My rating: 5 of 5 stars
I love Joanna Wylde's books, I really enjoyed Reaper's Property Horse and Marie were Awesome. I anxiously awaited the release of Reaper's Legacy. Reading every teaser I could get my greedy hands on. Ruger and Sophie were worth the wait.
When January 28th came it was like Christmas morning, my birthday and my wedding day all rolled into one day. JOY!!!!
Reaper's Legacy did not disappoint!
Ruger is hot hot hot, and Sophie at times I have to admit she got on my nerves but for most of the book she was badass. Loved her, and loved how she made Ruger crazy up until the very last page of the book. She drove him out of his mind and he loved her for it.
All of the guys and gals in this MC story are amazing character's that come to life through Joanna's words. Her writing for me always flows so well, I get obsessed I have to finish and see happens next
Thanks for another great read looking forward to the next installment, anything Joanna writes I will read. :)
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