Tuesday, September 1, 2015

Release Blitz: My Lady Faye by Sarah Hegger

Title: My Lady Faye
Series: Sir Arthur's Legacy #2
Author: Sarah Hegger
Publisher: Lyrical Press
Genre: Historical Romance (Medieval)
 Release Date: September 1, 2015


The Lady

The fair Lady Faye has always played the role allotted her. Yet the marriage her family wanted only brought her years of abuse and heartache. Now, finally free of her tyrannical husband, she is able to live her own life for the first time. But someone from the past has returned. Someone she has never been able to forget.

The Warrior
After years of servitude as a warrior for King and Country, Gregory is now free to pursue his own path: to serve God by becoming a monk. The only thing stopping him is Faye. Gregory has loved Faye since the moment he saw her. But their love was not meant to be. How can he serve God when his heart longs for her? He can neither forsake God nor the woman he loves.

The Promise
When Faye’s son is kidnapped, Gregory answers her family’s call for help, only to find that even in the most dangerous of circumstances, neither can fight their forbidden attraction. An attraction that now burns brighter than ever before. And it is only a matter of time until it consumes them both.

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Also Available




The ache in Gregory’s knees brought him closer to God. Hunger gnawed at his belly and reminded him of his connection with the Lord. For three days, he had fasted and prayed, waited for God to show him the way to enter into service.

God remained silent.

He must pray harder and keep at it until he had his answer. God’s way was not always the way of man and His divine timing did not always answer the impetuous call of sinners.

Something clattered through the bars of his cell.

Gregory started, but kept his eyes closed. He could afford no distractions in his wait for God to deign to speak with him. Sweat broke out on his brow. He bowed his head. “Dear Father in Heaven...”

Another skittering across the floor and Gregory opened his eyes.

A pebble lay almost within reach at his knees, a pale trespasser against the dark stone floor of his bare cell. A thin pallet rested against one wall, stripped of linen except for a rough blanket. On the opposite wall a tiny barred window overlooked the fields were they worked each day. Above it, a stark wooden cross served as a reminder that all here was by Grace alone. Beneath the casement stood a plain wood table and a bench.

The Abbey bell tolled Terce over the undulating chant of the monks reciting the second of the Little Hours of the Divine Office. Father Abbott had understood his need for private meditation, but he would be expected at Lauds.


Not God at all, unless the Almighty had grown a set of large hands and gripped the bars of his cell so tightly His knuckles turned white.

A dark head popped over the lip, followed by dark eyebrows and the sharply drawn planes of a face many a lass considered handsome.

“Garrett?” Gregory’s knees creaked as he rose. Sharp pain lanced through his long-frozen muscles. Three days, most of which spent on your knees, would turn any man’s limbs into a grandfather’s. “Is that you?”

“Aye?” Garrett blinked away a sweat droplet that snaked down his brow and into his eye. His face turned redder. “Only could you come down, I am not sure how much longer I can hang on.”

“Did you climb the side?”

Teeth clenched, Garret said, “Aye and I am about to go tumbling on my ass, so get down here.”

Garrett’s head disappeared from view as he scrabbled down the side of the two-story dormitory.

If Garrett was here, something was amiss at Anglesea. Sir Arthur might have sent him with news. My Lady Faye. His blood thrummed in his ears. Fresh sweat prickled over his skin as he wrenched open his door and trotted down the empty corridor. He took the stairs three at a time. Unease spurred him into a run.

From the chapel the monk’s voices called and responded in prayer as he entered the kitchen yard. Singing voices reminded him he had left his former life behind, but he needed to check all was well.

Garrett appeared out of the dark shadows around the dormitory.

The smell of incense hung heavy in the air.

“What is it?” Gregory closed the distance between them.

Garrett’s expression was grim, his shoulders tense. “You must come.”

“To Anglesea?”

“Aye.” Garrett turned and motioned him to follow.

Gregory took a step and froze. He couldn’t go with Garrett. Outside these walls was not his life anymore. His calling lay here at the Abbey. “I cannot.”

Sharp strides driving divots into the soft, bare earth, Garrett strode back to him. “You must come. Sir Arthur sent me for you.”

