that out loud?” she asked in a tiny voice.

“You did,” he acknowledged against her ear. “And to answer your last question, this thing will work between us because I refuse to accept otherwise. We’ll find our way a day at a time, darlin’, but we will find it.”

Sarah O'Rourke is the alter ego of two best friends who have taken their passion for romantic fiction and erotica to the publishing world. Born and raised in the southern United States, one lives near Louisville, KY, while the other resides in Atlanta, Georgia. Neither is ever very far from a tall glass of sweet iced tea, their dog-eared copies of Gone With the Wind, or their Steel Magnolias DVDs!

Formerly an accountant and a chemist, they are now overworked, stay-at-home moms who adore their children, their husbands...and writing about love in every way possible!


Release Day Blitz: The Line that Binds by J.M. Miller

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*Series Box Set includes The Line That Binds & The Line That Breaks*
Wishes don't come true.
I should know. If they did, my addict mom wouldn’t have left, and my dad wouldn't have lost his job. I wouldn't have moved cross-country to a creepy old house on an estate willed to me by some crazy great-aunt I never knew. It's not exactly the best way to start senior year, but life in Las Vegas is over, and change is exactly what I need.
When I meet the groundskeeper’s smart-mouthed grandson, I can tell by his gritty style that he’s the kind of change I probably should avoid. And when I ask him about my family’s past, his dark, mischievous eyes tell me more than his words. But it's not until I find the well and the headaches begin that I realize how much he's really hiding.
Maybe wishes do come true. With a price.



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About the author


J.M. Miller currently consumes her coffee in Florida. When she isn't busy being distracted by social media sites, she writes Young Adult and New Adult romance novels that vary in genre from contemporary to paranormal, with a little mystery thrown in for fun.
Aside from spending time with her family, she loves to travel and will jump at the chance to go anywhere, whenever life allows.
For exclusive news and giveaways, sign up for my newsletter!
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Release Blitz: The Trials of Guinevere Degrance Legendary Rock Stars Book by L.B. Dunbar

Title: The Trials of Guinevere DeGrance
Series: Legendary Rock Stars #5
Author: L.B. Dunbar
Genre: Rock Star Romance
 Release Date: September 14, 2015


Don’t judge me. I know you want to, but let’s get some facts straight in my defense.

1. I love Arturo King

2. Arturo left me behind.

3. I was lonely.

4. Lansing was an old friend.

5. I love Arturo King.

Did you burn the fictional damsel in distress that cuddled and kissed her best friend when her fantastical boyfriend disappeared for months? No, you didn’t. You sympathized with her loneliness before you read ahead to make sure the boyfriend was coming back to her. Loneliness is not a crime. It’s cruel to be alone, but not a crime, the last I knew. If it is a crime, I’ll light the match to ignite myself for what I’ve done. Goodness knows, I’m burning up with guilt as it is. In my defense, I want my story to be told before I’m judged too harshly. Arturo King might be a rock legend, but he and I are human. We make mistakes. We made mistakes. Do we need to suffer for all of eternity because of them? I hope not. The jury still seems to be out, though. The greater question is: Is it possible to rekindle our love, when the past could burn us all?

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If I ever wondered what the pits of hell felt like, I sensed my current position was similar to being in the fiery depths. The orange-yellow glow danced before me; blinding me to the man I knew was on the other side of the flames. His face was melting, fading in the fumes that surrounded and flowed from the heat. I sensed the wooden walls of the barn structure were crackling and eventually would crumble, but I continued to stand as if frozen. There would be no chance to freeze under the circumstances. If anything, I should be melting slowly to form a puddle on the floor. My skin felt as if it would peel off of me, one droplet of sweat at a time.

The blaze started in an attempt to gain Arturo’s attention. The boy wanted to impress his father: a rock god who stubbornly ignored his son, as he had done over a year ago in this same barn. The Barn. The place of inspiration for Arturo King and his band, The Nights. The place where they performed their magic through music. The place that marked where history was made.

I continued to stare through the flames that separated us. I could see that his lips were moving; calling or shouting out to me, but I couldn’t hear over the roar of the fire. His face was warped in my vision, drifting with the bright light that framed his head filled with dark waves and a jaw covered thicker than before. His brown eyes looked black as they stared back at me. I was trapped. The flames formed a wall between me and my beloved; a man I loved more than anyone. A man who I hurt more than I ever intended. A man who hurt me with his mysterious disappearance and lack of communication.

