Friday, March 11, 2016

Cover Reveal: The Arrangement by Brandy Ayers

Title: The Arrangement
Author: Brandy Ayers
Genre: Erotic Romance
Release Date: March 25, 2016

The mind is a tricky thing. No one knows that better than Michelle O’Brian due to maladaptive daydreaming, an undiagnosed disorder that makes HER question the line between reality and fantasy. Forced to change careers after her goal of making a mark in the journalism world implodes, she finds herself unable to stop fantasizing about her new boss. And every other man she comes across.Her uncontrollable daydreams are a problem at work. Not even an orgasm inducing visit to her sexy as hell friend, Russ Seko, can stem the need for her mind to wander. But as it becomes clear that Russ wants more, and her workplace flirting may not be all pretend, things get out of hand. Fast. Caught between two men, trapped by her ambition, and fooled by her own mind, how can Michelle trust anything in her life when dreams seem so real?

Not even bothering to shift his focus back to her face, Russ shrugged. “It’s like a car wreck, I just can’t look away.”

The force of Michelle’s laugh threw her head back and she stumbled into the house as she pushed the door open. “Really? My ass is like a car wreck? That’s the best compliment you can come up with?” Keys deposited on the entryway table, she kicked off her heels and padded through to the kitchen in her bare feet.

After placing her things by the staircase, he joined her in the kitchen, taking a seat at the island. His eyes followed her as she grabbed a couple hard ciders from the fridge, making her skin tingle with awareness. She popped the tops of both bottles, slid one down the granite countertop to where he sat, and took a slow pull from her own drink.

“No, I can do better.” He brought his index finger to his lips, tapping a quick rhythm, feigning deep concentration. “Your ass is scrumptious. Like the first red apple picked from a tree in the fall. Nat King Cole wrote “Unforgettable” about your ass. Those round globes have more magic in them than a wizard’s wand.”
Cider sprayed from her mouth as she lost her cool, bellowing with laughter. “Okay, okay, I get it. Your ass ain’t half bad either.” Leave it to Russ to force her mood to lighten after a crappy morning.

Brandy Ayers is a writer of erotic romance. Or romantic erotica, depending on how you look at it. She has been telling stories in one form or another since she was a child and decided her English / Irish heritage was boring. Instead, for a 4th grade class genealogy assignment, she weaved a tale of mystery and intrigue about her great, great grandpa chief of the Navajo tribe. No one bought it. Brandy lives in Pennsylvania with her husband, son, and a very depressed basset hound.


Sale Blitz: The Irrevocable Series Sale March 11th – 13th Only 99 cents Sci-Fi/New Adult Samantha Jacobey

The Irrevocable Series Sale

March 11th – 13th

Only 99 cents

Sci-Fi/New Adult

Samantha Jacobey

Bailey Dewitt is
on a crash course with Armageddon. Orphaned, she and her young brothers find
themselves living with their renegade uncle. Part of a group of survivalists,
she is terrified to discover they are preparing for the end of the world! Could
they be right – is mankind headed for a global disaster of his own making?

While Bailey
struggles with that question and what she should do about it, Caleb, a man from
the group, becomes her dearest friend and the one person she can trust to love
and protect her. When things spiral out of control, will their bond be enough
to save the entire community, or will rival forces strip away all that they
have worked for at the time they need it most…

An End of the World adventure… 




Anyone who knows me could tell you, I am a friendly kind of person, never met a stranger and take up conversations any where at any time. I work hard, and my mind never seems to shut down, as I wake up often in the middle of the night with ideas pouring out and demanding to be dealt with. Of course that means much of my books were written in the middle of the night. 

I grew up and still live in the great state of Texas where everything is bigger, where we have warm weather and a central location. I love my state, my town, and my family, which includes my four sons, my significant other, and many friends as well. 

I have thoroughly enjoyed writing the books that are currently available and hope you will enjoy reading them just as much. And of course, there will be many more stories to come.

Blog Tour: Yes, Mr. Van Der Wells by S. Ann Cole

Yes tour banner

Title: Yes, Mr. Van Der Wells
Author: S. Ann Cole
Genre: Contemporary Romance
Release Date: February 16, 2016


I’m running.
Running for my freedom.
Running for my life.
I’m running because everything hurts.
And all I want to do is breathe.

The old me was bold and wild and reckless and privileged.
The new me is timid and freak-stricken and weak and broken.
All I want is freedom.
All I want to do is breathe.

