Thursday, October 1, 2015

Cover Reveal: Red Hot Heroes by Lori King

Title: Broken Surrender
Series: Surrender #4
Author: Lori King
Genre: Erotic Romance/Contemporary Western
 Release Date: November 3, 2015


One bullet made it physically impossible for Sarah Bryant to fulfill her dreams of a military career. With her family’s sympathy suffocating her, she escapes to Stone River, Texas, determined to rebuild a life and maybe find a new dream.

Silas and Jeremy are two brothers who are as different as Texas is big. One is an adrenaline fueled former Army medic, the other is a laid back tow truck business owner. The two things they have in common? They know they want to live life in a ménage relationship, and Sarah is the woman for them.

Sarah has too many doubts about herself to believe she can be enough for one man let alone two. Can these souls find what they need to grow together, or will they leave more emotional scars to match their physical ones?

This Veteran's Day, find home in the heart of our heroes with Broken Surrender, part of the Red Hot Heroes multi-author series and stands alone for reading enjoyment.

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This book is also a part
of the Red Hot Heroes Collection. A multi-author collection
of standalone stories that all feature veterans.

Also Available





“So what have you been up to since you recovered?”

The question caught her off guard. No one had ever referred to her as recovered before. Everyone still saw her as an injured vet, but in all honesty, she was as healed as she would ever be, and she hated the idea that she was in the world’s memory banks as disabled.

“I…um…well, nothing really at the moment. The VA set me up as one hundred percent service connected, so I at least get my medical bills covered, and a little bit of money every month. That’s been enough for now. I came down here for a job, but that fell through. I’m not sure what I’m going to do next. Just floating along until I figure it out.” She pushed her now lukewarm beer aside. “How about you? What are you doing besides rescuing damsels in distress?”

He grinned at her joke before responding. “Not much sadly. Casey and I divorced after I got back stateside, and I moved back here to room with Jeremy. He owns his own towing company. The man might be a whiz at business, but he’s a terrible housekeeper, so I pretty much spend my evenings playing housewife to my brother. I guess we both ended up in places we’d never imagined, huh?”

“Truth. I thought I’d spend a couple decades serving, and then retire out with a star on my shoulder.” Admitting the truth to someone stung, but she found Silas easy to talk to. She’d already spilled most of her heartache, whatever else she said wouldn’t much matter at this point.

“I don’t remember what I saw for myself when I enlisted, but I know it wasn’t what I got. Military life sounded a lot more exciting than it was,” he said with a chuckle.

“What? You mean you don’t miss bunking in the elements, carrying eighty pound packs, and fighting to survive with sand in your eyes?” she asked, pretending to be shocked.

“Nope, but I do miss the guys. We had a lot of fun over there. In between bullets and IEDs of course.”

“Of course. Goes without saying. I miss it, but it doesn’t do me any good looking back. I can’t change what is.”

Silas watched her for a few moments silently and then nodded as if he’d decided to accept her answer. There was a weird crackle of tension between them as they stared at each other, and then he sat back in his chair and smiled.

“Whatever it was that happened to get you to Stone River, I have to say I’m thankful. It’s good to see a familiar face. Especially a pretty one.”

Her cheeks grew hot, but she laughed his compliment off. “I never thought I’d run into anyone I knew around here, but I have to admit, it’s been good to see you, too. I haven’t laughed this hard in a long time.”

“Me either. Hey, you know my brother and I are going out to a friend’s house for a barbecue Friday night. Why don’t you come along? You can meet some more folks from around here, and make some friends.”

She almost said yes just to see his smile again, but then she remembered herself and shook her head. “I’m not much for parties anymore. I can’t sit still for too long without my back hurting, and I hate having to explain why I’m leaving early.”

“Then don’t. Jeremy and I will pick you up on our way out, and when you’re ready to leave we’ll just blame it on him.”

She couldn’t stop the laughter that bubbled up, and she shook her head. “You’re terrible.”

