Monday, October 19, 2015

Book Blitz: Sinner's Steel by Sarah Castille

Sinner’s Steel by Sarah Castille 
(Sinner’s Tribe Motorcycle Club #3) 
Published by: St. Martin’s Press
Publication date: October 6th 2015
Genres: Adult, Romance


Tall, dark, and dangerously handsome, Zane “Tracker” Colter is the strong, silent type of tattooed muscle biker who drives women wild. But as a master of strategy for the outlaw MC club, Sinner’s Tribe, he doesn’t have time to play around with groupies and biker chicks-especially when he can’t stop thinking about Evie, the girl who got away…

Evie’s been in love with Zane ever since they were children-until he broke her heart and disappeared. Now he’s back in her life, bigger and badder than ever. Zane is stunned by how beautiful and confident Evie’s become, using her artistic talent to customize motorcycles. He wants her so bad, he’d ride through fire to win her back. There’s one problem: Evie is dating his deadliest rival-the leader of the Black Jacks-and if Evie and Zane hook up, there’ll be hell to pay…

Sarah Castille’s Sinner’s Tribe series is:

“Raw, rugged, and romantic.” -Eden Bradley, New York Times bestselling author

“A sexy and dangerous ride!”-Roni Loren, New York Times bestselling author


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A gunshot cracked the silence, and then another. Zane's heart pounded and he slid his hand into his cut, closing his fingers around his gun. "Stay here until I come back for you. Hide." He ran back into the store and spotted Shooter just outside the front door, firing his gun into the trees.
"Who is it?” He shouted from the cover of the doorway. “You see Axle? One of the Jacks?"
"Squirrel." Shooter yelled. "Red tail. Tricky little bugger but I got him trapped in that bush."
"Jesus fucking Christ.” Zane ran over to Shooter and grabbed his wrist. “Put the weapon down." He unleashed all his tension in a volley of curses directed at Shooter, his mental state, his mother, and his dubious parentage. "This is a surveillance mission. That means you don’t draw attention to yourself. You don't shoot things. Gunfire has a nasty tendency to rile up civilians and then they call the cops. And right now the ATF are camped out in the sheriff’s office. You want to explain to the fucking ATF why you're shooting squirrels on private property?"
"He was on your bike, gnawing on your seat."
"Gimme that gun." Zane grabbed the weapon and fired three shots into the bush. "Take that you goddamn fucking bastard," he hollered. "You wanna eat my leather? Now you're gonna be eatin' crow."
"You missed."
Zane handed him the gun. "You got a new job now, prospect. Clean my seat, fix the leather, then bring me that fucking squirrel's hide."
"Yes, sir."
Adrenaline pounded through his veins as he returned to the store, whether from the shoot-out or finding out Evie had split with Mark he didn't know, but damned if he could get himself under control. He took a few deep breaths as he crossed through into the shop, clenching and unclenching his fist by his side.
"Here." Her voice was faint. "Can I come out now?"
He followed her voice to a storage closet at the far end of the shop and found her reaching for a tube of paint on the top shelf.
"I figured I’d tidy up while I was in here and I saw a box of paint I’d forgotten about. Could you get it down for me?" Half in the shadows of the small, musty room, she looked back over her shoulder. "I'm not quite tall enough."
Zane walked up behind her and grabbed the box. His body brushed up against her, his hips against her ass, his chest to her back, his chin brushing over her floral-scented hair.
Walk away. Walk away. Walk the hell away.
He slid his free hand around her waist and pulled her against his body. So perfect. So right.
"Zane." Her voice came out in a choked whisper.
"You're not with Mark?" He leaned down and pressed his lips to her ear, inhaling her scent of jasmine as the adrenaline streamed through his veins, straight down to his groin.
His hand splayed over her stomach, pulling her close, and he nuzzled the hair away from her neck. "You got a man, Evie?"
"No." Her voice wavered. "But . . . I kinda . . .”
He shoved the box onto a lower shelf and reached around to catch her jaw in his hand, pulling her head back against his shoulder, exposing her neck to the heated slide of his lips. Somewhere, in the foggy recesses of his mind, he knew he was being too rough, but he was barely in control and rough was as gentle as he could be. "So no one's gonna shoot me between the eyes if I do this?" With his thumb he gently stroked the underside of her breast.
Evie sucked in a sharp breath, trembled. "No."
His hand slid higher, tracing over her ribs until he held the full weight of her breast in his palm. "You gonna stop me from touching you, sweetheart?" He feathered kisses along the column of her neck, praying she didn't deny him because he was already so far gone he didn't know if he would be able to stop.
"Zane." She shuddered, her nipples peaking beneath her thin cotton tank top. He circled one taut nipple with his thumb and she groaned and wiggled her ass against his erection, nestled tight in the crack of her cheeks.
"Stop me, Evie,” he whispered. “Because I can't stop myself."
She melted against him with a sigh, her body softening. For the briefest of moments he soared, higher and higher, soaking in her light, her warmth, her essence . . .
He should have known what would happen if he flew too close to the sun.


