Wednesday, May 20, 2015

Outer Core (Stark, #3) by Sigal Ehrlich Cover Reveal

OC eBook

Title: OUTER CORE (Stark, #3)
Author: Sigal Ehrlich
Release Date: December 2015
Genre: Contemporary Romance
Cover Designer: The Cover Lure


When Hayley makes a resolution to wear Daniel’s ring and embrace everything it stands for, to declare her insecurities and doubts R.I.P, it’s all good in theory…

That is until the winds of change shift. Shift and swift by, bringing along past mistakes and new revelations, which threaten the balance of their relationship. Changes that neither Hayley nor Daniel could have ever anticipated or prepared for…

Will the strong foundation of their relationship be resilient enough to get them through the upcoming storm?

Stark Series
Layers (Stark, #1)
According to Hayley love is a subject of ridicule, a myth created by hopeless romantics.

When Hayley makes a resolution to declare her loose lifestyle era R.I.P, it’s all good in theory…

That is until she meets Daniel Stark, a well-respected, mid-thirties businessman who is known for his short temper, lack of steady relationships as well as his strict preserve of his private life.

Opinionated, sharp tongued Hayley accidently steps into his office, leaving Daniel resolved to put Hayley in her place and have her in his bed.

Both Hayley and Daniel can’t avoid the immediate instigation of the attraction between them.

In a unanimously agreed upon verdict by Hayley and her two best friends, Ian the gay self-absorbed, aspiring model and Natasha the witty, borderline neurotic soul mate, Daniel Stark is to be Hayley’s pure physical attraction, emotions aside era closure.

Will it indeed be a closure, or a beginning to something neither Hayley nor Daniel ever bargained for…

Inner Core (Stark, #2)

When Hayley makes a resolution to take back the control over her life, and declare their relationship R.I.P, it’s all good in theory…

That is until Daniel decides to prove her wrong and get her back.

Together, Hayley and Daniel seem to have it all. But can love ever be enough when two strong personalities collide and while reality takes the lead?

Faced with more obstacles than she could have ever bargain for when it comes to Daniel, struggling to keep her own identity while sharing a life with her man. Buds of doubt start rooting in Hayley’s confidence, making her rethink her decision.

And just when it seems that they might make it together after all, life happens. Bringing a threat that neither Hayley nor Daniel could ever anticipate, a threat that could break them apart forever . . .

About the Author
By teen age, Sigal already lived in three different continents where she was lucky enough to experience and visit varied places, meet unique people, which only helped fuel her overly developed imagination. Currently, Sigal calls Estonia home where she lives with her husband and three kids.
Not exactly sure where they will end up next…


Full Jacket

love 2

Re-Release and Cover Reveal Packets for Alexa Crushed by T.R Cupak

Alexa Morgan lost her mother when she was two. At eighteen, her father and stepmother died when a devastating earthquake hit the Bay Area. Only one person has remained a constant in her life: Devin.

Devin has been Alexa’s best friend since childhood. The two are inseparable—or they were until Devin declared his love for her at sixteen. When Alexa can offer him only friendship in return, Devin retreats, brokenhearted.

Alexa, on the other hand, longs for Ethan, the boy next door. Four years older than her, and with an ever-changing roster of girlfriends, Ethan is everything Devin isn’t: wild, sensual, and unpredictable.

In the aftermath of the deadly earthquake, Ethan makes his move on Alexa, who reciprocates in a confused whirl of grief and desire. When Ethan leaves town the next day, Devin comes back into Alexa’s life, offering support and expecting nothing in return.

Alexa begins to see the advantages of Devin’s quiet, stable love. Can she get past the friendship hang-up while trying to forget bad boy Ethan? It’s a choice that will change her life forever.

          I press play on the remote to the Blu-ray player and the beginning credits of Friday the 13th starts. We sit side by side for a while as the movie plays. It’s popcorn time, so I get up to go make us some Jiffy Pop in the kitchen. As I’m standing by the stove, moving the handle back and forth vigorously as the directions say to, Devin comes up behind me and rests his hands on my hips. The way he grabs me and the feel of his muscular body behind me send a shock wave through my body that I have never experienced when he’s touched me before. Then again, Devin has never touched me in such an intimate way.