“The worst, but you’ll learn to love me,” he countered with a serious glint in his eye that had her mind dredging up all kinds of implications in his words. “Say you’ll come. I won’t leave it alone, so you may as well agree.”

“Okay! Fine. I’ll come, but don’t be surprised if your friends think I’m stuck up. That’s generally what people assume when someone’s always wandering off and bailing out early.”

“They’re gonna love you,” he assured her. “How could they not?”

Pushing back her chair, she rose and picked up her purse. “Thanks Silas, for the beer and the memories. It’s been fun.”

“I’ll walk you out.” He started to stand, and she stopped him with one hand on his shoulder.

“Thank you anyway, but I’m perfectly capable. My car’s barely twenty feet outside the door, and besides, this is as small as small towns get.” She squeezed his shoulder, and then released him.

“Okay, but I want it noted that I protested. If my mama knew I’d let a woman walk to her car alone, she’d crawl out of her grave and beat me with a willow branch.”

“Duly noted, Sarge,” she teased, clenching her fist to resist saluting him.

“We’ll pick you up at seven Friday night, Sarah,” he reminded her. She waved, but kept walking. Maybe between now and Friday she’d come up with a good reason to turn him down. At the moment, all she could think of was, I can’t go because you make my insides quiver, and somehow she didn’t think that excuse would work.

Author Bio

Best-selling author, Lori King, is also a full-time wife and mother of three boys. Although she rarely has time to just enjoy feminine pursuits; at heart she is a hopeless romantic. She spends her days dreaming up Alpha men, and her nights telling their stories. An admitted TV and book junkie, she can be found relaxing with a steamy story, or binging in an entire season of some show online. She gives her parents all the credit for her unique sense of humor and acceptance of all forms of love. There are no two loves alike, but you can love more than one with your whole heart.

With the motto: Live, Laugh, and Love like today is your only chance, she will continue to write as long as you continue to read. Thank you for taking the time to indulge in a good Happily Ever After with her.

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Excerpt/Cover Reveal: Alaska or Bust by Rhonda James

Title: Alaska or
Author: Rhonda James
Cover Designer: Taylor James

Goodreads TBR:


Tucker Winslow was twenty-four, and the only son of a 4-Star Navy
Admiral. His Father always expected that Tucker would follow in his footsteps, but he had other plans. He had his sights set on moving to Alaska and following his lifelong dream of fishing for king crab on the Bering Sea. He was charming, witty, and his Mom was always his best friend. Then she became ill, and his whole world was turned upside down. They spent her last month’s laughing, and singing the wrong lyrics to 80's music, just like they'd always done. 
Gracie Madison married the man of her dreams when she was only twenty-two. Now, thirteen years later, she was a widow, trying to figure out how to get by without her best friend. She loves 80's music, driving with the
top down, and snacking on greasy food. Her sister's family lives in Seattle, and they've finally persuaded Gracie to throw caution to the wind and leave Boston behind. Both hop in their cars and head for the Northwest Territory. But, when Tucker's car breaks down he is forced to hitch-hike the rest of the way. When these two meet, the bond is instantaneous. Their losses connect them in a way that's impossible to ignore, and they form a friendship that helps soothe wounds that go far too deep to heal. They laugh, they cry, they blast 80's music and sing off-key, and they stop at every tourist trap they can find along
the way. Then, as it always does, one night their laughter turns to lust and they both give in, knowing it will change everything they've come to rely on. Losing someone you know and love can be the hardest thing in the world. So why does losing someone you've just met, yet have come to depend on, hurt twice as much?
Join Tucker and Gracie as they embark upon the adventure of a
lifetime, and end up on a journey toward finding happiness in a world that was once filled with pain.


“How did you know this song always makes me happy?”  She turned to me and flashed the most breathtaking smile I’d seen her produce.  She really was quite striking.