New York Times and USA Today bestselling author, Sarah Castille, writes contemporary erotic romance and romantic suspense featuring blazingly hot alpha males and the women who tame them. She is the author of the Redemption series, the Sinner’s Tribe MC series, and the Legal Heat series. A recovering lawyer and caffeine addict, she worked and travelled abroad before trading in her briefcase and stilettos for a handful of magic beans and a home on Vancouver Island.

Find her at:

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Release Blitz: Torn Hearts by M. E. Gordon

Release Blitz: Torn Hearts

by M. E. Gordon

Oct 12th - Oct 19th

A tale as old as time—a girl, tall and wispy, hair the color of the sun, eyes as blue as the sky, caught in a love triangle with the noblest of men…Not in this book honey!

Okay so maybe I am caught up in a love triangle, but I’m sure as hell not running through a field of daisies in a sun dress. My name is Elizabeth and I’ve managed to avoid men for most of my life. I wasn’t a nun by any means, but I know what the hot guys want—and it usually isn’t me. How I got myself involved in a love triangle with one sexy photographer and a millionaire bachelor, who had women worshiping the ground he walked on,is beyond me. Yet, here I am, attempting to navigate waters that I’ve never expected to. Trying to figure out which man was right for me, dealing with my family—and have I told you about the paparazzi? Well, it’s all really making me rethink the situation. Who do I trust? Who’s being genuine? What should I do if both men are perfect for me in different ways? How the hell am I supposed to choose just one? Or better yet do I have to choose just one?

Chapter 1


My heart rate accelerated as we pull up to the popular DC night club, Mood. I was currently sitting in a limo that my brothers sent over to retrieve my best friend Gia and me. Taking a steadying breath, I took a peek out the window. Of course, they had a small red carpet set out for celebrities and socialites like my brothers.

Let me make this a little clearer, I don’t do this.

I didn’t go out dressed up like I was right now. I glanced back at Gia who looked anything but anxious. She was in her element right now, and I…well, I was not!

preferred sitting at home reading a good book. It was a passion of mine. My Gran was an avid reader. What could I say? I took after her and my mother, who happened to have been an editor in-chief for a big publishing company. I guess I could have followed in her footsteps, but I had a passion for History. With only a few classes left, I was well on my way to restoring books at the Library of Congress. Still, no matter how many books I’d read, nothing could prepare me for nights like tonight.

Sure limos, nice dresses, socialites, photographers, it all sounded like a great time, and maybe it was, but not for me. Do you have any idea how difficult it is to find an appealing outfit for a size twelve, tall, curvy,twenty-three-year-old? Well I’ll tell you, it’s nearly impossible!

Sure there were things in my size, but that wasn’t the problem. The problem was feeling exposed, and not in a good way—the bad way, like every-inch-of-fat-had-been-magnified-by-tight-fabric way. Even Gia, the fashion stylist in training, had a hard time finding me something to wear. It was mortifying.

I didn’t know what I was more worried about, falling on my ass or getting my picture taken. Oh, right. It was falling on my ass while getting my picture taken. I tried my hardest to get Gia to go in the side entrance, but clearly, I lost that battle.

Gia stepped out first, thankfully. The cameras were snapping away like crazy, but why wouldn’t they be? She looked like a movie star in her short gray dress and sparkling heels. Smiling at the cameras and swaying her long blonde hair, she posed like it was second nature to her.

Taking a deep breath, I closed my eyes. I could do this. Just get out of the car and don’t fall on your ass. With one last, quick prayer, I scooted over and let my foot glide out of the limo. Holding on tight to the door handle, I exited the limo and cautiously made my way over toward the sea of cameras. I clung tight to the shawl that was covering most of the red dress that I had finally found, after hours of shopping with Gia.

I stopped moving when the photographers started snapping a few pictures. Maybe they thought I was a lighter haired Kardashian or something. It didn’t take but a few seconds for them to find out I wasn’t.