I didn’t move. Allowing the heat to consume me, I decided this might be my fate. Death by fire was how the adulteress was punished in ancient times. Of course, in romance novels a hero comes to the aid of the persecuted. My mind flashed to another man. He had been a hero to a little girl trapped within a burning building. He had been my hero, as well, when I was kidnapped in a drugged induced haze. He was someone I should not have been thinking of.

I continued to watch the movement of Arturo’s mouth. The roar of the flames was all that I heard. It made music to my ears, drowning out the accusations.

How could I do it? How could I be with another man?

The world seemed to stop as I struggled to give my answers. In contrast, it came alive in an orange glow that spread rapidly along the old wooden floor. My back was now against the warmth of the stones behind me. It was almost like I imagined a brick oven would feel. The ancient fieldstones were absorbing the heat and reflecting it back within the cramped space. Wood crackled above my head. The ripping sound only assured me that my end was eminent. The walls were catching and the barn was doomed to collapse.

Suddenly, I heard my name. The voice that screamed to me was clear, familiar, and not the voice that should have called for me.

“Guinie, turn around and reach up your hand,” he shouted down to me. It was like an angel spoke to me from the heavens. I couldn’t break my gaze on Arturo, but he was gesturing above me. His expression showed he clearly recognized who was over me, who was calling me. His eyes found mine through the flames and he nodded once. Then he looked away and I quickly spun reaching upward blindly. My eyes were dry, boiled orbs within their sockets. The smoke so thick, I confused it for fog. Stretching, my fingers connected with those reaching down for me. One hand was clasped, the opposite wrist encircled, and up I went into the freshness of the cool summer afternoon air. The scent of pine and lake water burned my smoke encrusted nose and I gasped for more oxygen. It was like I’d been drowning. A brief sensation I’d had a year ago in the water of that lake below.

My mind was clouded, but a passing image flashed of Arturo and me spinning in the blue water. He’d kissed me for the first time on that day then rolled us off the boat into the water in distraction. We were playful then. Not today. I heard his voice ringing in my head; his words enflamed with his bitterness.

How could I do it? Didn’t I love him? 

I balanced on hands and knees in the dry earth near the burning barn. My throat was hoarse from gassy fumes and screams. I called out his name one more time, and then the inevitable happened. The wooden structure collapsed.

Author Bio

L.B. Dunbar loves the original legend of King Arthur. Inspired by this classic tale, she pulled over to the side of the road to take notes when it hit her that if King Arthur lived today, he'd be a rock star. A lover of fairy tales, myths, legends, and anything with happily ever after, she loves to read and write contemporary romance. Her Legendary Rock Stars series is complete with the final tale: The Trials fo Guinevere DeGrance, but the story began with The Legend of Arturo King. She also wrote The Sensations Collection, which includes five stand alones based on the five senses in a small town setting near Lake Michigan. Raised on one side of that lake, she grew up in Michigan, but now lives on the other side, in Chicago. Mother to four, wife to the one and only, and teacher to hundreds of former students, she looks forward to sharing more stories in the future.

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Release Blitz: Bastard by J.L. Perry

Title: Bastard
Author: J.L. Perry
Genre: YA/NA
 Release Date: September 14, 2015


My name is Carter Reynolds. I was born a bastard and I’ll die a bastard. I learnt it at a young age, and nothing and nobody can change that. I’m on a one-way path of destruction, and god help anyone who gets in my way. I hate my life. Actually, I hate pretty much everything.

That’s until I meet the kid next door. Indi-freakin’-ana. My dislike for her is instant. From the moment I lay eyes on her, she ignites something within me. She makes me feel things I thought I was incapable of feeling. I don’t like it, not one bit. When she looks at me with her big, beautiful, haunting, green eyes, it’s like she can see into the depths of my soul. It freaks me the hell out. She’s like sunshine and rainbows in my world of gloom and doom. I hate sunshine and rainbows.


I’m Indiana Montgomery, my friends call me Indi. Despite losing my mum at the age of six, I have a wonderful life and great friends. My dad more than makes up for the fact that I only have one parent. I’m his little girl, the centre of his world. I adore him.

When Carter Reynolds moves in next door, my life takes a turn for the worse. He’s gorgeous—sinfully hot, but that’s where my compliments end. He seems hell bent on making my life miserable. He acts tough, but when I look into his eyes I don’t see it. I see hurt and pain. To me, he seems lost.

