Saturday, April 16, 2016

Cover Reveal: The Kiss That Saved Me - Book 2 in The Tidal Kiss Trilogy


Four months have passed since the night Callie Pierce fulfilled her destiny as the Vessel and her world is shifting faster than ever before. The Occulta Mirum is in disarray, still reeling from the demise of its longest reigning monarch and its people have a decision to make, on which more lies balanced than they know. As Callie and Orion rise together to new responsibility, dealing with the consequences of what has passed, Callie finds herself changed and looking into the shadow of the deep for answers. The life she’s been thrown into isn’t what she expected, and as the responsibility of her new found position among the mer mounts, the cracks in the fantasy world she so loves are starting to show. Can then, the dark mystique of the Psiren’s world be what Callie was destined for all along?
Get ready to ride into the world of the Occulta Mirum at greater depth than ever before. As Callie learns the truth of the ancient agenda of three brothers, and comes face to face with the temptation and allure of what will seemingly save everyone she loves.

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Release Blitz: Away With You (The Revenge Series #2) by MS Brannon

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Away With You (The Revenge Series #2)
Author: MS Brannon
Model : Heidi Henkel
“It feels good, doesn’t it? The hate? Hold it tight, Josslyn. Boil in it. You must embrace your hate for men like me. Feed and nurture it as it consumes you from the inside. There will come a time when you’re finally standing across from the one person you despise the most in this world, and it will be the hate that finally sets you free.” ~ Nikolai Petrov
Capture. Escape. Kill.
Josslyn is a homicide detective, a woman obsessed with imprisoning a psychotic killer.
After escaping a murderer’s clutches, she sits face-to-face with the dangerous man, and tempted with an offer she is unsure if she will be able to decline. It involves finding the men responsible for the death of her father, killers who have been walking free for over fifteen years.
Nikolai is a dangerous assassin, a man with an agenda of his own.
After escaping from prison, his only goal is to destroy the man who annihilated his family and attempted the same on him. It’s a death he has been planning for years. He’s become evil incarnate. The blood lust consuming the details as they guide his merciless heart toward vengeance.
One seeks justice.
The other seeks revenge.
Together, they search for one man.
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“Stop wasting our time, Nikolai. Take this anger out on the person responsible for their deaths. That’s why we’re here, isn’t it? That’s why we’re together right now.” I lift my hands like he has done many times with me and hold his cheeks firmly between my palms. My eyes are piercing, and my words are determined. “Together, we’re going to get the bastard who murdered our families.”
He looks deeply into me. The intensity reaches the darkest caverns of my soul and wakes them from the decade long sleep. We met through blood, yet we connect through our pain.
I fall willingly into his vast, icy pools, the agony and loathing bleeding from his broken eyes. He reaches for my hand, threading our fingers together against his face.
His voice is low and gruff when he confirms assertively, “Together?”
I lean my head down, brushing our foreheads together. The closer I get to him, the more intoxicated I become. Then I fall completely in.
My inner demons are awakened. I don’t suppress them. I allow his scent to feed them. I can’t be the person society expects of me, not when I’m searching for my father’s killer, not when I’m with him. I need to be the person who has been living dormant.
My body is drenched in everything that is Nikolai Petrov when I whisper, “Together.”

Abou the author
M.S. Brannon was born and raised in the Midwest. She still resides there today with her wonderful husband and son. When she is not writing or reading, M.S. Brannon spends time with her family, watching movies, and discovering new music. She writes romance because she believes love and heartache is the rawest emotion one can experience.
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Would you like to be a part of MS Brannon’s street team? Just click on the link and join in on the fun! – MS Brannon’s Street Team
authors other books

Sulfur Heights Series

Scarred Love – Amazon * Amazon UK * Kobo * B & N ~ Only 99 cents
Tragic Love – Amazon * Amazon UK * Kobo * B & N ~ Only 99 cents
Blind Love – Amazon * Amazon UK * Kobo * B & N
Surviving Love – Amazon * Amazon UK * Kobo * B & N
Redeemed Love – Amazon * Amazon UK * Kobo * B & N
Everlasting Love – Amazon * Amazon UK * Kobo * B & N
Sulfur Heights Series Box Set – Amazon * Amazon UK * Kobo * B & N


Last Call – Amazon * Amazon UK * Kobo * B & N
Hold On You – Amazon * Amazon UK * Kobo * B & N

Brave Series (YA)

Believing in Brave – Amazon * Amazon UK * Kobo * B & N ~ Only 99 cents

Release Blitz: The Shadow of Hope by Courtney Shockey

Release Blitz
Title: The Shadow of Hope
 Selene's Pass Trilogy Book 2
Author: Courtney Shockey
Release Date: April 16th


The lone survivor of her family, Kayla Night yearns for companionship and a sense of belonging. She roams from town to town, looking to fill the void. When she unexpectedly finds the perfect place in Selene's Pass, she settles into a comfortable routine.

That is, until Adam Sharp knocks her off her feet. Literally.

This captivating man helps Kayla open her eyes to a new way of life. Slowly, happiness and hope flourish within her once more.

Little did Kayla know that she had already caught the eye of another man who wanted her all to himself. A man with more than pure intentions.

As strange events unfold, their paths will cross in unlikely ways. Fate will twist everything around, leaving them exposed and hopeless. But hope was never meant to be in this story. Just its shadow.




Courtney Shockey was born and raised on the outskirts of Houston, Texas. Though she, her husband, and two kids moved many times, they always end up back in their home town. When she's not working or on call, Courtney enjoys spending time with her family, watching movies, or experiencing something new. She enjoys writing stories that capture the reader, and make them walk beside the characters of her worlds. Her debut novella released Halloween 2015 as a Paranormal Horror, and she has a few others planned to release 2016. Keep up with her on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter!


Facebook @Courtneytheauthor
Twitter @ShockeyWrites
Instagram @courtneytheauthor
Goodreads @ShockeyWrites

Hosted by Edge Author Service

Release Blitz: Fool for Love - by Various Author

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Title: Fool for Love
Jessica Chase
Keelan Ellis
L.J. Hamlin
Asta Idonea
DC Lowry
Lila Mathews
Cassandra McMurphy
Charles Payseur
DM Roberto
Lynn Townsend
Monica Wang
Edited by B. Luckowski
Publisher: Torquere Press
Cover Artist: Kris Norris
Release Date: April 20, 2016
Heat Level: 5
Pairings: Male/Male, Female/Female
Length: 59,800
Genre/Tags: Contemporary, BDSM, Fantasy, Paranormal, Humor, Lesbian Romance, M/M Romance

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Not every love story starts out pretty, and Fool for Love has plenty of pranks, blunders, and misunderstandings to prove it. Whether it’s two college students assuming the worst or a visit from “The Trickster” himself, this collection of romantic near-misses and second chances shows that a rough beginning might very well lead to the happiest ending of all.

In Can’t Stand the Heat by Keelan Ellis a not-so-friendly prank on a would-be sous chef’s competition goes too far, and backfires in more ways than one. L.J. Hamlin’s Cherry Bomb introduces us to a world-weary Dom and a young fraternity brother who get off on the wrong foot, but learn that trying something new might be exactly what they need. In Coffee and Chaos by Jessica Chase, an ambitious detective believes that his new partner is a joke, but soon realizes that he may not be quite so perfect himself. In Lynn Townsend’s Had Me at Cheese Fries, an orderly and a nurse discover that, if they can survive April Fool’s Day in the emergency room, they can make it through anything, as long as they do it together. In Kangaroos Next 200km by Asta Idonea, a young man learns that taking a drunken dare in the outback might not have been a very wise thing to do, but being rescued by a sexy, older trucker on a tight schedule could be the best thing that’s ever happened to him. A secret admirer teaches a Valentine’s Day-hating baker that romance isn’t dead in Moonlight Masquerade by D.M. Roberto. In DC Lowry’s Rough Love, two college classmates discover that being perfect for one another may not be enough to keep them together unless they learn how to communicate before things fall apart. Fifteen years is a long time to make up for, but in Lila Mathews' Rough Waters, two former best friends realize that forgiveness is sometimes the only way to a new beginning. In Tomatoes and Mangoes by Monica Wang, two geeky game-night enthusiasts discover that nothing says “I love you” like a never-ending stream of tricks and teases. An unexpected encounter turns a college student’s ideas about his own sexuality inside out in Cassandra McMurphy’s The Date. Nothing would delight Loki more than humiliating the god of thunder himself in Trickster69 by Charles Payseur—too bad his heart won’t get with the program.

Love is love—no matter if it happens by misdeed or mayhem—and these short stories cover it all. From uncertain flirtations to the most determined pursuits, everyone has the potential to be a Fool for Love in the end.
From Monica Wang’s Tomatoes & Mangoes:

Having completed the uneven trade, Kei acquired Becca’s resources and soundly defeated everyone, especially Becca. Even as she was gloating, Kei stayed fixed to her exact place on the couch. She wondered if Becca noticed at all that their legs were still in contact, however minor. Or, on a negative note, what if Becca just didn’t move away because it might have seemed impolite?

“Good game,” Becca beamed at her. She didn’t seem to mind that Kei lied to her about the wheat, though she wasn’t a competitive player to begin with; for most of the games, only Cory and Kei fought to win.

“Thank you,” Kei said. With the distraction of the game gone, she was almost painfully aware of the gentle warmth emanating from Becca and flowing into her. Although the contact point between their thighs was limited, Kei could feel her body reacting in several other places where tension and heat were building into a wonderful sort of discomfort. She hadn’t felt like this since her early teens. She hadn’t felt like this about anyone ever.

When Cory came over and split them up by walking across the couch in heavy, wobbling steps to grab a game guide from the shelf on the other end, Kei could have beaten him with the hardcover tome. Never mind that he was the one who introduced them in the first place and continued to bring them together week after week.

Since Becca rarely sent her messages, Kei tried not to send her too many, either, not wanting to be a bother. One of her favourite text conversation with Becca was from the night there was a low-magnitude earthquake in their city.

Did you feel the earthquake just now?! Scary!

Nope, Kei wrote back. She had been eyeing the coffee table before her, wondering if she should pull out all the clutter under it so she could Duck and Cover in case of an aftershock. Now she cast earthquake safety aside and tapped out on her phone: Are you okay? Feeling like there’s an earthquake is a symptom of the flu that’s been going around.

Torquere Press | Amazon

Rafflecopter Prize: One winner will be selected to win an eBook copy of Fool For Love

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