Friday, November 27, 2015

Release Blitz: Lie With Me Decadence After Dark, Book 4 by M. Never

Lie With Me
Release Day Blitz
Series: Decadence After Dark, Book 4
Author: M.Never
Cover Designer: Cover Me Darling
Photography: Sara Eirew
Genre: Dark Erotic Romance

Tell me a secret...
CJ Carmichael hasn't been able to get the vivacious blonde he spent four delirious days with off his mind. The blonde who was completely off-limits, but he couldn't deny.
Tell me a secret....

CJ had no intention of pursuing her, but Tara Stevens knew what she wanted and it was him. Now six months later, their time together still haunts him. As much as he's tried to talk himself out of seeing her again, the craving is just too powerful.
Tell me a secret...
Tara is more than willing to spend an entire fantasy weekend with CJ. More than willing to hand herself over to him completely and fulfill his every desire. More than willing to pretend he owns her despite their age difference and Kayne's disapproval.
Tell me a secret...
Sometimes fantasy becomes a reality. Sometimes people fall in love before they even know it- before they even know each other- and after its too late.
Tell me a secret...
Sometimes, beneath the sweetest secrets are the most deceptive lies.

I let her rest as I take off my clothes. Once I’ve discarded my shirt and pants, I take the liberty of removing her underwear. What little is left of the stretched out, saturated material. “Don’t get comfortable. We’re not done yet.” I pull her up by the hand.
“I never said anything about being done.” She peers up at me. Round two is right around the corner. 
“I missed that mouth.” I run my thumb along her bottom lip. “What else did you miss?” She flutters her eyelashes. 
“Your eyes.” Tara looks up at me surprised. Not the answer she was expecting? 
“I missed your laugh,” she tells me timidly. “And the way you used to make me laugh.” 
“Can I tell you a secret?” I ask, holding her chin. Tara nods. “I missed that, too. The most. I promise while I’m here, I’ll make you laugh as much as I make you come.” 
“That sounds good to me.” I pull her to her feet and kiss her crazily. Running my hands through her hair until it’s a mess and our bodies are as close as they can possibly be. 
“Go lean on the windowsill,” I tell her headily. Along the entire length of the windows in the bedroom is a ledge about a foot and a half deep. “Leave the boots on.” 
Tara smiles puckishly. “You like?”
I grab the top part of the black boot that reaches halfway up her thigh. “I love. And I’m going to love them even more when I’m fucking you in them.” I tug roughly, kissing her. “Go.”

Check out the entire Decadence After Dark Series

Owned (A Decadence After Dark Novel)

Claimed (Decadence After Dark Book 2)

Ruined (A Decadence After Dark Epilogue)

The Decadence After Dark Box Set

Author Bio
M. NEVER RESIDES IN New York City. When she's not researching ways to tie up her characters in compromising positions, you can usually find her at the gym kicking the crap out of a punching bag, or eating at some new trendy restaurant.

She has a dependence on sushi and a fetish for boots. Fall is her favorite season.
She is surrounded by family and friends she wouldn't trade for the world and is a little in love with her readers. The more the merrier. So make sure to say hi!

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Feature Post: Dating Maggie by M J Greenway

✩✩99 CENTS NOW!!!✩✩

With her 25th birthday looming, Maggie Jennings makes herself a promise… 

She will get a boyfriend and an acting gig within the year or break-up with Tinsel Town for good! 

She has a cool job as a movie studio guide, and Botoxed blondes and traffic jams have even started to grow on her. She’s using a new dating app and has a dating vlog—but she yearns for more. 

Cliff Kincade is in L.A. for a wedding, but he’d much rather be back home at his Oregon ranch… 

Still stinging from a divorce, he’s gun-shy about women. But when he meets a cute, curvy tour guide, he’s surprised by the chemistry between them. His ranch keeps him in Oregon, though, and Maggie’s Hollywood dreams keep her in L.A., a situation that can’t possibly work. 

