Wednesday, November 18, 2015

Release Blitz: Asylum by Dana Wright

In the shadows of the heart, love is the greatest refuge.
Rachel Winestock is in a bad spot. She needs to get her Nana
out of an abysmal assisted living center no ifs, ands, or buts about it. With
the help of her demon cat Thickety, she agrees to put her ghost-hunting mettle
back to the test after a horrific accident nearly claimed the life of her best
friend. Ghosts are drawn to Rachel, and like her Nana says, with any great gift
comes a great responsibility.
Matt Rutledge suffers no fool lightly—especially frauds who
prey on the weak and grieving. A professional reality show host, he's seen his
fair share of bad apples. One look at Rachel has him wondering just which side
of the barrel she falls into. He knows there's something bad within the walls
of Bremore Asylum. The voices of the past are alive behind the imposing iron
gates. Now he just has to prove it.
When Rachel agrees to take the job investigating the
disappearance of a fellow ghost hunter at Bremore Asylum, she is totally
unprepared for the sexy and stubborn psychic debunker Matt Rutledge to be a
part of the package. Can these two opposing forces, with the help of a very
cranky demon cat, find the answers behind the asylum's crumbling walls before
the asylum's grim history repeats itself?

Pages: 84
Genre: ghosts, ghost hunter, demon, cat, paranormal, time
travel, psychic, enemies to lovers
Publisher: Etopia Press

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Rachel Winestock quietly let herself into the room where her
grandmother lay nestled under the sheets, the blankets swallowing her slender frame. Pale and shrunken, she was a frail shadow of what she had been months ago. Rachel smiled at the sound of her steady breathing and light snoring. Nana needed her rest and was stubborn about admitting it. Peering over at her wizened face, her grandmother’s lips appeared chapped.
Damn it. What do these people have against ChapStick? It wasn’t fair. Nana appeared to be shrinking right before her eyes. Rachel had already lost her parents. She didn’t want to lose Nana too. It was too much. Especially after everything they’d been through over the last year. Tears pricked at the corners of her eyes and she fought against them. She had to be strong.
No. If Nana woke up and found her crying, there would be hell to
pay. Rachel sniffled and forced her emotions in check.
“She needs to get out of here.” Thickety blurted out, his shadowy form hidden in the dimness of the room. His long cat tail flicked his distain, and he edged his head toward Rachel. Red eyes glowed from his smoky black form that could be as solid or transparent as he needed it to be. “The smell is worse than a cat box.” “Why do you insist on following me? Can’t you just leave
well enough alone?” Rachel ground out, trying her hardest not to make eye
contact with the demonic cat. He’d been in her life since she could remember
and nowhere along the way had it ever been easy. “And I know that. Look at
those bruises.” “Hey. I’m doing you a solid here. You want to know where the
missing bracelet is that used to be on her arm? I’d look at that attendant down
the hall.” “The last time I listened to you someone almost died.”
“Don’t you mean ignore? I told you the child was in the house, not to go poking into foundation walls with no structure to hold them up. There’s a difference, sweet cheeks.” Thickety raised his paw and licked at his foot. “Remember I was right. Just because your friend decided to get a
little crazy with a mallet and found herself buried was not my fault.”
Rachel sucked in a breath and gritted her teeth. “Look. I came here to see my grandmother. Can we save the arguments for later?” “Fine.” The cat yawned and crept closer, his eyes focused on Rachel’s Nana. “She used to be livelier than this. What are they feeding her?”

“I don’t know but whatever it is, it’s not enough. She looks terrible.” Weak and more fragile than she had ever seen her, Rachel had to do
something to get her out of here. Even if that something was take a job working for Harold Danvers. The past was the past. It was easy to say that until the nightmares came, leaving her shaking in her bed covered in sweat.

About the author:

Dana Wright has always had a fascination with things that go bump in the night. She is often found playing at local bookstores, trying not
to maim herself with crochet hooks or knitting needles, watching monster movies with her husband and furry kids or blogging about books. More commonly, she is chained to her computers, writing like a woman possessed. She is currently working on several children's stories, young adult fiction, romantic suspense,
short stories and is trying her hand at poetry. She is a contributing author to
Ghost Sniffer’s CYOA The Haunting of Zephyr Zoo, Siren’s Call E-zine in their “Women in Horror” issue in February 2013 and "Revenge" in October
2013, a contributing author to Potatoes!, Fossil Lake, Of Dragons and Magic:
Tales of the Lost Worlds, Undead in Pictures, Potnia, Shadows and Light, Dark Corners (upcoming), Wonderstruck, Shifters: A Charity Anthology, Dead Harvest, Monster Diaries, Holiday Horrors and the Roms, Bombs and Zoms Anthology from Evil Girlfriend Media. She is the author of Asylum, The Invitation and Texas Twister.   Dana has also reviewed music
for specializing in New Age and alternative music and has been a contributing writer to Eternal Haunted Summer, Massacre Magazine, Metaphor Magazine, The Were Traveler October 2013 edition: The Little Magazine of Magnificent Monsters, the December 2013 issue The Day the Zombies Ruled the Earth. She currently reviews music at New Age Music Reviews and Write a Music Review.