“She’s nobody!” I heard one of the snakes say to his neighbor.

Knives, meet my heart…ouch! I wanted to run back to the limo or into the safety of the dark club, but I couldn’t move. I glanced over in Gia’s direction where she was using her hands to take off an invisible jacket. I guessed she was telling me to take my shawl off? I couldn’t help but think that this was a very stupid idea. And, of course, against my better judgment, I did it anyway.

quickly un-wrapped the fabric. My long, wavy, brown hair fell against my bare back and exposed cleavage. The unseasonably, cool air brushed against my arms, making a chill run up my spine. This dress was perfect, practically made for me. It hit all my curves and pushed my boobs and ass up too. But most importantly, it flattened my stomach—magic!

The wall of cameras turns back to me. I guess they think I might be someone worth photographing after all.

“Red Dress—Red dress, can we get a name?”

I turned in the direction of the warm voice and felt the heat rise to my cheeks. Embarrassment? Flattery? I tried to make out the person calling to me as I scanned the wall of photographers. My eyes were instantly drawn to a handsome man with shaggy, sandy hair and muscular build. Well, I’d like to think it was muscles under the sweat shirt he had on. I squinted to get a better look but lost sight of him as the flashes went off.

“A name?” another man called.

“Elizabeth Monroe,” I answered back.

All about me in Five Questions or less


1 – What makes you, you?

What makes me, me? Well, I was born and raised in Central Maryland. I now live with my wonderful husband and four, energetic children. My day to day consists of getting kids ready for school, answering e-mails, writing, editing, and making breakfast, lunch, and dinner. Writing has always been a passion of mine. My grandmother gave me my first journal when I was in the third grade. I wrote in it almost every day, and I still try to write in it as often as I can. Before I started my first novel and became a stay at home mom, I worked in daycare. I loved it! Never a dull moment when you have 15 kids running around!


2- When you don’t have your ‘Mom hat’ or ‘Author hat’ on, what are your interests ?

I love going to the movies, whether it be with my husband or friends. I get pretty jazzed about good movies. I love them all; romantic, suspense, action. I don’t do scary though, unless I’m at home snuggled on the couch next to my hubby with a blanket over my head.

Go figure, I love reading! I really like romantic novels, but I also dabble in Young Adult. Potter and Everdeen are some of my favorites, hell I’ll admit it, I even liked Twilight, before the movie.


3 – Describe your writing set up?

When I write, I have to have music on. I have a playlist for each of my stories. Without music, I just can’t write. I also like to be in the dark, with only a small lamp and computer screen to light my way. I have a journal for each novel that I jot down future ideas in about the storyline, character descriptions, and words I want to incorporate. I’d be lost without my journals; I carry them around with me everywhere. You never know when an idea is going to pop in your head! A large glass of ice water is also a must have, unless it’s one of those days then a cup of coffee is on the menu. I’m sure all you Moms out there know what I’m talking about!


4 – Boxers or Briefs for your hunky heroes?


Best of both worlds? … I think so! Oh and they’re always black!


5 – Who inspires you to write?

Who inspires me to write? Honestly, I write for the women like me who want to be able to picture themselves as the heroine. All too often, the leading lady is someone who’s unattainable for most. The tall, thin, long-legged, beauty or the petite, slender girl next door who happens to also be drop dead gorgeous. Those women are usually frail and sometimes, not much is going on upstairs. I try to write about, real, strong women who tell it like it is. For instance, we all know that most of us wear spanks when we go out to a club. Suck it in, stand up straight and don’t sit down, unless you’re behind a table. These are the things that constantly go through your head. I want my readers to be able to put themselves in my heroines place. What would you do if a really hot guy was dancing with you? Pray your rolls aren’t showing? Chin up to hide any chance of showing a double one? Arch your back to show off ‘assets’ you think are better than others? Maybe even move his hands just so he won’t feel that extra cushion?

Although I have written a few stories with a typical heroine and don’t get me wrong, love them and they are ‘real’ in their own way, just not physically. 

Those stories were easy to write because they didn’t have body issues or insecurities, they didn’t have to worry about ‘sucking it in’ or ‘muffin tops’. Now, I wouldn’t call my heroines plus size, I call them real, real girls/women who love themselves, but are still aware that they aren’t that Victoria Secret model. I find it challenging and exciting to write about curvy women and all the little things that come along with it. It’s not easy and sometimes I think that it’d be easier to follow suit and write about idealistic women, but in a way, we al are and we all need that one heroine to look up to and I hope that my leading ladies, curvy or otherwise, fulfill that need for someone.