There was something about her eyes that always seemed to lure me in.
There was an innocence to her, yet I could tell there was  a wildcat
lurking just beneath the surface.  Since we were going to be together for
the next week, I was going to make it my mission to bring that cat out of
hiding.  Yep, by the time we reached Seattle, I had every intention of
showing Gracie Madison just how much fun it could be to cut loose and remember how to have fun.  Hell, God knows we both could use a little taste of it.

“No one can resist Rebel Yell.  Remember the video?”  I did my best Billy Idol impression, complete with lip curl and growl, and that made her laugh. She had a beautiful rich laugh.  I vowed then and there to make her laugh more often.  After all, this trip was about chasing our dreams and finding our happy place.  Right now listening to her laugh as she sang along with Billy, I felt pretty damn happy.

“More, more, more.  Owwww!”  Her little fist pumped into the air as if to
punctuate each word.  

“You ever call that out? During sex, I mean.” I asked casually, not expecting her to answer, but still hoping to make her blush.  I’ll admit I was surprised when, rather than getting all flustered like she usually did, she actually answered.

“You mean beg for more?”  She stole a quick glance in my direction and I gave a single nod. “Oh yeah,” her voice went really husky, and I could tell she was playing along, “all the time.”  She flashed me a sexy wink, then threw my question right back at me.  “What about you, stud? You ever beg the girls for more?”

“Only when they’re doin’ it right, sweetheart.”  I chuckled softly, enjoying the fact that I could still make out the flush on her cheeks, despite it being darkoutside.  My eye caught the sight of flashing blue and red lights in my
side mirror.  I twisted in my seat, seeing that the cop was not far behind
us, then cast my eyes toward the speedometer.  Fifteen over.  Shit.
 This did not look good.  “Um, Gracie, you planning on stopping anytime soon?”

Author Bio
Rhonda James is an Amazon best-selling romance author who strives to create a book boyfriend for all her readers.  Rhonda is married and lives in Michigan with
her family. In her spare time you can find her talking to readers, cooking some new creation in her kitchen, or just spending time with her family. 
Some of her guilty pleasures are mastering such things as Twitter and indulging in chocolate, she may do one more than the other. Come find her on her social networks and don’t be afraid to say Hi!

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Release Blitz: Mr. Right Now The Sterling Brothers 1-5 by H J Bellus

Title: Mr. Right Now: Made to Sin
Series: Mr Right Now #1-5
Author: HJ Bellus
Genre: Contemporary Romance
Release Date: September 26, 2015

Four Brothers 

Dax -Cole - Eli – Kam

One chain of night clubs...”Made To Sin”

They’ve been to Tampa, New York, and Atlanta leaving behind their signature and very sexy nightclubs. It’s time the boys bring their club to the West Coast. Their business life is intriguing, nightclub life is entertaining, but it’s the after party in the hotel where the sin really begins.

Dax, Cole, Eli, and Kam have no boundaries when it comes to their desires. Whatever they want, they get. The only rule is: there are no rules. Anything goes behind closed doors. No limits. The Made to Sin men are party boys who get what they want, and LA is their next target.

Are you ready to party with the Made to Sin men?

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“Dax Sterling, your bail has been posted.”

The gargantuan man emerges from the dimly lit jail cell known as the tank. He ducks as he exits, peering around with one eye open. His thick arms shield his eyes from the light. To say he has a hangover may be the understatement of the century.

Chloe’s heart cringes when she catches sight of him. She recognized the last name and hoped to high hell, and even crossed all ten of her toes, that Sterling, Inc. wasn’t the Sterlings she once knew.

The Sterlings from Chloe’s past reside on the East Coast with their chain of nightclubs, and no way in hell did the group of brothers finally make it out here. Their roots are so deep in Jersey that Satan probably trims them when they invade his subterranean turf. Chloe smiles at the thought of the Sterlings and Satan, because in her book they go hand in hand. Leaving Eli and moving far away was the best decision she ever made.

She thought it was far enough until this morning. Dax was ahead of her in school by quite a few years and definitely hung out in a different crowd. The only reason she knows Dax so well is because of his younger brother, Eli. The boy who garnered her virginity and eventually shattered her heart into pieces.