         “That smells good,” he says as he leans over my shoulder, his breath warm by my ear.

         “Well, duh. It’s our staple popcorn for marathon movie watching,” I say in an effort to not sound affected by his close proximity and where his hands flex at my hips. 

         I’m not exactly sure how it happens, because it happens so quickly, but one second I’m making popcorn, and the next second I’m spun around, Jiffy Pop flying out of my hand, and I’m in Devin’s arms, held tight against his body. His left hand fists into my hair at the nape of my neck as his right hand presses firmly at the small of my back. His lips smash into mine as he tries to coax them to part with subtle licks of his tongue. My lips concede and part slightly. The tip of his soft tongue swiftly touches mine, taking advantage of my invite. For a brief moment, I actually find myself lost in his kiss. Because my first kiss was horrendous, I find myself enjoying Devin’s. His full lips are soft, his mouth is warm, and our tongues move effortlessly together. The hand that Devin had at the small of my back slides lower, resting on my backside. I can feel his erection pressing against my stomach. Just as his mouth leaves mine to trail light kisses down my neck, my mind snaps back to reality, and that reality is that I’m making out with my best friend. 

        I shove Devin back a step. “What in the hell are you doing, Dev?” My voice is shaky.

        “What does it look like, Lexi? I’m kissing you because I like you. I’ve always liked you. You’re beautiful, funny, and smart. We’re good together. I figured if there was any time to see if we have something more than friendship, that time was right now,” he answers unapologetically.

       “How can you do this to me, to our friendship?” I’m near tears at this point. 

       “You just kissed me back, Lex! You can’t deny you felt something more in that one kiss,” he snaps. 

       “Dev, you’re my best friend. Of course I’m going to feel something. Please don’t ruin this for us,” I plead.

        “Ruin us? I’m trying to make us better!” He’s shouting now as anger vibrates off his tensed body.         

        “Devin, I—”

        “Stop, Lexi! Just stop. I get it. You would rather have Mr. Joe College next door,” he says, sounding defeated. 

        “Waitwhat? Where in the hell is that coming from? He has nothing to do with what just freaking happened here.” I’m completely shaking at this point. My vision is blurred from the tears that are now trickling down my flushed cheeks.

       “I saw the way you looked at him today. I’ve only dreamed of having you look at me that way. I had to kiss you, Lexi. I had to at least try,” he says, before he turns to leave. 

        Time is standing still as I bring my fingers to my lips, swollen from Devin’s passionate kiss. My thoughts are scattered. I’m trying to think of what to say to save this friendship, but nothing is coming to mind. I hear his car start, snapping me from my thoughts. My feet finally move as I run out the front door, yelling, “Devin, stop! Wait, dammit!” But I’m too late. He can’t hear me over the roar of his engine, and I’m sure he’s not looking in the rearview mirror to see me standing there. 

        What the fuck just happened? Why did Devin do this? I’m really beginning to loathe my birthdays. I’m crying tears of devastation, knowing I just lost my best friend. I sit down on the bottom stair, putting my elbows on my knees and holding my head in my hands as I sob uncontrollably. I must be crying really hard not to hear Ethan’s car drive down the street or hear him walk up and crouch down right in front of me.

         “Lexi, are you OK?” Ethan asks cautiously, using his index finger to lift my chin so I look at him.        

        “Do I look OK?” I snap back, turning my head, trying to avoid looking at him, not even caring how I must look to the gorgeous man in front of me.

        “Did he hurt you?”

        “Why do you care?” I squeak out between sobs.

        “I’ll go after him if he hurt you, Lexi. So I’m asking again, did he hurt you?” 

        Shrugging my shoulders, I answer, “Yes, he hurt me, but not the way you’re probably thinking.” I stand, wiping my nose with the back of my hand, which is very unladylike. “I’m gonna go inside.” 

        He reaches out and grabs my shoulder to stop me. I turn as he asks, “See you later, Lexi?” It’s a question this time, instead of a statement of fact. 

        “Yeah,” is all I can manage as I turn to head back into the house. 

        Once I’m inside, I head back to the kitchen, realizing the burner is still on. I shut it off and start to clean up the popcorn when I just fall back against the cabinet, sitting on the floor, putting my face in my hands, and begin to cry all over again.