Proximity isn’t a guarantee a relationship will succeed—and distance isn’t a guarantee it won’t… 

Maggie and Cliff search for happiness in the arms of others, but fate has other ideas. She can’t stop thinking about the rugged rancher, and when her life takes an unexpected turn, sending her back to her hometown of Portland, she’s forced to make some serious choices. 

Maggie and Cliff both have dreams—and dreams are a wonderful thing—but what if they’re hoping for the wrong things, and love is waiting in the one place they’d never expect?


✩✩ MJ Greenway ✩✩
My great passions have always included reading and writing. When not engaged in one of those past times, I enjoy baking, walks and time spent with friends and family. I grew up in a small town and moved to L.A. after college. Adventures in that strange urban terrain inspired me to write my first novel, Dating Maggie. As a kid I have a vague recollection of creating "magazines" with a pencil and ruled notebook paper. I made family members buy copies for a quarter. I've been writing a variety of things since then: marketing copy, plays, short films and online content. Virginia Woolf would be proud that I'm now able to write-in a room of my own-under the clouds of the Pacific Northwest. Sometimes my husband and son pop in to check on me.

Sale Blitz: My Time In The Affair by Stylo Fantome

Title: My Time in the Affair
Author: Stylo Fantôme
Genre: Contemporary/Erotic Romance
 Release Date: May 2, 2015


I made a conscious decision to cheat on my husband.

Now, before you judge me, hear my story. Hear how much I'm like you, how similar my thoughts are to your own. Yes, I'm a horrible person. Yes, I've done horrible things. Yes, I don't deserve forgiveness. Yes, bad things happened because of my actions.

But I'm willing to bet I've done things that maybe, just maybe, you have thought of doing.

Maybe, just maybe, you're not as innocent as you'd like to think.

Or maybe I'm not so guilty... 

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Misch stared up at him, simply amazed. She couldn't believe he was there, sitting next to her. Bubble, officially burst. Mr. Tal Canaan was a real life man, flesh and blood, not some fantasy to be locked away in some hotel room, shoved to the back of her brain. And the fantasy-come-to-life sitting next to her happened to be dressed up, as well. Sexy didn't cover how he looked that evening.

“Tal, we can't do this,” Misch lowered her voice. “You did me a huge favor the other night, really. I appreciate it, more than I can say. But it ended in that room.”

His hand moved off of her hip and across her lap. Came to rest on her bare thigh. Her voice caught in her throat.

“Oh, no. No, I don't think so. I don't think it ended at all. I think it's still very much going on,” he breathed, sliding his hand up, moving the skirt of her dress out of the way.

“Tal, please,” she whimpered.

Whimpering. The man makes me whimper.

“Ah, there's that word I love.”

“My boss could walk up any minute,” she hissed, pressing herself back into the cushioned booth, trying to gain some distance.

“Don't worry about your boss,” Tal whispered, dipping his head and kissing her temple.

“We can't. He knows I'm married,” she whispered back, squirming as Tal's hand pushed the last bit of material out of the way. If a waiter popped up, he'd have a great view of Misch's hot pink underwear.

“I told you, don't worry.”

“Don't worry!? How can I not -,”

She gasped as his thumb slid under the crotch of her panties. While her lips were parted, he dove in, kissing her hard. She moaned, welcoming him. Fuck, she'd cook him dinner and rub his feet, if he'd just keep touching her. Just keep wanting her.

“I love that you're always so ready for me,” he pulled away to laugh at her. She gripped onto his arm.

“Oh my god, I'm gonna get fired,” she panted, but made no move to stop him. His thumb was ridiculously dexterous; she wondered if he was double jointed. It swam in circles, making her dizzy.

“You won't get fired, I promise,” he had his sly smile on, and he actually rested an elbow on the back of the booth, propping his cheek against his fist. His relaxation actually made her more aware of their surroundings. She was sitting in the middle of a nice restaurant, waiting for her boss, and she had a man's thumb in her crotch.


“Someone's going to see us. Please.”