Sir Arthur would not have sent for him if it weren’t urgent. Sir Arthur had sponsored him as a postulant to the Abbey and he owed the man for that. But he owed God his obedience and he had put his former life aside. “My place is here now.”

“Your place is where you are needed.” Movements sharp and jerky, Garrett gestured to outside the Abbey.

He didn’t want to ask the question. It did not concern him. Yet, his stubborn gut demanded an answer. “What has happened?”

Garrett clasped his arm. “It is Faye.”

“What?” His muscles bunched in response. The words rasped from his throat. Dear Father, please do not let her be...

What? Hurt, or worse, reconciled with Calder. He grabbed the other man’s tunic, twisting his hand in the fabric.

Garrett shrugged him off. “I will explain as we ride.”

He couldn’t go. He couldn’t not go. Again, the same tussle within him. Faye or the Abbey, his lady versus his God. It never ended.

Garrett stepped closer until his face was inches away. “Beatrice is worrying herself sick. She carries our first child and if I have to tie your saintly ass on a horse, you are coming with me. Faye needs you.”

Faye needed him. The confusion cleared. It was all Garrett need say. Clean, crisp purpose flooded his being. “Do you have a horse for me?”
Garrett’s grim face softened into a smile. “Come on, before one of your monks catches sight of me and tosses me in there.”

Author Bio

Who am I?

Born British and raised in South Africa, Sarah Hegger suffers from an incurable case of wanderlust. Her match? A hot Canadian engineer, whose marriage proposal she accepted six short weeks after they first met. Together they’ve made homes in seven different cities across three different continents (and back again once or twice). If only it made her multilingual, but the best she can manage is idiosyncratic English, fluent Afrikaans, conversant Russian, pigeon Portuguese, even worse Zulu and enough French to get herself into trouble.

Mimicking her globe trotting adventures, Sarah’s career path began as a gainfully employed actress, drifted into public relations, settled a moment in advertising, and eventually took root in the fertile soil of her first love, writing. She also moonlights as a wife and mother.

She currently lives in Littleton, Colorado, with her teenage daughters, two Golden Retrievers and aforementioned husband. Part footloose buccaneer, part quixotic observer of life, Sarah’s restless heart is most content when reading or writing books.

She loves to hear from readers and you can find her at any of the places below.

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Release Blast: Captive in the Dark by CJ Roberts

Title: Captive in the Dark 
Series: The Dark Duet #1
Author: CJ Roberts 
Genre: Dark Romance, Erotica, BDSM 
Publishing Date: September 1st 2011 

Caleb is a man with a singular interest in revenge. Kidnapped as a young boy and sold into slavery by a power-hungry mobster, he has thought of nothing but vengeance. For twelve years he has immersed himself in the world of pleasure slaves searching for the one man he holds ultimately responsible. Finally, the architect of his suffering has emerged with a new identity, but not a new nature. If Caleb is to get close enough to strike, he must become the very thing he abhors and kidnap a beautiful girl to train her to be all that he once was.
Eighteen-year-old Olivia Ruiz has just woken up in a strange place. Blindfolded and bound, there is only a calm male voice to welcome her. His name is Caleb, though he demands to be called Master. Olivia is young, beautiful, naïve and willful to a fault. She has a dark sensuality that cannot be hidden or denied, though she tries to accomplish both. Although she is frightened by the strong, sadistic, and arrogant man who holds her prisoner, what keeps Olivia awake in the dark is her unwelcome attraction to him.
WARNING: This book contains very disturbing situations, dubious consent, strong language, and graphic violence.

Purchase Links: 

For celebrate the fourth anniversary release, Captive in the Dark will be free for first time ever until August 31st

United States
Google Play: https://goo.gl/KOnv5m

United Kingdom


Author Info:

CJ Roberts is an independent writer. She favors dark and erotic stories with taboo twists. Her work has been called sexy and disturbing in the same sentence.
Her debut novel, CAPTIVE IN THE DARK, has sold over 150,000 copies and is the first of three books in her bestselling and award winning series DARK DUET. She was born and raised in Southern California. Following high school, she joined the U.S. Air Force in 1998, served ten years and traveled the world. 