A complicated relationship? That’s the last thing I’m about right now.
Something casual and easy? I’m down for that.
But he is not.
He wants to own me.
He wants me to own him.
He wants to save me.
I’m too terrified to give in.
All. I. Want. To. Do. Is. Breathe.
But it turns out, Noah is the air that I need to do that…
Purchase your copy today!

yes cover new


Mad as Madea that my plan has been shot to hell, I burst through the gym doors. Noah is grunting on the pull-up bar.

“You think you’re so clever, don’t you?”

Doing one final rep, he lets go of the bar and lands on the ground in a half squat. Straightening, he stretches his arms before snagging his towel from a nearby bench and wipes the sweat from his face. “What am I being Lotty’d for this time?”

Lotty’d? Prick. “You promoted Zach.”


My hands settle on my hips. “He just started working here.”

One eyebrow lifts. “For my own sake, I’ll forgo asking how you know that.” Walking over to the cooler station, he plucks up one of the disposable cups, fills it, and downs the water, twice, before binning it. “This is my company, I can promote or demote whomever, whenever I want.”

“No,” I refute. “You moved him because I flirted with him and you’re a stupid, jealous adolescent. So you replaced him with the most awkward and unattractive male you could find.”

“In the same way, you are my girl and I can tell you to come over here and kiss me, and know you’ll obey,” he goes on as if I hadn’t spoken.

I take a step backward, confidence waning. “I’m not your girl, I’m your housemaid. And I’m definitely not coming over there to kiss you.”

Where are you going?’ Reckless Lotty screams at me. ‘Go forward! Forward! Not backward. Run and crash into that amazing chest, into those amazing arms, you fool.’

Rational Lotty has no comment, which means she agrees with Reckless Lotty. These two have been agreeing on a lot lately. It’s unsettling.

“Come here, Lotty,” he commands in a gentle voice, his eyes locked on mine. I know that gentle-voice lock-eye move. He’s trying to manipulate me.

I take another step back, and Reckless Lotty screams more disparaging words at me. I block her out. “No.”

Biting one side of his lip, he throws his towel down on the bench without his eyes ever leaving mine. “Should I come to you, then?”

I don’t answer.

Leisurely, he moves one finger over his bottom lip, as if in thought, but I know it’s to taunt me. Back and forth. Back and forth. “Ask me to come to you.”

I swallow. Jesus, what is wrong with me?! This isn’t me. I’m the one with the bold overtures, the one who makes men nervous and uncomfortable around me. I don’t step back. I don’t shy away. I never hesitate. What is it with Noah? Why am I cowering? So weak.

“Ask me, Lotty,” he urges.

My sports bag drops to the floor, and my hand comes up to my throat, feeling my pulse beat rapidly under my skin. My eyes settle on his sweat-sheened chest, slowly drifting up to his throat. I want to touch my tongue to his throat and feel for his pulse. Is it beating as wild as mine? What about his mouth? Is it as arid as mine? And his knees, are they as weak and wobbly as mine?

“Come.” The word is out before I can stop it. “Come to me.”

yes 1
Yes 2
About The Author
S. Ann
Ann Cole is a passionate writer and reader, and a lover of anything that distracts her from the real world. Reader first and second a writer, S. Ann Cole is an exaggerator, a laugher, sometimes overly chatty, sometimes overly shy. She’s afraid of cats, dogs, snakes—heck, she’s only tolerable to gold fishes in a tank. Because if they do jump out and try to attack her, the suckers will surely die!
She hates fireworks, schmaltz and arrogance.
She loves carbs, Chris Brown and humility.
She lives nowhere and everywhere.
Jokey people are her utmost favorite people to be around, as laughter is the way to her heart.
Never mind her foul-mouth (she’s working hard on changing that!), she loves GOD. Fiercely. And believes prayer is the essence of all good, great, wonderful and miraculous things, and the most powerful privilege given unto man.
Ann hopes that one day, the right day, when it’s her time (because nothing happens before its time), her hard work will be noticed and appreciated.
When Ann’s not abusing her computer keyboard, you can find her nosing a novel, watching anything on television that makes her laugh until she breaks into hiccups (loves Disney , TBS, and Impractical Jokers!) studying the Bible, or sipping red wine.

yes Mr Van Der Wells Cover Full

Blog Tour: Chaos - Phoenix Undercover #2 by C.A. Harms

Title: Chaos
Series: Phoenix Undercover #2
Author: C.A. Harms
Genre: Contemporary Romance Suspense
Release Date: March 1, 2016
Publisher: Limitless Publishing
The devil wears many masks, and everyone’s world will crash when the truth comes out…

The life of an undercover FBI agent can be dark.

The things you see can never be unseen.

The effects it has on your mind, leave a gaping hole in your soul.