“You know what's funny,” he ignored her. “This really wasn't my plan when I decided to come here. I thought we could have a drink, talk. I could watch you laugh. You have a great laugh. But then I sat down, and you're wearing this amazing dress, showing those amazing legs, and well, here we are.”

“I don't want to be doing this,” she begged.

“Why not?”

“Because,” she couldn't finish the sentence. Didn't want to say it out loud. Wanted to pretend that she was begging him to stop for the right reasons.

“Because why?”

I'm such an awful person.

“Because I'm ..."

“Since our night together," he whispered, "this is all I've thought about. All I've wanted to do. From this point on, you're going to be the only person I fuck while I'm here.”

“Tal, please, I'm going to … I'm about to …,” she couldn't catch her breath. She was too busy trying to stave off a huge orgasm.

“Shhhh,” he shushed her. Then his thumb was gone. He pulled his fingers free of her underwear, ran it up her body. Rested his hand against the side of her jaw. She was breathing heavily through her nose, staring up at him. He stared right back and pressed his dewy thumb against her bottom lip. Traced it back and forth.

Resistance is so fucking futile.

“What are you doing to me?” she whispered. He smiled, then stuck his thumb in his mouth, sucking her wetness away.

“Anything you want, babe. Come find me,” he whispered back.

Then he was sliding out of his seat. Walking away.

Misch dropped her head back on the booth, tried to catch her breath. She pressed a hand to her chest and gulped in air. She had thought the night was going to be boring. Shmoozing their international partners, talking about insurance, trying to tell bad jokes in broken Italian. Getting off in the middle of a crowded dining room hadn't been part of the plan.

Mr. Canaan had never been part of the plan.

Author Bio

Crazy woman living in an undisclosed location in Alaska (where the need for a creative mind is a necessity!), I have been writing since ... forever? Yeah, that sounds about right. I have been told that I remind people of Lucille Ball - I also see shades of Jennifer Saunders, and Denis Leary. So basically, I laugh a lot, I'm clumsy a lot, and I say the F-word A LOT.

I like dogs more than I like most people, and I don't trust anyone who doesn't drink. No, I do not live in an igloo, and no, the sun does not set for six months out of the year, there's your Alaska lesson for the day. I have mermaid hair - both a curse and a blessing - and most of the time I talk so fast, even I can't understand me.

Yeah. I think that about sums me up.

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$250 Marriott gift card "romantic get-away giveaway"

Visit Stylo Fantôme’s Facebook page to enter

Book Blitz: The Second Chance by Aubrey Parker

The Second Chance
Aubrey Parker
(Inferno Falls, #3)
Publication date: November 24th 2015
Genres: New Adult, Romance

He left her alone. Now he’s back … but too much has changed.
Maya grew up with a big heart and even bigger dreams. She never thought she’d end up a single mother spending her whole life where she grew up—the small town of Inferno Falls. But things didn’t work out the way she thought. Grady, her high school love, moved away and left her alone to raise her daughter before the ink dried on their diplomas. Eight years later, Maya’s struggling to make ends meet. And when life gets too tough, she heals the void inside in the only way she knows … whether it’s right or wrong.
But then Grady returns. He’s finally grown homesick after nearly a decade of wandering America, seeing sights and having adventures like Maya always dreamed of—but could never reach for. And Maya holds out hope—more than hope, a need—that Grady is coming home for her, too. It could be just like old times, if she can keep a grip on her bad habits for long enough. Maybe she can finally have the man she’s always wanted, and Kylie can have the father she’s always needed.
Many of us get second chances, but never more than three strikes.
Maya makes the dangerous mistake of assuming everything is just the way it was before, despite the years that have passed. When Grady only wants to make sure they’re not moving too quickly, Maya sees rejection and disaster looms. Rather than preserving a perfect memory, it seems the years have changed them both too much, perhaps, to heal the past. But to earn the love and happiness she’s hunted for so long, Maya won’t merely need to learn to accept Grady … and will have to learn to accept herself, first.
Previous books in the series:

