Monday, January 18, 2016

ARC Review: Rebel Love by Jodi Linton

Rebel Love (Dirty Sinners MC,  #1)Rebel Love by Jodi Linton

My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Em Connors is the President of the Dirty Sinner's MC. Left the role by her father, Em is having a tough time adjusting to the job. Raised in the MC life it was never what she wanted for herself. She wanted to go to NYU and study art. When her father died she had no other choice but to take over the helm as he requested. Ten months ago she was attacked and her fiance murdered. Now she trusts no one except her VP Logan, together they want to take the MC into legit business. That is after Em gets revenge on the person who murdered her boyfriend.
Cade Jackson walks into her MC applying for the mechanics job and turns Em's world upside down. He is sex on a stick and she can't deny the instant attraction to him no matter how hard she tries.

Cade Jackson is an undercover cop sent in to infiltrate the Dirty Sinner's MC. What could be hard about seducing the female president and finding out what she knows about his partner Wes' murder. He never meant to fall for her but when he does nothing will stop him from claiming her as his own. He will give it all up for her.

Beginning: 3.0 stars - I had a hard time getting into the beginning of this book. But since I received an ARC I commit myself to finish it. I always want to give every book a chance. I really like the idea of a female president of an MC though it was a little strange for me. I thought Em was a very confused heroine who didn't seem to know what she wanted. I only began to like her more when Cade showed up. The scenes with these two characters was smokin' there chemistry was amazing. I started to get into the story about 35% in, but then it started to get a little confusing. There was just a lot going on.

Middle: 3.5 stars - by this point I was becoming invested in the budding relationship between the H/h. the story line still was a bit confusing but the likability of the characters kept me reading.

Ending: 4.0 - the last 20% of the book was my favorite there were a few secrets revealed, though I felt like there were some unanswered questions about some aspects of the story line I thought the H/h got the HEA they deserved.

This is my first book by Jodi Linton I will read more of her books especially if Logan gets his own book.


View all my reviews

Release Blitz: The Story of Us Trilogy by Sydney Jamesson

Title: The Story of Us Trilogy Boxed Set
Series: The Story of Us #1-3
Author: Sydney Jamesson
Genre: Contemporary Romance
 Release Date: January 4, 2016

"Emotional, explosive! This story will leave you holding your breath in
anticipation. An exceptional love story—I am definitely hooked.”
Hooker Heels Book Blog

“One beautifully put together love
story that will have you trying to turn the pages long after it’s
finished. The steam between these characters will leave your kindle
- Renee Entress's Book Blog


Charismatic and sexy Ayden Stone is a multi-talented media mogul by day and playboy by night, seducing and discarding women, seeking only sexual pleasure until Fate intervenes and he meets Elizabeth Parker.

Shy school teacher Elizabeth Parker isn't his usual type, but he knows they belong together, and will move heaven and earth to make it happen.

When two worlds collide ... there will be sparks, but with great passion comes heartbreak, threatening their relationship and testing its limits. Dangerous figures from their past return, and will stop at nothing to take back what ‘belongs’ to them.

Ayden Stone and Elizabeth Parker are soul mates. They look to the future and forever, bearing the scars of battles they have fought and won, together. To keep a promise, one of these fateful lovers must make an agonising choice and dedicate themselves to an impossible task—to embark upon a death defying adventure.

The Story of Us Trilogy is an epic tale of love, loss and redemption. It's a modern day fairy-tale full of passion, unspeakable secrets and suspense; an extraordinary love story filled with magical moments and unimaginable acts of personal sacrifice.

Purchase Links



My mouth falls open and I reach for him. I want to feel his wet tongue, to conceal myself in the shadow beneath his chin, but there’s nowhere to hide. I'm exposed in the most intimate of ways. We find each other with our eyes and augment our connection. I place my hands on his arms and feel the hardness of his biceps; inhale his virile scent and watch him work up a sweat. Even if I wanted to, I couldn’t stop him now.

But why would I want to?

He is lunging into me, but still holding back. “You feel so tight, Beth.”

The fact he uses my real name ignites something deep inside me—he’s not simply following an instruction, this is free-will fucking, and yet he’s treating me like I have fragile stamped across my forehead.

“Stop holding back, Ayden. I said fuck me!”

He has my permission to let go, and let go he does. I feel him dipping his hips to find more length; his penetration is starting to feel primitive and savage.