Follow Dana’s reviews:
Twitter: @danawrite
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Facebook fan page:
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Sign up for her newsletter so you don't miss a thing!

Cover Reveal: Blue Hearts by Sydney Jamesson

Title: Blue Hearts
Series: The Story of Us #2
Author: Sydney Jamesson
Genre: Contemporary Romance
Cover Design: Promo Design UK
 Release Date: December 2, 2015


Beth Parker Stone knows what it feels like to be alone. She just didn’t expected to feel that way only three months into her perfect marriage.

Ayden Stone is a man who has everything, except the one thing he needs most: the only woman he has ever loved. Fearing for her life, he has to send her away; knowing he has the fight of his life on his hands to save himself and, more importantly, his family.

He must do things he knows will jeopardise his marriage and bring him close to breaking point, but with his back against the wall, he has no choice … he must do whatever it takes.

The French connection deepens, opening old wounds, creating emotional scars which Ayden must endure alone. New enemies from their past close in, threatening their relationship and their very existence.

With everything to fight for, they must make a stand to safeguard their lives and their love … or risk losing it all.

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Also Available


Touchstone for play - BUY NOW

Touchstone for giving - BUY NOW

Touchstone for ever - BUY NOW

Author Bio

Sydney Jamesson is an English teacher by day and bestselling author of romance by night. She is nocturnal by nature and loves nothing more than staying up late, listening to music and being inspired to write. She has always scribbled things down; in her home is one enormous waste paper basket full of discarded phrases, opening lines and pieces of dialogue that have hit her like lightning in the middle of the night or whilst parked up at a set of traffic lights. Her bestselling trilogy, The Story of Us is available worldwide, and she’s thrilled to continue Ayden Stone and Beth Parker’s epic love story in her upcoming The Story of Us Series: Into the Blue.

Author Links


Cover Reveal: The Baller by Vi Keeland

(A standalone novel)
A Contemporary Romance novel
New York Times & USA Today Bestselling Author
Vi Keeland
the baller full.jpg


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The first time I met Brody Easton was in the men’s locker room.
It was my first interview as a professional sportscaster.
The famed quarterback decided to bare all.
And by all, I don’t mean he told me any of his secrets.
No.  The arrogant ass decided to drop his towel, just as I asked the first question.  On camera.
The Super Bowl MVP quickly adopted a new hobby—screwing with me.
When I pushed back, he shifted from wanting to screw with me, to wanting to screw me.
But I don’t date players.
And it’s not because I’m one of the few women working in the world of professional football.
I’d date an athlete.
It’s the other kind of player I don’t date.
You know the type.  Good looking, strong, cocky, always looking to get laid.
Brody Easton was the ultimate player.
Every woman wanted to be the one to change him.
But the truth was, all he needed was a girl worth changing for.
Turned out, I was that girl.
Simple right?
Let’s face it.  It never is.
There’s a story between once upon a time and happily ever after…
And this one is ours.

 the baller banner.png

About the Author
vi keeland bio.png
Vi Keeland is a native New Yorker with three children that occupy most of her free time, which she complains about often, but wouldn't change for the world. She is a bookworm and has been known to read her kindle at stop lights, while styling her hair, cleaning, walking, during sporting events, and frequently while pretending to work.  She is a boring attorney by day, and an exciting smut author by night!

Additional Books by Vi Keeland

Life on Stage series (2 standalone books)


Barnes & Noble:

MMA Fighter series (3 standalone books)
Worth the Fight (MMA Fighter Series, Book One)
Barnes & Noble:
Smashwords -

Worth The Chance (MMA Fighter Series, Book Two)

Worth Forgiving (MMA Fighter Series, Book Three)

The Cole Series (2 book serial)

Belong to You (Cole Series, Book One)
Made for You (Cole Series, Book Two)

Standalone novels

Cocky Bastard (co-written with Penelope Ward)

Left Behind (A Young Adult Novel)

First Thing I See
Barnes & Noble: