Tuesday, March 24, 2015

CODA by CD Reiss is LIVE! - Release Day Blitz

Will Jonathan and Monica get their happily ever after?
Find out in CD Reiss's newest release!


Did you want a pat little ending about Jonathan and I riding off into the sunset? Did you want flowers and stars? Man, I wish it was all soft filters and violins. I wish we could fight about who cleaned the bathroom or who was cooking dinner. But I knew I was never destined for simple contentment.

I almost committed murder for him. I almost tore us apart to save him. How do you get back on the horse after that? Because, I promise you, nothing is the same. Nothing.

I’ve earned our happily ever after. Now I have to survive it.


“You know what, Monica, you don’t even know yourself. Look at you. I haven’t seen you this relaxed in months. The only time you let your worry go is when you give me control. And your worry is what keeps you from being honest.”
I swallowed. Blinked. A torrent of wetness welled behind my eyes, “I don’t want to break the scene.”
“Stay still. Stay naked. Speak your mind.”
“I almost died with you a hundred times. That recovery room, they had you in this induced coma and you looked dead. There were bags of blood. Bags, hanging over you and you were all opened up. And, I’m sorry, I haven’t said this because you’re the one who went through it.” I swallowed a gallon of tears. “I don’t want to see you like that again. But I think about it all the time. I dream about it. I see it when I close my eyes. I want you to live, so I do what I think is going to make you happy and I always get it wrong. Stay or go. I give you attention or none. It’s always wrong.”
“What about your happiness?”
“It doesn’t matter. Not as much as yours. It’s not life or death.”
“It is, Monica. It is.”
I shook my head. “You can’t convince me of that. We can do this hurtful honesty thing all day. You’re the priority and I’m okay with that. Deal with it.”
He nodded, looking down for a blink, then up at me. He reached for my wrists.
“These go behind your back.”
I did as instructed.
“Now, get on your knees.”
I bent them. With my hands behind my back, it was hard to balance.
“Do you need some help?” he asked.
I thought he’d take me gently by the elbow, but dragged me down. He was right. I was relaxed, totally submitting and trusting him, loving every bit of discomfort he dished out.
“Spread your knees apart.”
I did, too slowly for him. He kicked them wide.
“Do you remember your safeword?” He asked, unbuckling his belt.
“Yes.” A tingling rush went down my spine with the promise of his dominance and the way it made me forget how fragile he really was.
His cock was out in the next second. “Open. Your. Mouth.”

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About the Author

CD Reiss is a USA Today and Amazon bestseller. She still has to chop wood and carry water, which was buried in the fine print. Her lawyer is working it out with God but in the meantime, if you call and she doesn’t pick up, she’s at the well, hauling buckets.

Born in New York City, she moved to Hollywood, California to get her master’s degree in screenwriting from USC. In case you want to know, that went nowhere, but it did embed TV story structure in her head well enough for her to take a big risk on a TV series structured erotic series called Songs of Submission. It’s about a kinky billionaire hung up on his ex-wife, an ingenue singer with a wisecracking mouth; art, music and sin in the city of Los Angeles.

Critics have dubbed the books “poetic,” “literary,” and “hauntingly atmospheric,” which is flattering enough for her to put it in a bio, but embarrassing enough for her not to tell her husband, or he might think she’s some sort of braggart who’s too good to give the toilets a once-over every couple of weeks or chop a cord of wood.

If you meet her in person, you should call her Christine.

Stalk Her: Facebook | Twitter | Website | Goodreads | Pinterest | Instagram

Paperback of Coda
$75 Amazon Gift Card

Cover Reveal - Resurrection Shifter Chronicles Book 2 by Anita Cox


Genre: Erotic Paranormal Romance
Publisher: Syn Publishing
Date of Publication: April 2, 2015

Wendy Baker is a staple in the Belfast Lycan pack. She serves others, manages the house and events. So when Nala Baker, her sister-in-law and new Alpha of the pack, asks her to relocate to the new shifter university, she feels lost. How can she leave her pack behind?
Zoltar, the Centaur King, has eyes for Wendy, but years of animosity between Lycans and Centaurs could mean Wendy’s excommunication if they’re discovered.
As new Headmistress at McGovern University, Wendy struggles to find her place and considers Zoltar. He’s smart, sexy, and thoughtful. What will her brother think? But before they can enjoy their new relationship, a Pixie is murdered and the school falls under attack by a group that does not appreciate integration, the Separatists.
Can Wendy overcome her fears and find true love? Can she defend her school and her new pack from the murderous revenge of the Separatists or will she lose everything?
**Content Notes** Adult content suitable for mature audience only. M/F, violence (not for titillation), bondage


“I can’t help but notice you look lost in thought. Is everything okay?”
Wendy turned to him again. “I’ve been invited to be headmistress at the new university.”
His laugh was smooth. It flowed like melted chocolate, stirring her longing further than it should have.
“It means leaving my pack, Zoltar. That’s very difficult for a Lycan to do—especially one my age.” She looked down at her feet. “An old handmaid sure, but I’m very attached to this placeto my pack.”
Standing from the rock, he extended his muscular arm toward her, his fingers relaxed and open. “Walk with me.”
After considering him for a split second, she complied, though she wasn’t entirely sure why. She wanted to sit and ponder her future, not wander around with a Centaur who would surely try to seduce her. Still, she followed him down the path around the lake, hoping no one would see them together and start gossiping about her desperateness for a mate. The Lycan men were on edge when the Centaurs arrived and the Centaurs had sworn an oath to keep their hands to themselves.
Wandering around alone with a single Lycan female wasn’t exactly part of that oath. Wendy’s hopes of finding a mate could be completely devastated if the men thought she was sneaking off in the woods with a horny Centaur maleKing or not.
“How much do you now about my race?” He looked at his feet as he walked, his brows pulled together.
Shrugging she turned her attention to the path ahead of them, not daring to gaze at his handsomeness—a potential distraction. “Same as everyone, I guess. You have the ability to seduce females of other species so you can produce more Centaursbeing that Centaurs are only male. You are powerful warriors, fierce in battle.”
He strolled in silence for a moment, nodding as she spoke. “You know, there is far more to us than that.”
“I’m sure there is, Sir.” It was a fine line to walk, keeping a Centaur in check while managing not to be offensive at the same time. Anxiety teetered at the pile of emotions overwhelming her.
“Zoltar, please,” he corrected tilting his head. “Or you can call me ‘Z’ as my friends do.”
“Z?” She giggled. “How new age.”
He smiled then looped his arm in hers as if they’d been friends for ages.
The warmth from his arm permeated through her, giving her an odd sense of elation. She swore she’d have to remind herself to breathe.
“We are the sons of Apollo.”
His words caused an unexpected chuckle to escape her lips once again. “It explains the good looks.” Silently, she chastised herself for that statement. How dare she flirt with him?
“I find it very pleasing you think so,” he said with a wink. “It is true, we are fierce warriors. Fierce, but not invincible. The last female Centaur was killed in the battle with the Lapiths. There has yet to be a female born to our kind. It was our ancestors’ pleas to Apollo allowing us the ability to breed with other species so we would not go extinct. However,” he cleared his throat, “our offspring are not a hundred percent Centaur. They can shift into the form of their mother as well.”
“What? You’re telling me a child could shift to Lycan and to Centaur?” She stopped in her tracks. “How is this possible?”
Releasing her arm he turned to face her. The air around him shimmered and he shifted into a golden wolf briefly before shifting back into his human form. “Yes, it is true.”
She gulped. “Well, Z, if I needed a distraction, you certainly came through for me.”
He bowed. “Now,” he looped his arm in hers once again, “we are also very good at Astrology. We all have individual strengths, as I’m sure Lycans do. I, for one, have a touch of precognition. I’m also a bit of a healer.”
Shifting his eyes, he glanced at her while keeping his head forward. “Care to know why a Lycan of your age looks quite a bit older?”
She could not hide her embarrassment. The desire to jerk her arm loose and run far from him was overwhelming—or perhaps she could crawl under a rock. “Nothing I can change, so why bother?”
“And if one simple kiss from me would turn the clock back for you, would you grace my lips with yours?” He didn’t slow his pace as he waited for her to reply. When she tried to jerk her arm free, he held on a bit tighter.
“What? No.” She wanted to go back to the house, away from Z. She wanted some space so she could focus on the problem at handthe university, her brother trying to get rid of her, being hopelessly single and aging.
“Your beautiful hair, restored to its former glory, the worry lines erasedthe only cost being one simple kiss?” He laughed. “Does the thought of kissing me repulse you that much?”
“No.” She finally pulled her arm free. “I’m not some young pup you can trick into your bed.” She turned her back to him and started off toward the main house. His long legs prevented her stomping pace from putting any distance between them.
He latched onto her hand. “Please. I did not mean to offend you.”
She stopped, causing him to bump into her. The heat from his body sent her senses on fire. She could smell his arousal, meaning he could smell hers. She silently groaned. “Look, I don’t know what you’re playing at.” He was so sexy, standing there in a pair of jeans, hanging low on his hip. His blonde curls bounced when he moved.
“Fuck it.” She meant to give him a quick peck to shut him up, but something else happened. When she stood on her toes, large warm hands cupped her face. His searing lips brushed up against hers, making her limbs feel like putty. Her ears started to ring.
The kiss was slow and tender, but quite respectful. He didn’t shove his tongue in her mouth. He didn’t crush her mouth with his. Thiswas a first kiss, a tender moment and it melted her.
When he released her, she felt heaviness in her lids.
“That wasn’t too repulsive, I hope.”
Staring at him, she was at a loss for words, or a singular thought.
“I see,” he said with a smile, the thought of rendering her speechless apparently entertaining. “Race you back to the house.” Shifting into his wolf form, he tore off, leaving her behind. Wendy shook her head to clear her mind before shifting and taking off after him. His wolf was large, nearly as large as Grace’s. Wendy figured it had something to do with the royal blood. However, he didn’t spend much time in his wolf form and it was obvious as he was rather slow.
Wendy pushed hard to get next to him. He looked over at her and made a leap to get ahead of her. She dove under him, digging in her hind quarters then sprinted toward the yard, which was only a few feet ahead. When she finally skidded to a stop, the large Centaur-Wolf was skidding up behind her. The both shifted in unison.
“You’re a vivacious runner, Wendy.” He nodded. “Very impressive.”
“Wendy!” Colin stood glaring at Zoltar. She’d just been caught cavorting with a Centaurby her brother.


International best-selling author, Anita Cox has been writing general fiction for nearly a decade. In 2012 she strapped on a new name for a new genre and jumped head first into writing erotic romance.
Anita Cox's erotic debut series Dirty White Candy was picked up by Liquid Silver Books in 2013. In 2014, she became a Director for the Erotic Author's Guild. Her altruistic nature found its purpose, assisting other erotic authors with issues specific to the genre.
Genres/subject matter you can expect to see from Anita: Contemporary, Ménage, Erotic Romance, Paranormal Romance, Erotic Suspense and all things naughty.

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