I’m desperate to come. “Please, Ayden…” I grab his hips and pull him into me, my nails digging into the fleshy part of his buttocks. He winces and throws back his head in wild abandon. Until now I have not known what it is to ache for someone. To have this flawless man inside me is more than I could dare to wish for—to have him here, filling an emptiness inside me, chasing away the loneliness.

I would give him anything.

I’m arching my back and breathing in the pheromone filled air between us, taking all of him. Every inch of my body is tingling and boiling. This is what Ayden meant when he talked about being possessed and taking possession. He’s locked deep inside my body—I am his, and he is mine.

“Fuck, Beth, you’re crushing me.”

I prolong his wondrous agony and pull in my internal muscles tight.

“No!” He feels my every movement. “Stop, it’s too much!”

I release him and allow him to push me further to the throbbing rhythm of J Lo’s, ‘On the Floor’ playing in the kitchen. This isn’t love making, it’s something else, much more lustful and primal. I had asked for this, dear God I had insisted on it. Whatever it is, I know I’ll want it over and over again.

“Come now, Ayden. Come now!”



“No. I’ll come when I’m fucking ready,” he snarls. With that he lifts my left leg and pushes into me so deeply, I can feel his steaming body against my straining folds.

“Ayden!” I call out, allowing his passion and my panic to race on to fever pitch. There is some discomfort but it’s surpassed by my need to orgasm with him still inside me.

In a contorted voice he hisses, “Come on, Beth, let’s hear it…”

His words do something to me. I’m starting to tremble, my breathing is frantic and I feel the heat of his flesh radiating over me—I’m at my limit, about to explode.

With grinding passion, he calls out. “You’re burning up inside … give it up for me.”

And I do. I jerk upwards and come so hard I crush him with my ecstatic clinching. He watches me with a seething stare and, with a final thrust that fills every centimetre, I watch him lose all self-control—lose himself in me. He orgasms with a roaring release that shocks me. It rips him apart and every pulsing thrust presses against me like a heartbeat. Instinctively, I pull him to me, calming him with soft words.

When he raises himself, he’s drenched in sweat and his body glistens with a moist second skin. Still breathless, he tries to speak. “I’m ... I’m going to think very carefully about the way I phrase this but ... you’re one hell of a fuck, Beth.”

“And that’s you saying it nicely?” I grin with mock indignation.

“It’s the best I can do.” Once he settles, he turns to face me with a captivating stare. “That was our first time.”

As if I didn’t know.

“Yes it was.” I smile softly, concealing in that smile an intimate connection that will never be broken.

Also Available



Author Bio

Sydney Jamesson is an English teacher by day and bestselling author of romance by night. She is nocturnal by nature and loves nothing more than staying up late, listening to music and being inspired to write. She has always scribbled things down; in her home is one enormous waste paper basket full of discarded phrases, opening lines and pieces of dialogue that have hit her like lightning in the middle of the night or whilst parked up at a set of traffic lights. Her bestselling trilogy, The Story of Us is available worldwide, and she's thrilled to continue Ayden Stone and Beth Parker's epic love story in The Story of Us Series: Into the Blue, comprising: Blue Genes, Blue Hearts, Blue Moon.

Author Links


Release Blitz: Penalty Clause by Fiona Davenport

Title: Penalty Clause
Series: Risqué Contracts #1
Author: Fiona Davenport
Genre: Contemporary Erotic Romance
 Release Date: January 18, 2016


Caleb Sterling has found the woman for him. He'll do whatever it takes to make her his... even if it means forcing her to spend time with him. He didn’t become a billionaire without learning how to leverage a contract to his advantage. Now that he’s gotten her to sign on the dotted line, he almost has Madeleine Connelly right where he wants her—in his bed and pregnant with his baby.

Madeleine seriously underestimated Caleb’s desire for her. She thought the notorious playboy would move onto his next conquest after he’d gotten what he wanted from her. When she accepted a business deal with his company, she didn’t realize it meant spending so much time with him. Now she has to decide if she wants to trigger the penalty clause in their contract so she can get away from him or succumb to the temptation that is Caleb Sterling.

This is the first novella in the Risqué Contracts series, but each story can be read as a standalone and features a different couple.

Purchase Links



Author Bio

Hello! My name is Fiona Davenport and I’m a smutoholic. I’ve been reading raunchy romance novels since… well, forever and a day ago it seems. And now I get to write sexy stories and share them with others who are like me and enjoy their books on the steamier side. Fiona Davenport is my super-secret alias, which is kind of awesome since I’ve always wanted one.