Find me on Black Opal Books!

I'd love to hear from new and old friends!


Release Blitz: Lovestrong - The Kingdom Book Three by Nikki Groom

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Title: LOVESTRONG (The Kingdom, #3)
Author: Nikki Groom
Genre: Contemporary Romance
Release Date: October 19, 2015


Growing up wasn't easy for Lottie. As an only child with self-absorbed parents, she soon learned that the one person she could depend upon was herself. A brave face and defensive self-preservation kept her strong.

Then Lottie met Spike.
He didn't see her little habits as frustrating; he embraced them.
He didn't run from her fiery temper and sharp tongue; he admired her for her tenacity.
He loved her and she loved him.
And somehow, despite Lottie's reluctance to let her guard down, Spike King managed to burrow his way in to her gentle heart and penetrate that steely armour she surrounded herself with.

Then one night it all changed.
A family vendetta.
A life shattering hit and run.
A moment that would change their lives forever.

Will their love be strong enough to pull them back together?
Or will the damage from that one fateful night keep them apart for ever?

Authors note: Spike and Lottie's story can be read as a stand alone.
However, to appreciate their personalities and the journey they have been on to get to this book, you should really read Holding Aces (The Kingdom 1) and High Stakes (The Kingdom 2).


Purchase Your Copy Today !
Holding Aces (The Kingdom, #1)

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They say that time heals all wounds.
But mine are set in so deeply, they’ve taken on a life of their own, lurking in the shadows at every turn and haunting my thoughts.

The girl I once was has been replaced by a stranger.
I don’t even know who I am anymore.

I run.
And I hide.
Pretending to be someone I’m not…

Until I meet Denham King.
My burst of color in an otherwise grey world.
And for the first time in my life, I find myself running towards someone instead of running away.

But fate can be cruel,
and I can’t escape my past.
Can I?

High Stakes (The Kingdom, #2)

“Stupid. Beautiful. Girl. How did you ever think you could be free?”

The last words I heard before the darkness took me and my dreams were shattered

I was on my way to having it all.
Friends, family and a future.
Everything I had wished for but never thought possible.

Denham King showed me just how good life could be. A life where love and happiness were within reach.


I should have known it would never last.
My past is a dark, damp cloud, that has seeped into my skin and left a cold promise.
A promise of hurt and pain.
A promise of a long, hard fight, where the stakes are high and the risks threaten lives.

When your world gets thrown in all directions, and your dreams for the future are torn from your grasp; how do you go on?

Can I fight the demons that haunt me?
Can love save me from fate’s cruel path?

About the Author

Nikki Groom is a hopeless romantic, lover of all things happily ever after and firm believer that love makes the world go around.
In her spare time, you will find Nikki laughing with her very treasured family, walking with her beloved dog in the hundred acre wood or curled up in a cosy corner with words and wine.
She lives in East Sussex with her husband and two children. Having turned her hand to many things over the years, Nikki is now proud to add ‘author’ to that list.
Having always been a dreamer, Nikki’s imagination stretches far and wide, which enables her to get lost in faraway places and imaginary people.

Nikki loves to chat, especially about books! You can find her here…



Release Day Launch: A Moment of Weakness by Brooklyn Skye

We’re so excited to bring you the release day A Moment of Weakness by Brooklyn Skye. This is a great new contemporary romance! Brooklyn is sharing an excerpt and giveaway with us, so be sure to check it all out!

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A Moment of Weakness Synopsis:AMoW_500

Until her new job starts in September, buttoned-up elementary school teacher Laurel Harris is at loose ends and in need of cash. Fortunately her best friend's older brother is a single dad and desperately needs a nanny. Or so she’s told. She doesn’t anticipate him being such a menacing, muscled, and undeniably gorgeous man…or that he has zero interest in hiring a nanny.

Micah Crane will do right by his young daughter, no matter the cost. And right now, that cost is juggling parenthood with long hours at his bar and working as an enforcer for a notorious crime boss. He doesn’t need another complication in his life, but the sweet, frustratingly opinionated little blonde hell-bent on caring for his daughter stirs his blood like no woman ever has.

All it takes is a moment of weakness to ignite the lust blazing between them. A moment that will unravel their self-control and unleash all of Micah’s darkest secrets...

Buy Links:

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Exclusive Excerpt:

Laurel opened her mouth, but before she could get anything out, Micah said, “How about I show you where you’ll be sleeping,” and walked out of the kitchen, gesturing for her to follow.