         I’m not sure how long I’ve been sitting there on the kitchen floor crying, but I hear the garage door raising, signaling my parents are home. I am in no mood to try to explain why I’m a bawling mess, since I’m still unsure of what exactly happened today to even give an explanation. I hurry to my feet, throw away the popcorn, and run upstairs to my room. 

        Moments later, I hear my mom call up to me, “Lexi?” 

        I try to steady my voice before I answer. “Yeah, Mom?” 

        “You left the Blu-ray player and TV on with some slasher movie.”

        “Shit,” I say to myself. Louder, I say, “Sorry, Mom. Can you turn it off, please? I just got undressed to take a bath.” I lie, which is rare for me.

        “Sure. Are you hungry? I was going to make spaghetti and meatballs for dinner.” 

        “No, thanks. I had a late lunch with Devin.” I barely croak out his name and pray my mom doesn’t catch it.

        “OK, sweetheart. How is Devin?” she asks.

        My voice is barely audible when I say to myself, “Oh, he’s a mess, and I’m pretty sure he hates me now.” But when I think I can answer her, I just yell down, “He’s fine,” and shut my bedroom doors. 

        As I start to fill my bathtub, I grab my cell phone and, with my hands still shaking, send Devin a text.

 Me: We REALLY need to talk Dev. Please call me. 

       I wait five minutes and still have no reply. He probably isn’t home yet. I strip out of my clothes and slide into my bubble bath. I’m replaying the events of today through my head over and over again. First, there was Devin and Ethan’s weird, testosterone-filled pissing match. Then Devin was ignoring the twins’ excessive flirting, and then Devin’s mouth on mine with the kiss that will forever change our relationship. Damn him!
       Then my thoughts drift back to Ethan, crouching in front of me after my failed attempt at stopping Devin from leaving. Ethan looking male model gorgeous while I sit there looking a hot mess as he offers me comfort and to go kick Devin’s ass for hurting me. I guess his big brother tendencies kicked in, because there is positively no other explanation that I can think of. 

        Seriously, what the hell happened today? Was today “Let’s Fuck with Lexi Day”?
 T.R. Cupak was born and raised in the suburbs of a Bay Area city in California. She was the closet nerd who hid her love of reading and writing short stories and poetry when she was younger. Back then it wasn’t considered cool to be into those types of activities for pleasure, whereas today you have TV shows, movies and books that glamourize that being a nerd is actually cool.

T. lives in a quiet, little, country town south of where she grew up. She is happily married to an amazing man who supports her in everything she does and spoils her rotten. They have a crazy little Shih Tzu named Harley. He's their fur-baby and even though he’s a pain in the arse most days, they love the little guy. She has an obsession with cars, especially fast ones.  She enjoys her music louder than anyone should. Admittedly it’s to drown out hearing her own singing voice, or lack thereof. When she’s not at work or busy writing you can find her curled up reading a book on her Kindle with a glass of wine or Dirty Shirley.

T. lost touch with her creative side and stepped off the path of all things written in her early twenties. Six years ago, her passion for reading was rekindled. She
began to utilize reading as a way to escape everyday chaos. Late 2013 she began journal writing. After a couple of months of journaling T. realized that this form of writing wasn't keeping her interest nor was it helping her to relax. After that realization settled in she changed the direction of her writing. Her creative aspirations were flowing once again and she happily embraced it. As her fingers started to dance across her keyboard she began to see her fictional characters begin to breathe life. Writing was only supposed to be a way for the new author
to relax, but a story was born and T.R. Cupak is excited to be re-releasing her self-published debut novel, Alexa Crushed.

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Cover Designer and Formatter:
Deborah with Tugboat Design

Loves Great Adventure Series by Theresa Troutman - Sales Blitz


Book 1: Life's What You Make It 
Book 2: Love This Life 
Book 3: London Loves 
Genre: Romance 

Follow the journey of Sebastian Irons and Tess Hamilton. Sebastian the wealthy playboy finding love in the most unexpected place with a girl who is definitely not his "type." Tess is the smart, ambitious bookworm who is single minded in achieving her career goal. Sparks fly when these two people from very different backgrounds connect in the most unexpected way.
Experience the ups and downs, love and loss, struggle and triumph as they navigate college, marriage and parenthood.
An epic romance about finding true love, loyalty, friendship and the ties that bind a family together. This series is the ultimate romance with a happy ending! An emotional roller coaster ride proving soul mates do exist.