Social Media Links: 
Twitter: @AuthorCJRoberts

Next - A Kiss Series Novel by Rachael Brownell

Title: Next
Series: Kiss #1
Author: Rachael Brownell
Genre: Contemporary Romance
 Release Date: September 1, 2015


What if one kiss could change everything?

It did, for Reagan Brooks. Her fascination with Luke Evans went from a school-girl crush to heart-wrenching love in an instant. Then he left town, leaving a starry-eyed Reagan in his wake. No one will ever be good enough. No kiss will ever compare to his. Reagan’s standards are high. When someone doesn’t meet them, she moves on.

“Next in line, please.”

Moving through life with unrealistic expectations can be damaging. Letting those expectations go… It’s in that moment we find out who we are and what we really want.

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I run, as fast as I can. I'm not athletic. I don't play sports. I know he's going to catch me. That's what I want, right? For him to catch me?

My legs feel like jelly. I feel his hand graze my arms once, twice, then I'm caught. I should have started running sooner, faster. It doesn't matter. He would have caught me regardless.

"You shouldn't have let me catch you, Gracie." He pulls me back into his chest, lifting my feet off the ground, as the meaning behind his words begins to register.

"Who says I let you?" I know challenging him isn't a good idea, but I haven't learned how to filter my thoughts around him.

"I do. I know you can run faster than that. I think you wanted me to catch you."

"Really?" I say, struggling to break from his hold. It's no use. He's much stronger than me and since he's holding me off the ground, I can't use my legs for leverage.

"Yes, really. I think you knew what would happen when I caught you."

"And what is that?" I begin to struggle again and this time he lets me break free, but I don't get far. Two steps, maybe, before he's got a hold of my wrist and is pulling me back to him. This time we are chest to chest. I crash into the front of him and can't hide the way my body reacts. I'm sure he can see it, feel it. My breathing is ragged and it's not from running.

"Look at me, Gracie," he commands and I do as he says. Not because I want to but because my body wants to.

"Why do you insist on calling me that? It's not my name, you know?" I love it, though. I would never tell him that, or anyone else.

"Because. You're my angel fallen from grace. It suits you. You're beautiful and you know it. What I don't understand is why you want me?"

"Who says I want you?"

How the hell did he figure it out? No one knows.

"Your body says a lot of things. It's telling me right now how much you want me. The question is – what exactly do you want from me because there are a few things that I can offer you." He wraps his arms around me a little tighter as I contemplate how I want to answer him.

Author Bio

Rachael Brownell is the author of both YA and NA Romance. She's from Kalamazoo, Michigan where she still lives with her husband and son. She has a Bachelor's degree in Advertising but currently works in the hospitality industry. When Rachael is not working on her next manuscript, you might find her on the golf course. (It's a family thing) If you see her, step back. She is still learning.

Author Links


Cover Reveal SWELTER by Nina G. Jones ♥♥

swelter cover
Title: Swelter
Author: Nina G. Jones
Genre: Erotic Romance
Release Date: October 1, 2015
I married the right brother.
At least that's what I tell myself at night, when I stare at the ceiling and listen to the rhythm of the grandfather clock down the hall. It never feels like the mere passage of time, but a countdown towards something inevitable.

Bobby Lightly is selfish, irresponsible, and careless. I haven't seen him since the day I married his brother. He slipped out during the wedding reception without a word.

A year later, I heard Bobby was drafted to Korea. He never said goodbye to anyone. Never sent a letter. We had all come to terms with the fact that he was probably dead somewhere, either a victim of the war or its aftermath.

That is, until in the midst of an unrelenting heatwave, he showed up at the doorstep of the house I lived in with his brother.

Everyone thinks I'm cruel. Everyone thinks I should be easy on him. They think I don't understand him. They all think I hate him.

But what no one understands is that it was Bobby who broke my heart.

And I think he’s back to do it again.
“What do you want me to do?” I yelled frustratedly. “Pack my bags and go to India? Life’s not that easy. We’re not all you. We don’t all just walk away from our responsibilities.” I immediately regretted those last words, recalling the scar on his shoulder. There were some responsibilities Bobby faced when others would have run.