Agent Joshua Phoenix found the one person he knew could save him from the darkness, but just when things become real, she’s ripped from him without warning...

He is forced to watch his life go on without him.

His presence is just too dangerous to those he loves.

But how far will things go?

With only a short list of those he can trust, Josh must race to find answers, before fate is decided for him. Gabriella’s in danger and yet no one around her knows it.

And a man who everyone believes they can trust, may just be the devil himself…

Will Josh and Greyson solve this case before it’s too late?

Or will Josh lose Gabby forever?


"If you thought Lies was amazing then CHAOS is going to blow you away."  ~Nancy from My Girlfriends Nook Korner

"This is such an emotional read that will grab you and hold you until the very end.  It is full of suspense, romance, psychological thriller, passion, and action."  ~April R Symes

"Chaos is gutsy and full of suspense.  It will leave you sitting on the edge of your seat, at times biting your nails hoping that Josh and his boys can end the nightmares that's been created."  ~Catarina


Leaning back against my chair, I closed my eyes. I was in desperate need of just a few moments to collect my thoughts. Josh’s smile filled my mind, and I knew I would spend my whole life missing it. I only hoped our child would be lucky enough to inherit his or her daddy’s smile.
The intercom interrupted my thoughts, and I sat up straight and tapped the Answer button. “Yes, Valerie?”
“Your ten o’clock is here,” she replied, and a surge of nervous energy filled my stomach.
“Great, please send him in,” I said before standing from my desk and walking around the side after taking a few seconds to smooth my skirt. The door opened, and I looked up at Valerie. Just over her shoulder was a tall man with dark hair.
I stepped forward and held out my hand in greeting. “Hello, my name is Gabriella Shannon.”
He smirked, and it sent chills along my neck and shoulders. He had the most piercing green eyes I had ever seen.
He entered the room and took my hand, then lifted it toward his lips. As he kissed it softly, his eyes remained locked on mine. “Very pleased to meet you, Gabriella.” His voice was rich and so smooth. “My name is Roman, but you can call me R.J. It is what my friends call me, and I have a feeling you and I will be great friends.”
“Well, R.J., it is always nice to make new friends. It should make this process easier.” I offered a forced smile, instantly regretting my choice to return. Maybe I wasn’t ready to be back. Being in the presence of an arrogant man generally gave me the urge to be just as arrogant. Except I’d lost my confidence. I think a part of me died the day Josh’s friends and partners in the FBI, Greyson and a man named Trevor, showed up at my apartment. I could instantly see the sadness in their eyes when they told me Josh had died. I could also see the dread in their eyes when they shared the news. They too had lost a man they loved.
I wanted proof, because I didn’t believe he was gone—it was too hard to imagine. I wanted to see for myself that he was no longer here, breathing and vibrant.
Cremated. It still pissed me off that those were Josh’s wishes.
I looked up to see R.J. eyeing me curiously, and I felt embarrassed for getting lost once again in my grief.
“Sorry, please forgive me. Today is my first day back after being gone for over two weeks.” I turned away quickly and attempted to gather my wits.
“Yes,” he said in that soothing voice of his. Something about it made me a little uneasy. “Margo did mention you lost someone close to you recently.”
I closed my eyes tightly and took a second to breathe in, then nodded as I turned and allowed my eyes to meet his. “Yes, I did. Someone that meant more than words could ever describe.”
“I’m deeply sorry for your loss. Times like these are never easy. If you need more time, I understand. We could meet again in a week or longer if needed,” he offered with a smile.
“No,” I said more abruptly than I had intended. “I’m sorry, it’s just that I need this. I need the push to get back to life. It’s not going to be any easier if I do this today, or if I wait until next week. I’ll still miss him then.” I paused, attempting to calm my emotions. “I know I’ll always miss him.” I rested my hand over my lower stomach as my lip quivered. I was sure the desk hid my movements, but when his gaze shifted downward and his eyes widened slightly, I realized he had seen my gesture.
With a light nod, he offered me a smile as he got more comfortable in his chair. “Okay, then, let’s find my new home.”
I was thankful he didn’t ask questions or attempt to keep me talking about the loss I was still hurting from. I needed a distraction, and apparently he noticed that too.

C.A. Harms is like any other addicted reader. She enjoys happy endings and HEA love stories. She hasn't always been a lover of Romance and had once been addicted to a good Mystery. Just recently she has taken on a new liking and now is a full blown Romance novel addict.

She lives in Illinois and enjoys spending time with her husband and two children. You will always find her with her kindle or paperback in hand as it is her favorite pass time.