Publication Date: May 26, 2015
Also in this series: Wayward Fighters: Books 1 & 2
Genres: Contemporary, Romance
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My rating: 5 of 5 stars
Spencer Bradley came from a rough childhood never having a real home or a loving family. His best friend Jamison was all he had in the world. Too bad, he ruined any chance he had of having Jamison in his life. Spencer’s lies and addiction to gambling cost Jamison his fighting career and Spencer everything he ever loved. After hitting rock bottom, he checks himself into rehab. He learns a lot about addiction and about himself. After completing his time in rehab, he has nowhere else to go. He finds himself seeking the help of the only woman he’s ever loved who actually may have loved him back. Can he show her he’s a changed man or will his demons get the better of him and destroy everything he holds dear?
Olivia Carter fell head over heels in love with the brooding Spencer Bradley the moment she laid eyes on him. She knew he had problems but no one was perfect least of all her. Olivia hid her own addictions and struggles with staying in recovery every day. She knows what it’s like to feel alone in the world. So when Spencer shows up on her doorstep needing her help she won’t turn him away, she will help him anyway she can--- even if it destroys her in the process.
My Thoughts
This is the third and final book in the Wayward
Spencer and Olivia’s story is very different from the previous books. Both of them are fighting their battles, but outside the ring. When we meet Spencer in Knockout and Tapout he was a mess trying to keep all his lies together and his gambling problem a secret. In the end, his addiction cost him his best friend and the woman he loved.
I always liked Spencer I knew there was more to his story and J.C. Valentine did a fantastic job. She tells a tale of addiction, lost friendship, lost love and recovering it all through a process of therapy and faith in yourself.
Spencer is a hero with many faults, but admitting them is half the battle. Olivia has secrets of her own. Her childhood was no picnic. To cope, she started cutting herself. She tries very hard to keep it together and not allow the stress of life to make her fall back into old habits. Unfortunately, her insecurities come creeping back when Spencer shows up on her doorstep looking for a place to stay. Why now she wonders when he ignored her efforts to be there for him while he was in rehab? Following this couple as they learn how to trust each other was a pleasure to read. It doesn’t take long for them to begin to fall for each other all over again. Their sex scenes are hot, exciting and fun their sexual chemistry is explosive. Spencer steps up and comes to realize that taking care of Olivia is what he needs in order to continue on the right path for his own recovery. She is his home anywhere she is that’s where he wants to be.
I really felt that the author expressed the pain and sorrow of addiction in a very real way. I applaud anyone who works hard at staying in recovery like Spencer and Olivia it is truly a daily battle. This is an emotional love story that tore at my heart as I felt for both the couple who could only find salvation in each other.
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