“It’s not about what I want you to do, Lil. What do you want?”

What I wanted was no longer relevant. It was too late for what I wanted.

“You keep taking that shit and one day you are going to wake up and realize you slept your whole life away. There may be people who need that, but you are not one of them. Let yourself feel it all. The good. The bad. The fucking great. Don’t imprison yourself.”

I knew he was right, but I had grown comfortable in the numbness. Yet there was something luxurious about the pain I felt upon Bobby’s return. It was rich and textured. I could feel it in my bones and my chest and on my skin. I could taste it. I could feel again. And feeling the pain also gave me room to feel alive.

“If you keep doing this, how are you any different than Rory? We want to get him better, right? Well the changes start with us. I’m back and trust me, that wasn’t easy for me. And now you’ve gotta bring yourself back.”

I swallowed sharply, preparing myself to say goodbye to my dear friend. A friend who had always been there. More than my sister, or mother, or Barbie could be. It understood my fears, my insecurities, the things I had sacrificed. It knew my secrets. I never had to explain myself to it. It never judged.

“Fine,” I surrendered. But I clutched the bottle tighter in my hands than ever before.

Bobby’s body language relaxed as he glanced over to me and opened his palm. “Gimme.”

“What? Now you want ‘em?”

“Don’t be an ass, Lil.”

I sneered at Bobby, slamming the bottle in his palm. The pills tried to seduce me one last time as I heard them dance in their container.

About The Author
Nina G. Jones is the author of the bestselling novel DEBT, the Strapped Series and the erotic romance, Gorgeous Rotten Scoundrel.

Her next novel, Swelter, releases on October 1st, 2015.

Nina LOVES connecting with readers. You can connect with her via Facebook, Twitter, or through this site.

Website | Facebook | Twitter | Goodreads

love p

Cover Reveal: Brekaing China by N.J. Cole

Cover Reveal:
Breaking China
N.J Cole
Sept 1st

China Perry has one goal, and she will do anything to achieve it, including sell herself into human sex trafficking. She endures countless ruthless masters on her mission, undeterred by the pain and humiliation each of them causes. Determined to let nothing stop her, she’d turned her heart cold, never allowing herself to feel for any of these barbarians who had purchased her. That is, until she meets Master Richard.

Richard Pantero has been searching for something his entire life. Though he has money, servants, and women willing to do anything for him, his life is still empty. He’s lived the lifestyle and hasn’t thought twice about purchasing
companionship. Each girl was different, yet the same until China entered his world like a comet changing everything he’d ever believed in.

In a love story for the ages, follow Richard and China on their journey. Can he find the peace he’s been searching for? Can she trust him enough to let down her walls and allow him to help her find what she craves the most? Is love enough?

Publisher’s note: This story is written in first person point of view similar to a screen play alternating between characters to give the authenticity of each character’s feelings. Warning: Intense bondage, aggressive sex, human trafficking.


I'd been purchased. I knew what he expected. He expected me to beg and plead.
The others girls were crying. Sobs like, "Please, Master, please don't hurt me," filled the room.

Some slaves were trying to strike bargains. "If I suck you off, then please don't fuck me." I rolled my eyes. Could they really be so stupid as to believe these men would make bargains? They owned the girls now, plain and
I heard footsteps then saw him. He held the key to my crate as well as the keys to my cuffs. I bit back the urge to look up at him and spit
in his face or spout "fuck you," both of which I would have done if not in shackles, if not at his mercy. Instead, I chose to say and do nothing.
I gazed into his eyes, and unlike the other Masters who had gotten pissed, he just smirked, and it made me think twice. He was handsome,
and had he not just "purchased" me, I might have been attracted to him.

My eyes remained locked with hers; no words had been said, but the struggle had begun. I felt a surge of energy wash through me. Could she finally be the one?
I continued staring her down; long moments passed before she averted her gaze.
Unshackling her arms, I knew the next round of her training would prove interesting. I had caught a subtle look of desire cross her features. Quick, but unmistakable. I slowly began to disrobe, allowing her to appraise my form as I had done hers. "Kitten, I offer you this chance to freely pay me homage."