I should hate him for the way he treats me, but surprisingly I don’t. If anything, I feel sorry for him. I want to help him find peace. Help him find the light that I know is buried somewhere within his darkness, but, he won’t have a bar of it.

He’s warned me time and time again to stay away, but I can’t. I’m drawn to him for some reason. He’s always referring to himself as a bastard. That may be true, but to me, he’s more like a beautifully, misunderstood bastard. Whether he likes it or not, I refuse to give up on him.

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Leaning forward, so my face is only inches from hers, I say, “I can see that.” Her pupils dilate and I hear her breath hitch. I immediately know my effect on her hasn’t diminished either. It takes everything in me not to pull her into my arms and squeeze the fucking life out of her. Why did I leave it so long to see her? Just being near her again, makes me feel alive. “It’s good to see you again, Indi.”

“Well, the feeling’s not mutual,” she says. She’s lying, I can tell. Her body language is saying the complete opposite to her words. She’s still a stubborn arse I see. My eyes leave hers, gazing down at her lips. I can’t tell you how many times I’ve dreamt of those lips over the past five years. Too many to count. I want to kiss her so bad my fucking chest aches. I let my eyes drop a little lower. First I see is the necklace I bought her. I can’t believe she’s still wearing it. It has me smiling like a damn fool. You have no idea what seeing that means to me.

I watch her chest rise and fall as her breathing quickens. She can deny it all she wants, but she’s affected by me. “My eyes are up here, buddy,” she spits. I want to laugh at her comment. I love her smart mouth. I’m glad this part of our relationship hasn’t changed.

Underneath the material of her white top, I can see a hint of her white lace bra covering the swell of her breast. It gives me an idea. I can’t help myself. I lift the sponge in my hand until it’s hovering over her tits. I hear her gasp when she realises what I’m about to do. I clench my fist tight, the water drips out. It soaks into the fabric of her top, making it transparent. Her nipples harden and so does my cock. Christ. I haven’t even touched her yet, and I swear I could break diamonds with this fucker.

Peeling my gaze from her spectacular rack, I make eye contact with her again. I’m feeling quite pleased with myself, but that feeling doesn’t last long. The anger I see in her eyes is not what I’m expecting. When did she lose her sense of humour? I guess I should’ve known from past experience, when it comes to her, I’m playing with fire. Especially since she has five years of pent up anger inside her, towards me.

This is one time I’m not anticipating her next move. So when it comes, I’m totally taken by surprise. She raises her right leg slightly, and then ‘BOOM’. She knees me fair smack in the nuts. Hard. Jesus fucking Christ.

All the air gushes from my lungs as pain radiates through my whole body. My dick goes instantly limp. Fuck, I think she just killed it. I’m pretty sure my boys are now lodged somewhere in my throat.

A feral, high pitched sound escapes me as I fall to my knees in agony. “Stay the fuck away from me arsehole,” she spits, as she turns and runs inside.

Somebody call an ambulance, I think I’m gonna die.

Author Bio

J L Perry is a mother and a wife. She was born in Sydney, Australia in 1972, and has lived there her whole life. Her love of reading, from a young age, gave her the passion to write. My Destiny was originally written for her sister, in 2013. It was never intended to be published. However, after finishing this book, she felt there was still a lot of Brooke and Logan's story left to tell. This inspired her to write My Forever. With the encouragement of her family and friends, she decided to follow her dream and become a published Author.

That dream was realised on the 6th of June, 2014.

My Destiny is her debut novel in the Destiny Series. My Forever is the conclusion to this book. Her third book Damaged - Jacinta's Story was released October 15th, 2014. This is a stand alone book, but is based on a character in My Forever. Her fourth book Against All Odds, is a stand alone book, as well, but part of the Destiny Series. Due to be released on the 27th May, 2015. She's also currently writing a fifth book, a standalone, that will be released later in the year. It's called 'A Beautiful Bastard'. This is NOT part of the Destiny Series.

J L's love of romance and happy endings makes a perfect combination when it comes to writing her beautiful love stories.

Her hobbies include reading, writing, drinking wine, shopping, listening to music, and anything artistic or creative. She loves spending time with her family, friends and her dog when she isn't writing. She also loves being outdoors and travelling and exploring the world.

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