Silently, she trailed him, her suitcase bumping along the carpeted hallway. With each step, she catalogued what she knew of him so far.

Right foot. Raising six-year-old alone.

Left foot. Has taken some precautions in keeping Shaelynn safe, but might need some help with that.

Right foot. His backside is really, really nice to look at.

Left foot. I wonder if those muscles under his back pockets feel as hard as they look—

“It’s only a two-bedroom apartment,” he said, suddenly coming to a stop. The movement was too fast, and by the time her brain caught up, she was already slamming into the back of him. Right against the butt she’d been staring at.

Oh my god.

He twirled fast and clamped his huge hand around the top of her arm to steady her, those brown eyes ticking from her eyes to her forehead to her ears, mouth, over her shoulder, then back to her eyes. The force of his stare triggered a nervous giggle from her lips.

“I’m so sorry,” she said, forcing her gaze to stay with his even though the intensity was making her a little dizzy. “I didn’t expect you to stop right there.”

“We’re at the end of the hallway,” he said, unamused.

Right. But… She pointed to where the carpet dead ended. “I couldn’t see because of your…”

Butt. Not a chance she’d admit that.

Your entire ginormous body blocking my view. Yeah, not that either.

“Because of…um, you,” she said, swallowing down what she hoped was all of her embarrassment.


“ of the hottest first kiss scenes I have ever read.” -Escape With a Book review blog “I loved the way this book was written. At times, it was almost like poetry. Brooklyn Skye knocked it out the park with this one.” -Wicked Good Reads

“Skye's creation was absolutely superb… a perfect blend of romance and eroticism with a dash of suspense thrown in to keep the pace running smoothly.” –Lunaland Books

“This book is a refreshing change from the run of the mill rich alpha guy falls for the beautiful girl that walks into his life and uncovers all his secrets. Micah is not rich. He is raising his six year old in a small two bedroom apartment. Trying to be a better parent than his dad was to him.” -Mollien for Alpha Book Club

Brooklyn Skye Bio:

Brooklyn Skye grew up in a small town where she quickly realized writing was an escape from small town life. Really, she’s just your average awkward girl who’s obsessed with words. She writes young adult, new adult, and romance fiction. You can follow her on Twitter as @brooklyn__skye, Instagram as @brooklynskyewrites, or visit her web site for updates, teasers, giveaways, and more.


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Blog Tour: Explicitly Wyatt by H.K. SZCZESIAK

Blog Tour:
Explicitly Wyatt
by H.K. Szczesiak

Oct 12th – Oct 19th

Desire. Craving. Lust. Never love.

You met Wyatt Weston in Enticing Sky, now meet Wyatt before his life was
forever changed by Skyrah.

Wyatt Weston, CEO and Business guru and a forever playboy and commitment-phobe, Wyatt never wants to settle down. Wyatt simply has no time for relationships, other than the ones he has with his family. Women are just too needy, controlling and downright nagging in his mind. However, his lust for them is insatiable. 

Wyatt has a close relationship with his brother, Wriston Weston. Wriston has
many trials and tribulations while getting his bar Bottoms Up ready for the
grand opening. See how Wyatt handles the disarray that is brought into this
life due to Wriston.

Explore the Weston brothers and who they were prior to meeting them both in
Enticing Sky.

Enticing Sky

Skyrah Jane Campbell has always been driven to succeed and make a
name for herself away from her family. Moving to Chicago to attend college and
start a career doesn't leave much room for romance. Living with Anabelle, her
feisty best friend, has helped Skyrah begin to come out of her shell. However,
nothing could prepare Skyrah for the day she first laid eyes on Wyatt Weston.

Wyatt, a successful business man, is the owner of the Weston Building where
coincidentally Skyrah works. When his father died, Wyatt inherited his company.
A forever playboy and commitment-phobe, Wyatt never wanted to settle down until a brief encounter with Skryah turns his world upside down.

Will Skyrah’s encounter with Wyatt’s sexy younger brother, Wriston, come
between the two? How will The Weston family handle learning their family isn't
as reputable and honest as they once thought?

While trying to build a lasting relationship, can Skyrah and Wyatt handle
everything life throws at them?

I am a working mother of two. Writer in my free time, which is mainly at night.

I have always loved to read then I turned that passion into a love of writing.
Being able to create a character and give them purpose and meaning is fulfilling.

I embarked on this journey in 2014, my first novel will be out in early 2015. 

Stay tuned...

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