Teaser 24
It’s amazing how comfortable this all is.
It would be inaccurate to say dinner goes smoothly because these are my parents and they’re always saying or doing something that embarrasses me even when I’m here alone. But considering all the balls in play, it goes far smoother than it has any right to.
Grady has been gone for Mackenzie’s entire life. I haven’t bothered Mac with the details of our past, of course, because it would only burden her, and it’s enough for her to think of Grady as an “old friend.” But my folks know it all. They know how we used to be. They know how we broke up, and how I hooked up with Tommy. Up until that point, I feigned virginity, and even after I pretended that I had no itches in desperate need of scratching. If my parents had their druthers, they’d still think I was snow white, but Tommy left me with evidence to the contrary. Grady might have come off as a saint compared to deviling, sex-mongering Tommy, but my parents still know Grady left me, and how angry I became. I think they shared a lot of that anger, and certainly helped me pull through. They know I was stressed when Grady returned. And if I force myself to think past their often-oblivious appearances, I’m sure they know deep down just how much I want him back.
And yet nobody is showing a sign.
Nothing is awkward.
No one is walking on eggshells. Nobody is acting like they know secrets or like they suspect secrets being harbored against them. There are no signs of old grudges, old feelings left to molder in forgotten corners. My folks could be Grady’s parents, too, the way they keep henpecking him and weaseling his life’s details into the open for quiet, well-meaning judgment.
Dad has thoughts on how to get maximum resale value out of the claptrap truck Grady used to tour the country, away from us.
Mom wants to see photos of all the places he visited while I was sobbing into pillows, raging against Grady, Tommy, and the world.
He accepts it all. I watch him absorb it and love him that much more. All the old feelings are coming back. Even if I wanted to stop them, I couldn’t. I feel myself warming from the bottom up, like a vessel filling with liquid. I start to smile and can’t keep a straight face even when I want to.
I remember how we used to be. How, on two or three separate occasions, he came here with me, playing the good suitor despite his somewhat unfair bad boy reputation, and how afterward I climbed out my window to meet him at the creek, where we made love on the bank. I remember the innocent joy of those evenings — the way the air held the day’s heat, the smell of soil under our blanket, the moon shining its blue light between the branches overhead. I remember the feeling of promise: that there were only good things waiting and that everything would be all right.
A lot has happened since I last felt this way, but it strikes me how curious it is, the way things have come full circle. There was a time of torment and tumult between Grady’s and my innocent days, but that time has passed. I’ve been pregnant and alone, but now I’m a seasoned mother with a family around me. I’ve been angry and frightened, but today I feel happy and (at this table with Grady beside me, at least) secure and content.
We’re no longer seventeen. We no longer have quite as many years ahead of us, and in some important ways, our eyes have been opened to the world’s truths. But that doesn’t mean we can’t pick up where we left off. There’s no reason we can’t still have that future, albeit with a decade lost to time in between.
I watch Mackenzie. She doesn’t know this man, yet she fits with him like the missing piece of a puzzle. And I watch Grady with her, and I see how he’d be as a father. How he could have been as a father. How he is being a father, right here and now.
Yes. I could be happy here.
All the day’s problems feel far away. I don’t want to send my mind out to the things that were bothering me so badly earlier, but in an intellectual way I know they’re there … and yet I don’t care. Whatever is wrong, I have my family. Whatever happens, it will all work out. Whatever goes wrong, Grady will make it right.
I wonder if I’m being stupid all over again. I have no idea how Grady feels, other than the inkling I first got from his text and the impression that’s continued with our shared glances since. Maybe he could love me again. Maybe he never stopped, the way I suppose I never really stopped loving him. Or maybe I’m building a house of cards that could collapse at any time.
It doesn’t matter. Maybe I’m wrong to feel this way. Maybe I’m being an idiot. I simply don’t care. For now, it feels good. For now, I’m happy.
Maybe I’m setting myself up to get hurt all over again.
But tonight it’s a chance I’m willing to take.
Teaser 30


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