My rating: 5 of 5 stars
Mal Ericson, drummer for the world famous rock band Stage Dive, we meet him in Lick and I feel in love then when he was calling Ev "Child Bride" hysterical.
Play is Mal and Anne's story, and I loved every word, I loved him, loved her. He is hot, funny, sexy all around adorable guy. She is witty, smart, sweet. They make an agreement Anne will be his "fake girlfriend" he doesn't tell her why but she figures why not what does she have to lose. Maybe her mind, maybe her heart or both. He's worth the risk.
Behind the jokes and wise cracks that they throw at each other there is so much emotion. He tries to hide the bad stuff with humor and she tries to fix all his pain.
I have to say I liked Anne from the beginning. She is a tough girl who went through a lot in her life her dad left when she was young. Her mom breaks down and she has to pretty much raised her little sister. This girl is a doll, when she meets Mal she is the exact kind of girl he needs. Their banter is so much fun to read, Anne goes back at him joke for joke, dig for dig. The sexual tension is huge throughout the book. When they finally get together its explosive. Mal is a genius in bed as expected but the humor even shines through during the sex scenes. So well written, deeply emotional yet, light and sweet at the same time. There is a certain bed time conversation Mal has with a certain body part of Anne's that literally made me laugh out loud. I can't say enough totally enjoyed this book, LICK was great PLAY is awesome. The camaraderie between the guys, how they are there for each other no matter what really tugs at the heart strings. LICK was the first Kylie Scott book I read, PLAY the second two books in and I am a huge KYLIE SCOTT FAN. Can't wait for Jimmy and Lena's story .
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