Author Links




Blog Tour: Heat by Holly S. Roberts

Title: Heat
Series: Hotter Than Hell Series Book 1
Author: Holly S. Roberts
Genre: Contemporary, New Adult, Romance
Release Date: January 18, 2016

After a shoulder injury ends her respectable career as a police officer, Mak also known as Maddison Abigail Kinloch turns to the seedy world of private investigations by default. Now her job consists of cheating douchebags and baby daddies dodging child support. Things can’t get much worse. 

Moon controls Arizona’s largest crime syndicate. His bronze skin and blue eyes leave a girl breathless even when that girl knows he’s bad news. Moon doesn’t give a flying fig what Mac thinks; he wants her—ex-cop, bad attitude, and all. 

How does she resist the dark side when her body craves Moon’s searing touch? Things only get hotter in Phoenix when Mak finds herself in a deadly situation and must turn to Moon for help. 

He’ll help but there’s a price. Heat turns to sizzle and hearts combust when Mak and Moon find themselves wanting more than a few hot nights beneath cool sheets.

Nice Excerpt (unedited)

My throbbing head wakes me. The last thing I want is to open my eyes. Maybe someone set off explosives in my brain. I can hear the soft whir of a ceiling fan while the cool air cascades over me. My head actually thumps to the whir. While I’m contemplating opening my eyes, I use my other senses to give me a clue about what’s happened.

I’m not in my own bed. Mine has a lumpy mattress. The bed I’m lying on is firm and comfortable. The ceiling fan in my bedroom twirls with a loud, steady hum. This one is finely balanced and it’s only the generated wind that makes noise.

Like a remembered nightmare, I suddenly recall Dandridge’s hairy dick, a silver bat, and several men with guns. My eyes pop open. The room, thankfully, has muted light though I still squint as I look around. I give a small scream when I see a man sitting in a large chair in the shadowed corner of the room. He’s watching me. My head objects to the scream so I slam my jaw shut, roll to my side and cover my face with my forearm. A soft moan caused by the pain escapes my throat. The man doesn’t make a sound. It’s a minute or two before I can peel my eyes open again.

He’s still there.

His arms are stretch along the armrests of the chair and his fingers wrapped over the ends of the armrest. He’s tall. I know this because there is no chair-back behind the top of his shoulders and head. His legs are long and clad in suit pants similar to the ones the thugs wore. They must keep Thugs-R-Us in business.

“Miss Kinlock.” His smooth whiskey voice fills the room.

“Who…” I croak and try again, “Who are you and where am I?” A sudden ache travels behind my head and I wince and shut my eyes again.

“Lift up.” His voice startles me because it’s directly in my ear. I never heard him move. His hand slides beneath the pillow beneath my head and he helps me sit up slightly. The cool rim of a glass meets my lips. “I have something here for pain but take a drink of water first.”

He smells good—in a musky, delicious cologne and man kind of way. It’s such a stupid thing to think about when my last memories are of Dandridge’s dick and thugs with guns. I take a sip of water and then have two pills slipped between my lips. There’s this strange jolt of pleasure at his touch. It throws me off balance, more than a blow to the head has, and like an idiot, I swallow. I have no idea what kind of pills I’ve just taken. My brain is quite slow on the uptake and I decide if I swallowed illegal drugs, I’ll live with the consequences as long as they take away my damn headache.

I inhale slowly and open my eyes just in time to see the man lean his hip into the mattress and sit beside me. The sheet covering me stops just below my breasts and his movement pulls it down a bit further. He doesn’t so much as sneak a peek at my breasts. I’m impressed.

“You are?” I ask in a low voice that doesn’t distress my brain too much.

He has such an intense look of concentration on his face. I feel like a puzzle he’s attempting to put together. He moves a section of my hair off my cheek. His eyes follow the movement of his hand and I think he’s actually surprised at what he’s done. “Call me Moon.”

Damn. It doesn’t take a genius to figure out that I’m in a bad situation. I can’t believe I didn’t recognize him. It’s the shadows of the room and the damage to my brain cells. Or, at least that’s the story I’m feeding myself. I’ve seen countless pictures of him. He’s usually escorting some woman to a ritzy fundraising event though he somehow manages to turn his face from the cameras. If not a public appearance, the pictures are taken with a telephoto lens trying to catch him in illegal activity.