He was different, I'd give him that. The others had choked me until I'd opened my mouth, inserted an O-ring gag and proceeded to fuck my face. He was asking me to do it voluntarily.
Pay him homage? Perhaps it would make my life less miserable.
I leaned forward, not wanting to pay special attention to his cock, which, from the quick glance I'd given it, was magnificent. 
I bent as low as possible and kissed his feet. One soft kiss to the top of each foot. If he thought I was going to speak to him, he was
mistaken. I'd been beaten until I couldn't stand, but I was not going to acknowledge another human as my "master."

A faint frown covered my face, but my heart soared. Finally, a challenge; a pet whose devotion would have to be earned. Compassion would come in due time, now was time for the stick.
The proprietor offered me a crop, but I waved him off. I preferred my first chastisement to be flesh on flesh. My fingers stroking her hair, the silken strands wrapping around my hand. "Kitten, I see you don't have the proper respect. Right now, you are nothing more than an object to me.
In time, this could change, but for now you’re less than nothing." My hand tightened as I lifted her to her feet by her hair.

Oh, here we go again, I thought. I braced myself for his fist to my face. His
hand in my hair raising me to my feet then lifting me slightly off of them. My
toes skimmed the ground. He seemed just the same as the other masters now. I looked into his eyes. I wouldn't let him beat me to death, though it did have a
sense of peace in it. I had too much to live for. I glared at him.
He said I was nothing more than an object to him, and he was nothing more than an asshole to me. I wasn't just a fuckhole. I wouldn't let myself believe that. I would hold onto that little shred of self-respect that I had left.


As my fingers traced her cheek, I lowered my head to her neck, inhaling deeply.
I could see her trembling flesh. My teeth scraping along her shoulder, I bit down on the nape of her neck holding her in place.

I released her hair, sliding my fingertips down her back. My nails dug into her flesh. Each of my pets had to bear my markings until they earned my collar. She began to squirm under me. The friction of her skin on mine was stimulating.


He wasn't like the others. They had reacted in anger, beating me to get out
their frustration, or in the hopes of getting me to become a submissive slut.
He held my gaze until he lowered his head to my neck. I thought he was going to kiss me, but he inhaled deeply then, to my surprise, ran his mouth over my neck to my shoulder. I was even more shocked when he bit down. I knew he'd broken the skin. I bit my own tongue to keep from crying out in pain.
His mouth stayed there as his hands ran down my back, scratching my skin. Again, I knew he was marking me, tearing my flesh. I writhed to get away from his strong hands. I refused to give him the satisfaction of me begging him to stop. I knew he wouldn't anyway. Why would I disgrace myself.
He pulled his head back and, I could see my blood on his lower lip. I glared at him.


I licked my lips; fury showed in her glare. Such anger was intoxicating; my loins stirred to life. If she were going to be so difficult, she would soon learn the consequences of her continued defiance.
I eased around her back, admiring the long scratches. Now all who looked at her would know she was mine. A crimson drop trickled down her arm. I knew she was in pain, but still she made no sound.
Well, if she wouldn't scream her submission, she would whimper it. I ran my palms over her swaying breasts, cupping them. My thumbs
ran circles over her nipples. Her body betrayed her as they stiffened under my touch. The heel of my hand pressed against her belly as it moved down, my thick shaft rubbing along her inner thighs. I licked her ear. "You will give in to me, Kitten."

NJ Cole is a witty, mid-western girl with a kinky side. She works by day and writes by night, all while being a mother to her wonderful boys and serving her Sir. Unlike many of today’s authors, she chooses to write
in first person, allowing the readers to experience life through the eyes of
the unique characters that live in her head. Her love of those characters and respect for their stories come through loud and clear in her writing. With over two million reads of her online work in the past six months, NJ Cole is clearly an up and coming author.