Life's What You Make It 

Love This Life

London Loves

Theresa Troutman lives in Pennsylvania with her husband and their crazy dog, Niko. She loves reading, theatre and traveling. Her books include: My Secret Summer, A Special Connection and the Love's Great Adventure Series: Life's What You Make It and Love This Life and London Loves. She is currently working on contemporary erotic romance called, By My Side, which is out now!


Sin (Devil's Den #3) by Violetta Rand - Virtual Tour

Devil’s Den # 3  
By: Violetta Rand  
Releasing May 12, 2015

Sin proves that passion goes beyond smoldering desire when hearts dance to their own special beat.

     Every woman at the Devil’s Den strip club has a story to tell, and Macey Taylor is no exception. Smart and self-reliant, she’s got a chip on her shoulder, a broken heart, and no patience for a sexy new manager with an Ivy League pedigree and a strict set of rules. Macey prefers to break rules, something she lets Joshua Camden know from the start—even as he ignites a fire in her that goes beyond the hottest club in town.

     Joshua is working the Devil’s Den for all it’s worth, learning everything he can about the adult-entertainment game before investing in a place of his own. Macey is a surprise: a woman as strong-willed as she is gorgeous. Joshua wants to get inside her world, to see through her eyes. But he soon discovers that seduction is a two-way street—and expecting redemption without risking his heart may be the greatest sin of all.

Here is the link for the rest of the tour:

Goodreads Link: 

Goodreads Series Link:

     An involuntary rush of breath escapes me as I take in every glorious inch of his perfect physique. He’s devastating. And I’m not even sure Joshua Camden qualifies as a mortal anymore. There are guys like Wesley, and then there are fantasies—I’m staring at one now. Reality whooshes back into my paralyzed brain.

     Yeah, you’re too much for me to handle. And he knows it. “Unbelievable,” I say, covering my eyes, trying not to hyperventilate. Abstinence isn’t my thing, but after nearly nine weeks of going without sex, I have a hair trigger, and supermodel over there isn’t helping. “Meet me downstairs when you’re finished taking care of yourself.”

     His warm laughter follows me down the hallway as I seek sanctuary in my room. I slam the door, leaning against it like I just successfully outran some serial killer. Or at least a lady killa. Regaining my composure, I seek out a long lost friend that lives in my dresser drawer. I keep my tiny vibrator wrapped in a silk scarf. Half expecting the batteries to be dead because I haven’t used it in so long, I switch it on. The low hum makes me giggle. I turn it up a notch and laugh again. I walk to the side of my bed, seriously considering taking my need for orgasm into my own hands. I’m not into one-nighters, and there’s no way I’m calling Wesley and asking for a pity fuck.

     I turn around to sit on the bed and scream the second I see Joshua filling my doorway. Of course, my toy is still buzzing away on the medium setting. He takes one look at my face, then gapes at the vibrator. Oh good God. This is turning out to be one of the worst nights of my life. In fact, I can’t remember ever feeling so embarrassed and ashamed. Our gazes lock. His lips twitch as he takes a few steps forward, shutting the door behind him.

     “Why are you here?” I snap, forgetting where and what I am. Oh yeah—in my bedroom and horny and single. Then I remember the vibrator.

     But before I can move, he reaches his hand out. I’m not sound-minded at the moment; in fact, I think someone spiked my drinks downstairs and I’m hallucinating. “Give it to me.” My gaze darts nervously around the room. Just die, I think, it would be so much easier than facing him. He doesn’t ask again, but gently removes the toy from my grasp, turns it off, then places it on my bureau.

     “I got worried when I didn’t find you downstairs,” he says in a husky voice. “I even knocked—

     “Please,” I croak, wiping nervous tears from my eyes. “Go.” And never come back.

     “There’s nothing to be ashamed of, Ms. Taylor,” he whispers. “We can’t help who we’re attracted to. Nature always wins.”