Naughty Excerpt (unedited)

My teasing earns a reward. In one fluid move, he stops and pulls me into his chest. We’re in the shadows and even though I know he has guards, I feel that we’re the only two people inside his walled paradise. His lips are gentle. His hands go to my ribcage beside my breasts while he licks and tastes my lips. His thumbs glide across the material of my shirt in a soft caress over my breasts, though not quite touching my nipples. The kiss remains playful and I want sensual. I try to angle my head and but he moves with me and keeps things light and flirty. I moan into his mouth and receive a small answering groan.

“Why are you doing this?” I ask throatily after he releases my lips and places light kisses along my jaw.

“Because you always taste so damn good,” he breathes. His teeth scrape where his lips left a burning trail of fire. “Here too.” He bites down on the tendon of my neck and my body heads into the danger zone. The zone that says, fuck me and please make it good.

I lift my hands to his jaw running my fingers over the sexy scruff. It sidetracks me from what he’s doing until he slides his hands between us and cups my breasts. Now, his thumb rubs across my nipples. My entire body is at attention. He moves one leg between mine and pulls me closer so my crotch is riding his thigh.

Fucking hell.

The friction of our clothes and the pressure of his leg drive me wild. My clit swells as I rub myself against him. Moon’s right hand slides down and he gains access beneath my shirt. I react with a shudder when he touches the bare skin on my side. His fingers are so damn hot, they burn. His other hand goes to my ass and he pulls me tighter against his leg. I need to be naked and not standing outside with clothes separating us. I need to fuck him instead of humping his leg. I need so many things at once—more pressure, nipple action, him—inside me.

It’s only been about two minutes since he started this and my blood is roaring through my body while Moon’s heat consumes me. His lips return to mine with more light nibbles. He’s controlling my body and keeping me from ending this slow torture. Then, like he’s reading my mind again, his fingers slip beneath my bra and tease over my nipples. His mouth leaves mine and he rakes his teeth down the sensitive skin of my throat. His large hand cups my other breast and his fingers squeeze until I’m on my toes and panting in his ear. I’m holding onto his waist for dear life. The pulsing ache spreads from the juncture of my thighs to my nipples and back again. The two points are a circuit of energy. Then, he’s back at my mouth and he’s done playing around. I place my hand at the front of his pants and press against his erection. He moans while his tongue delves deep. He squeezes my nipple with slow steady pressure. It hurts. It’s delicious. It’s exactly what I need. He moves his hand down so he can cup my ass again. He grinds me against his leg. The sensations are overwhelming. I can’t breathe. I can’t think. But fuck do I feel. I’m caught off guard when an orgasm jolts through me. I’ve never felt this way before. I get off on control even when it comes to my orgasms. Moon takes me over the top with nothing but the pressure of his leg and his damned fingers that have switched to my other nipple so both are sore and needy.

My blood is pumping through my veins with the pulses of my orgasm. I fall against his chest and his arms surround me as I ride out the waves. When the last ripple fades, he kisses me again before allowing me to bury my face in his neck. Why the hell did he give me that? I’m too undone to think of a possible answer.

Holly S. Roberts is the USA Today best-selling author of the Completion Series and Club El Diablo Series. She lives high in the Arizona Mountains with her husband and two spoiled dogs.

Title: Heat
Series: Hotter Than Hell Series Book 2
Author: Holly S. Roberts
Release Date: Spring 2016

The Arizona Desert sizzles and it's hotter than hell.

Alex Gomez is the enforcer for the largest crime syndicate in Arizona and makes no excuses. His hands are covered in blood and the lines between right and wrong blurred.

Celina Thomas has a deadly secret. Only money can fix her problem and she needs a lot of it, quickly. She’s gifted with a body and face that men are willing to pay for. She makes the decision to enter the world of high class escorts but her heart cries at the injustice.

One night with Alex and Celina’s plan turns upside down.

One night with Celina and Alex’s heart of ice begins to melt.

Celina’s secret could kill them both. Can she trust Alex and place her life in his hands? Can Alex let her escape regardless of the consequences?

Passion ignites as Alex and Celina sizzle with burning need while death lurks on the sweltering Phoenix horizon.