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Book Blitz: Sex, Love & Combat Boots - An Anthology

Title: Sex, Love & Combat Boots Anthology
Authors: Various
 Release Date: July 2, 2015

An Eye Candy Bookstore Anthology Benefiting Heels for Combat Boots - 90 day limited release on Amazon ONLY


Rebecca Brooke — Letters Home

Marissa Dobson — Ace in the Hole

MJ Fields — Irons

Jennifer Foor — Love Survives

Kimberly Knight — Angels & Whiskey

Bayli Lane — What If

Kristen Hope Mazzola — Crashing Back Down

Sarah O’Rourke — Cain’s Salvation

Alexis Noelle — Fractured: Volume One
 Sophie Monroe — To Love a Soldier

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Letters Home by Rebecca Brooke

Life is all about the jigsaw, right? Finding the different puzzle pieces to complete your very own picture. A career you love, a house to make a home, a lover to complete you, and keep you warm at night.

Danielle Renton has a life, and she loves it. A recent law school graduate, she’d been floored when her boyfriend, Nate Lewis, enlisted during their sophomore year of college. At the time, she’d been concerned with what that meant for them as a couple, but in the years that followed, they’d learned to adapt to the logistics of an army relationship.

But when life throws her a curve ball, how will she cope? Can she pick up the pieces and make her picture beautiful again? Or does she realize that, sometimes, the pieces can be too broken to fit back together…

Find Rebecca on Facebook

Ace in the Hole by Marissa Dobson

Ace Diamond left behind the woman he loved when he joined the Navy SEALs. For years he focused on his career, risking life and limb on missions for his country. Now home on leave, he must face his past and ask himself if leaving her was a mistake.

At seventeen, Gwyneth London gave her heart away only to have it broken. More than a dozen years later, she decides to embrace her single life and have a child on her own. Ready to start over in her hometown, she doesn’t expect to see the man who still holds her heart, but when he walks back into her life she’s unable to push him away.

Can Gwyneth and Ace claim the life they were supposed to have, or will they let love pass them by?

Find Marissa on Facebook

Irons by MJ Fields 


I was born and bred to be the man I am today. My father and his father were both graduates from The United States Naval Academy in Annapolis. Both went on to become helicopter pilots. Both had seen plenty of action. Both had met and caused devastation. Both men, who I respect more above all, had served and protected the United States and her people honorably for decades.

My best friend, William Cruz, who attended the academy with me, had flown beside me, had lived the same life as I had and shared the same ambitions in life, was gone now. This was not part of the plan. Will and I were supposed to have each other’s backs, support each other and never let anything supersede our bond.


I sat on Norfolk Beach needing to feel close to him on the anniversary of his death. It was a beautiful day in May and I was cutting class. I had done the same every year since he passed.

Jaxson Irons was only supposed to be in Pensacola for a year. But now three years later I still hadn't heard from him. I saw a man running down the beach and I knew immediately who it was.

Jaxson didn't respond the way I had dreamed he would. He told me we would catch up someday soon. I stood and watched until he was gone.

Thump, thump. I placed my hand on my chest as I felt my heart beat again for what felt like the first time in three years. Thump, thump. I felt the blood moving quickly through my body. It’s heat once again present. Thump, thump. I looked up at the sky and let out a breath. A breath that I had been holding forever. Thump, thump.

I felt tears fall down my face as I raised my hands in the air and laughed out loud.

Find MJ on Facebook

Love Survives by Jennifer Foor 

Imagine being in love with the same girl since you were ten years old, only to have her fall for your twin instead. This story is rocky.

It will rip you apart and possibly put you back together again.

I know this because it's my story.

The pain and anguish experienced in, this is what it was like to hold onto hope that some day we'd find each other again. I won't sugar coat the details of what I went through to have her, nor will I apologize for any actions that led me right back into her life.

Sometimes love isn't enough.

For me, it took some bad experiences, a little fate, and a lot of time.

This book follows Love's Suicide. It can be read by itself as a stand alone.

Find Jennifer on Facebook

Angels & Whiskey by Kimberly Knight 

Whiskey, women and sleepless nights…

United States Army Captain Gabriel Hastings knew he would always follow in his grandfather’s footsteps. Serving his country was his destiny.

Until he fell in love…

When Gabe’s love affair is cut short, he turns to whiskey for comfort and swears he will never fall in love again.

