My rating: 5 of 5 stars
The Masters and Mercenaries Series is my all time favorite. Every time a new one is due to come out I wait not so patiently for it to arrive on my e-reader. I squealed with delight when this one downloaded.
When we first met Simon I wasn't sure I wanted his story. He came off to me like an arrogant Brit, who would be stuffy and not at all alpha like the rest of the Sanctum / Mckay/ Taggart fellows.
I started to crave his story when Chelsea showed up, goes to show you when the right woman is paired with the right man sparks fly.
We learn so much about Simon in this book that we never knew before, about his childhood. Lexi teased us with small glimpses of the real guy beneath the suit when he interacted with Chelsea.
I also felt how Simon really thought of the Mckay / Taggart group as his family and he would do anything for them.
I really loved the "partnership" of Jesse and Simon at first it seemed like Simon was to be the young PTSD victims "babysitter" but their bromance turned out to be so much more. Jesse and Simon have a strong brotherly bond and was a pleasure to read. Jesse stole my heart from the moment he was introduced and I can't wait to read his story.
Chelsea had so many self-esteem issues thanks to her crazy Russian mob father who brutalized her physically and emotionally. I would have thought no man would have been able to reach her. But Simon was so up to the challenge. Right from the start the sexual chemistry these two shared was sizzling. She goes to Simon for help he uses the opportunity to get her to sign a BDSM contract with him that he has every intention of adhering to forever. Using it to gain her love and trust.
While they are on the run from whoever is trying to kill Chelsea, Simon introduces her to the world of D/s relationships that Chelsea thought he didn't want. But with Simon she finally admits its different only with him.
As usual this series brings tons of action and lots of alpha male Mckay/Taggart sexiness.
Also we meet so many new characters, including Simon's cousins, brother and a couple more Taggart's I can't wait to learn more about.
Of course my Ian is back and as sarcastic and brooding as ever with his lovely wife Charlotte in tow. I love at one point he gets an unexpected "hug" and doesn't know what to do. I laughed out loud and his reactions.
This is a series that can go on forever as far as I am concerned.
Lexi Blake writes this series so well that it never gets stale, never repeats itself and keeps us entertained every time.
The epilogue (I love an epilogue ) made me smile for what is to come. There is a novella with two new characters and then after that Jesse and Phoebe's story. Pre-orders already in so I wait again.
This series has it all, love, danger, intrigue, comedy, heartbreak. If you have not read this series you need to get it, I highly recommend.
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