Release Week Blitz: Dirty by Clare James

DIRTY by Clare James
Gabe Shannon is about to get schooled…

What drives a reserved entrepreneur to the underground world of pleasure and kink? Well, it could be a recent heartbreak, or a stripper friend named Tash, or good ol’ fashioned curiosity. Either way, he quickly discovers he likes it. A lot. In a fun romp around Chicago’s sex club scene, Gabe Shannon gets schooled. And, class has never been more fun…DIRTY is great for fans of Wallbanger by Alice Clayton and Tangled by Emma Chase.

Praise for the Quick and Dirty Series:

"5 Dirty and Yummy Stars. I LOVED this book!!! This book will have you laughing, smiling, swooning, and for sure have your panties melting." - Book B!tches Blog

"OMG! This book is the hottest damn book I have read in 2014 yet! A scorching, sexy, and great book. Get your One-Click fingers ready ladies and gents. This one is a keeper!" -GIVE ME BOOKS
"5 stars -Wow! This book was just amazing. The heat between Stevie and Gabe is fantastic, and the scenes between them are scorching." -Eat Sleep Read

"Ms. James uses Venus (the club) to engage all of the senses and I couldn't help but think that Stevie is one lucky bitch. Kudos, Ms. James, you've set a new daydream standard." - Love Between the Sheets

"This pair had so much chemistry that it just about set my kindle ablaze. You will get caught up in this book and won't be able to put it down. 5 out of  5 stars!" -READ THAT

"The sexy scenes in this book were HOT! Gabe is one that you shouldn't let go!" -Novel Seduction
"5 Stars. I love Clare James! She certainly knows how to write something that has the pages steaming and your panties melting! Actually...Gabe had my panties melting...more than once!"-Romance Addiction

"If you're into some hot erotic moments then you MUST read this. It kept me hot and bothered all the way thru  it." -Books 2 Fashion

"5 Star Review- OMG, I devoured this book. Steamy and erotic doesn't fully describe the action that takes place under the sheets." -Rusty's Reading

"Wow Clare James knows how to bring the heat. Grab it today."-Stephanie's Book Report
"5 Stars! This was a great book. Very erotic and steamy, and funny." -Book Worms

Follow the tour January 18th – 22nd! One grand prize winner will receive an eBook Series of Clare James – winner’s choice - (Open Internationally) and two winners will receive a digital copy of a Clare James backlist of their choosing (Open Internationally).

Direct link:

Follow the blitz!

January 18th
Book Loving Pixies Spotlight + Excerpt
JB’s Book Obsession Spotlight + Excerpt
Lynn’s Romance Enthusiasm Spotlight + Excerpt
Summer’s Book Blog Spotlight + Excerpt

January 19th
OMG Reads Spotlight + Excerpt
Sofia Loves Books Spotlight + Excerpt
Sugar & Spice, Smutty & Nice Book Spotlight + Excerpt
Tantos Livros Tão Pouco Tempo Spotlight + Excerpt

January 20th
Alpha Book Club Spotlight + Excerpt
Kitty’s Book Spot! Spotlight + Excerpt
Miss Riki Review + Spotlight + Excerpt
Shey’s Book Cave Spotlight + Excerpt

January 21st
Becky on Books Review + Guest Post + Spotlight + Excerpt
Em&M Books Spotlight + Excerpt
Live Laugh & Love Books Spotlight + Excerpt
Naughty Book Eden Spotlight + Excerpt
T&L Book Reviews Guest Post + Spotlight + Excerpt

January 22nd
Just Booked Spotlight + Excerpt
Mignon Mykel: Reviews Review + Author Guest Post + Excerpt
My Reading Reality Spotlight + Excerpt
Obsessed by Books Spotlight + Excerpt

About DIRTY:

Title: Dirty
Author: Clare James
Author Location: Minneapolis, MN
Genre: Erotic Romance, Romantic Comedy
Release Date: January 18, 2016
Publisher: Independent
Format: Digital eBook


Gabe Shannon has just been schooled … in the art of kink, that is.
After a heartbreaking loss, this broken man spins out of control until a whirlwind friendship with a stripper named Tash takes over his life.
With Tash at his side, the two embark on a crazy tour of Chicago’s underground world of pleasure. Yes, he’s gone into a deep, dark, and dirty (make that D.I.R.T.Y.) world that he never really knew existed. And surprisingly, he discovers he likes it. Quite a lot.
But the reserved entrepreneur soon realizes that hanging from the chandeliers every night is not all it’s cracked up to be. Well, it is … but it’d sure be a lot more fun if it meant something.
This erotic tale can be read as an introduction to the Bestselling Quick and Dirty Series, or to learn more about the gorgeous Gabe Shannon anytime during the series. DIRTY is not a mandatory read, but you may enjoy the series more after you roam around in Gabe’s head a bit.
DIRTY tells the story of how Gabe started exploring his dirty side, came to own Club Venus, and met the crazy beautiful Stevie Sinclair.   