Until he bumps into an unexpected angel

By all appearances, Autumn Jones has the perfect life. Her husband, Richard, is a loving man who wants to be a father to her unborn children. But Autumn knows the truth. Richard has a controlling, dark side that leaves nothing to chance, especially Autumn. He’ll stop at nothing to make her the trophy wife he wants her to be.

When Autumn bumps into Gabe, he consumes her every thought, but she can’t act on her feelings. She’s married to a dark man she can never leave.

When he learns who Autumn’s husband really is, Gabe knows he will stop at nothing to protect her. Or is it too late for him to save his angel?

Angels & Whiskey is part of a series, however, can be read as a standalone book.

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What If by Bayli Lane

For some people falling in love was a happy, glowing experience. For Briar Kelly and Arrow Donovan it was more like getting hit by a freight train.

Caring for one another was never an easy feat. They constantly fought to hold their feelings inside, not wanting to jeopardize their friendship. Then, Arrow left for the Marines, and everything changed. Briar was shattered. Arrow was hurt.

While Briar told herself she’d never let another man affect her in such a way, Arrow still remained in the forefront of her mind. For Arrow, his memories of Briar kept him alive in both of his near death experiences. When Arrow’s demons threatened to drag him under, Briar was there, pulling him from the darkness.

"What ifs" keep piling up while resentment and redemption battles continue; will Briar and Arrow be able to find their happily ever after, or will this be one war that Arrow can't win?

THIS IS A STAND-ALONE, Contemporary Romance: Due to language and sexual content, this book is not intended for readers under the age of 18.
Find Bayli on Facebook

Crashing Back Down
by Kristen Hope Mazzola 

Mags McManus has just become a war widow in her mid-twenties. Her late husband, Randy, left for the Army right after their wedding. Instead of celebrating his homecoming and living in marital bliss with her soulmate, Mags finds herself living in constant agony. Dealing with the guilt of still living without Randy, are Randy's best friends and parents.

Rising from the ashes of this tragedy, Mags starts to learn how to love and trust again, finally being able to find happiness. But sometimes things really are too good to be true and, again Mags learns how cruel the world can be as she crashes back down.

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Cain’s Salvation by Sarah O’Rourke 

When Dr. Cain Turner's life was literally blown apart in a small province of Afghanistan, it was only the hope and memories of one woman that propelled him forward. But there were more demons to face.

In the small country hamlet of Paradise, Tennessee… Faith waits. Surrounded by her loving sisters, Faith McKinnon had faced her own demons, having thought that the love of her life had deserted her.

But fate… and a few meddling McKinnon sisters… conspired to bring the two star-crossed lovers together again.

Book One in the Passion in Paradise - The Men of the McKinnon Sisters Series

Find Sarah on Facebook

Fractured: Volume One by Alexis Noelle

Nothing in life is ever fair.
There are wars we battle and face every day.
Some too close to home.
I had it all.
The perfect husband.
The perfect house.
The perfect...Everything.
Then one moment changed everything forever

Find Alexis on Facebook

To Love a Soldier by Sophie Monroe

Life is short. At twenty-one, Liz Kane knows this. Having lost her dad in combat, she is well aware of life's cruel twists. Still, working to pay her way through school and cautiously beginning a new relationship, Liz is content.

When an accident brings her brother, John, Stateside from his current stint in the Marine's, life gives Liz another twist, this time bringing in an old friend, new love, and the possibility of happiness for John when he meets Mandy.

This is a story of love, loss, and new beginnings.

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Heels for Combat Boots

HFCB was founded and created by Kati Sorensen AKA 'Riskay Business' and was officially established on February 28, 2014. HFCB sets out to assist our Servicemen and women with PTSD/TBI (Post Traumatic Stress Disorder and Traumatic Brain Injury). We assist with helping these individuals adjust back into the world of civilian life, connect them with the correct outreach and treatment programs, help with their day to day struggles and issues; such as assisting them with paying their bills, obtain groceries, etc. We help to get them back involved with the things they enjoy, introduce them to new experiences, and connect them with hunting and fishing trips. Also getting involved with Vet events, visiting the VA's, and sending out care packages. Check out our event page to see all we have up our sleeve to raise funds!