My rating: 5 of 5 stars
Daniel “Kick” Johnson is part of a brotherhood who would give their lives for one another. The MC’s ties to each other run thicker than blood. Kick has a dirty past made up of lies, betrayal and violence that have made him into a soulless monster. The only thing he ever had was his loyalty to his club and not once, but twice a woman made him turn against the men he thought were his brothers. In this story, he is not the hero, he is the villain and he will screw up and lose her too.
Kayla a victim of abduction by three cruel, inhuman men, who used, abused and raped her over the course of three weeks. Then one day she is taken from her cruel tormentors only to be abducted yet again by a biker who claims to want to help her. However, can she trust him, will he protect her as he says even from his own biker brothers. Why does he want to help her? Why is she drawn to his darkness? Will she ever be free?
My review:
I find myself drawn lately to books that have warnings like Kick does “Not intended for pussies” perfect statement right there. This is a gritty story that pulls you into its darkness from the first few pages. I love a book that grabs you by the throat and doesn’t let go until you’re gasping for your last breath. Kick is an anti-hero of the highest order; he takes what he wants and damns the consequences. For the second time in his life he finds a woman, he cannot resist but he is poison to her just as he was poison to the one before her. Kayla or Indie as Kick takes to calling her I love that nickname, is kidnapped, horribly tormented, and brutalized by three sadist men. Kick is trying to save her and help her exact her revenge on the men who hurt her. He also happens to want her bad; the sexual tension between these two is hot. It is not your flowers and chocolate kind of romance. It’s dirty and grimy but you want to keep reading because it is that good. It is a non-stop thrill ride that takes you to flashbacks of Kicks past indiscretions and then back again to the present where he seems to be making the same mistakes. This time he’s older, wiser, smarter maybe. I love how he wears his heart on his sleeve, but doesn’t even realize he does it. He is so vulnerable, but he hides it behind a tough exterior and a leather MC patch. I wanted to hate him because he is not a good guy, but yet he is a good guy he just loves differently than your average fellow and I loved it. Indie starts as a victim, but with Kick’s help, she becomes a fighter who stops at nothing to get her vengeance. You just have to root for this couple to end up together even though they are both so royally screwed up.
This was the first book of Carmen Jenner’s I have read, after the first few chapters I added the rest of her books to my to be read list. I am hoping that Tank and Ivy are the subjects of book two because I think their story will really knock us on our asses.
Highly recommend if you are into the MC genre, you should be warned it is a dark book; there are rapes, violence, murder and mayhem. If you can’t stomach the occasional brain splatter this is not the book for you.
Received and ARC from TRSOR Promotions in exchange for an honest review.
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