Read an Excerpt from DIRTY

“I’ve been spending a lot of time at the bar,” I finally told her, not taking my eyes off the city scene. “And strip club, if you want me to be honest.” It was the truth, and probably expected in some ways. My reasoning, however, was anything but typical.
“Is it helping?” she asked, while scrawling in her notebook. She was always writing in that damn thing, and I couldn’t stand the sound of it—the dull scratch of pen on paper.  Dr. Fielding, aka the shrink from hell, couldn’t help herself. She dissected every word I said. Of course, she came highly recommended and had an incredible reputation. Yet, frankly, I wasn’t seeing it. I’d been coming here for more than a month and she continued to treat me like I was some kind of depressed teenager or recovering addict, like this stage in my life was just a passing moment. As if I wouldn’t be stuck here forever.
“No, it’s not fucking helping.” I stood up and faced her, feeling the little control I had left begin to slip away. “And neither are these sessions, Doc.”
“What do you think would help?” Dr. Fielding didn’t move an inch as I paced the room, stopping to toy with her knickknacks on the bookshelf.
“Well, Tash –”
“Your stripper friend?” She interrupted.
“Well, that’s not how I’d characterize her,” I said, smiling now thinking about how Tasha would put the good doctor in her place after such a comment. “Plus, I think exotic dancer is more apropos these days.”
“Apologies.” She smirked. “Go on.”
“As I was saying,” I paused and raised a brow, just to be sure she wouldn’t interrupt me again. “Tasha wants to take me some place new tonight. But she said I needed to keep an open mind.”

Other Books in the Quick and Dirty Series:


Twenty-nine-year-old Stevie Sinclair has just lost everything: her boyfriend, her apartment, even her ugly bird named Free. (Yeah, she knows it’s a stupid name, so don’t start.) But most importantly, Stevie’s lost herself.
As she shuffles through her days in worn-out Hello Kitty PJs—eating ice cream, sipping wine, and contemplating her next move—a magazine article catches her attention. Blaring black letters read: “How to Get Your Sexy Back in Six Easy Steps.”
Stevie studies the article in the trashy magazine like the good student she is and immediately knows what she has to do. With the magazine article in hand, and a bottle of red in her bag, Stevie embarks on a journey to reclaim her life and win back her ex.
Until she meets Gabe Shannon. Gorgeous, single, and on a quest of his own, Gabe introduces Stevie to a lifestyle that is sure to help get her sexy back and then some. If she doesn’t chicken out … (Oh, you know where this is going.)
Available at: Amazon


In this second book in the Quick and Dirty Series, beloved characters Stevie Sinclair and Gabe Shannon navigate through the ups and downs of their grown-up—albeit kinky—relationship.
And while Stevie’s thoroughly enjoyed every mind-blowing sexperience with Gabe, she worries she’s not enough to keep him satisfied for the long term.
So it’s back to the drawing board for Stevie …
First stop?
Club Venus for the annual Halloween masquerade party.
What follows is one insanely hot and filthy night of mayhem where nobody is who they appear to be … ah, you get the idea.
Dirty Little Tricks is the seductive continuation of Stevie and Gabe’s story and the very beginning for one lucky couple at Club Venus.

Available at: Amazon

About Clare James:

Clare James writes contemporary romance and new adult novels with spunky heroines and sexier-than-sin heroes. Her books have made several best-selling lists including the tender love stories in the Impossible Love series; the steamy romantic comedy Dirty Little Lies; and the touching family drama Wednesday. Her new title, Caught, is the first in a series about the women of Elite PR and their very naughty clients. It will be published with Entangled Publishing’s Brazen line in June 2015.
A former dancer, Clare still loves to get her groove on – mostly to work off her beloved cupcakes and red wine. She lives in Minneapolis with her two leading men – her husband and young son – and is always on social media chatting with readers.
Connect with Clare:  Website | Facebook | Twitter Goodreads | Amazon