     I can’t believe it. The truth is finally out: underneath that pristine Italian silk he wears is an arrogant bastard of the highest order. I stare at his broad chest, purposely avoiding his intense eyes. But it doesn’t help; I feel my temperature rise anyway, my legs tremble. I see the huge bulge between his legs. There’s not a chance in hell I’m going to be able to resist if he touches me.

Sin has passion, excitement, desire and a love story you won’t be able to resist. 

Sometimes love doesn’t always come in the package you expect. 

It takes just the right person to see past your walls and be able to break them down.

     Macey Taylor works at the Devil’s Den strip club, she likes her life and has no plans to change her path. She’s a smart, independent, tough chick, but even tough girls get their hearts broken. When Macey’s boyfriend breaks up with her and shatters her faith in relationships, she decides she’s done with men. Upon her return from her vacation, she finds things have changed at the Devils Den there’s a new boss with strict rules and an Ivy League degree. She doesn’t have the time or the patience for his employee handbook she would rather hit him over the head with it than read it. However, there’s something about Joshua Camden and his gorgeous face that has her feeling things she swore she would never feel again. 

     Joshua Camden is going to turn the Devil’s Den into the best strip club in Texas if it’s the last the thing does. He won’t let anyone stand in his way not his ex-fiancée’s cheating or the feisty dancer Macey Taylor, who is determined to get under his skin. She is nothing like any woman he has ever met before he finds her sarcastic wit and feisty demeanor refreshing. He also can’t help but notice she is sexy as hell he wants to get to know every delicious inch of her body and maybe her mind too. She surprises him at every turn, she makes him want to risk his heart again. Can he trust her not to break it?

     Sin is the third book in the Devil’s Den series and I thought it was one of the better ones. I was curious about Macey’s story from when we meet in her book one. She intrigued me with her sassy attitude and fierce loyalty to her friends. The story line has the instant love that the other two books had but that’s okay with me, it’s a fictional love story after all and a very good one at that. Macey’s childhood was not the best she lost her mother at a very young age and then abandoned by her father. The only thing he ever did for her, left her money from his gambling winnings as a professional card player. Daddy of the year he was not. Macey always had to look after herself and she did it well, on occasion letting her guard down like when she sort of feel for Wesley the cowboy who ends up breaking her heart.  

     When Macey meets up with Joshua Camden on her first day back at the Devil’s Den, sparks fly immediately. The chemistry between these two characters was off the charts sexy. He pursues her relentlessly no matter how much she tries to push him away. He wants to show her that he wants her for more than just a one-night stand he wants to give the long haul a shot. Joshua never thought he would feel this way again, but Macey brings it out in him. Thrown into the mix is Joshua’s neighbor and longtime family enemy Bishop. Bishop is attracted to Macey and tries to break them up at every turn I wasn’t too crazy about that part of the story. Suddenly Macey is indecisive about what she wants because of a little attention from a guy she barely knows. In the end he turns into a treasured friend and I realized why the author added him to the story. Just when it seems that Macey and Joshua could really make a go of it, Joshua’s ex-fiancée tries to win him back. There was a lot of the usual angst we read in our romance novels, but it was good, I cried I laughed I got mad. A story that really brings out the emotions in me always gets to me.

     I really enjoyed the banter between Macey and Joshua they really were a great match for each other. The sex scenes are well written and thought out, as were the scenes when Macey and Joshua laid their feelings out on the line. 
Overall, I thought it was a great addition to the series, I definitely recommend reading the other two books before reading this one so you can get a better understanding of Macey’s character. I will be looking forward to reading more from Violetta in the future. 


     Raised in Corpus Christi, Texas, Violetta Rand spent her childhood reading, writing, and playing soccer. After meeting her husband in New England, they moved to Alaska, where she studied environmental science and policy as an undergraduate before attending graduate school. Violetta then spent nearly a decade working as an environmental scientist, specializing in soil and water contamination and environmental assessments.
     Violetta still lives in Anchorage, Alaska and spends her days writing evocative New Adult romance and historical romance. When she’s not reading, writing, or editing, she enjoys time with her husband, pets, and friends. In her free time, she loves to hike, fish, and ride motorcycles and 4-wheelers.

Author Links: Website | Facebook | Twitter | Goodreads