Releasing her breath, she focuses on the paperwork in front of her and groans under her breath. She has one chance at a promotion, and it’s this deal. The bail money her boss sent with her is no chump change. Seidman Construction was more than willing to finance the project, and with millions already sunk into it, there’s no room for error.

All board members must be present at the meeting to finalize all the plans and sign legal documents. Chloe’s toes cringe in her black spikes. She’s still blown away by the fact she’s bailing out Dax Sterling. Clint’s personality is as dry as they come, and she thinks the cruel joke he is playing on her this morning is suspicious. The whole reality of the situation is priceless because it’s not a joke.

Four board members with the company name Sterling made Chloe a fucking fool for thinking it could’ve been anyone else. She ran from her past, and especially those boys, and now at the height of her career they’re the only ones standing in her way. Karma sure has a fucking funny way of saying ‘hello.’

Clint has been riding her ass all week about having the company’s ducks in a row, and then on the morning of the meeting she has to deal with this bullshit. Everything inside of her is dying to roundhouse the son of a bitch into a cold, unconscious state. His deep voice seeps into her concentration as she steadies the black pen and fills in all the boxes. He’s a charmer and working his magic on some lady officer behind Chloe.

Her blood pressure rises to an all-time high when she hears Dax’s familiar voice and old pick up lines trying to charm a few women guards. Chloe keeps her attention focused on the fine print, making sure to dot all of her i’s and cross her t’s.

The last time a Sterling saw Chloe she was a timid, bleached blonde teen. She’s morphed completely over the years into an opposite picture of what she left on the East Coast. Her hair is now long and raven black, nearly touching the middle of her back. There are no jeans and gym shoes littering her closet these days. No, only business dress suits, sexy blouses, and cocktail dresses adorn each hanger.

A few years back, her mom sent her a front page article in the local paper about the Sterling Brother who can’t control his own addiction. Her mother had sent the paper to show Chloe the article about her prize-winning squash, but the Sterling story held her attention hostage.

It didn’t surprise Chloe that Dax’s party boy personality went from consuming large amounts of alcohol to cocaine. And like always, Cole was the representative for the family, smoothing things over in the media. The man should’ve been a politician.

All Sterling boys were smooth talkers with the women, but Dax set the bar high. Their late father, heir to their fortune, made sure to pass down the trait to them. Even though all were adopted, they didn’t miss a beat of the arrogant, righteous Sterling persona.

Chloe passes over the check along with the paperwork that she was sure to double and triple check. A young, overweight male clerk scans the paperwork and sends an approving nod in her direction.

“He’s all yours.” Pudgy fingers push Chloe’s receipt back in her direction.

Her mind races, buzzing with fear of facing Dax and eventually the Sterling boy who left her in pieces. Chloe runs her palms down the front of her pinstriped dress suit. It wasn’t easy getting to the position she’s in, and by damn if she’ll let her past ruin it. She’s built companies from the ground up, and Seidman’s promised to throw her portfolio over the edge if only she could land them the job of their lives, and that was all in the Sterling Brothers’ hands.

“Dax.” Chloe’s shaky voice echoes in the waiting area.

The beast looks up to her and sends her a wicked grin.

“Yes.” His dark brown eyes bore holes through her chest, and Chloe knows in this exact moment her fate has been sealed yet again by another fucking Sterling man.

Author Bio

I'm just a simple girl who loves the country life.. .oh yeah! & a good corn dog! Throw in a little Vanilla Ice, and shits bound to get crazy! Be brave...

- Loves country life & music

- Gets the case of the "eff-its" often

- Loves Big

- Hurts Big

- love corn dogs & candy.... & (sex & candaaay)

- My heart is happy writing!!!

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Cover Reveal: The Queen by Suzanna Lynn

Title: The Queen 
Author: Suzanna Lynn
Genre: Fantasy Romance

Tensions are high. While King Ashmur lies on his deathbed, the evil Lord Cadman coerces Mirstone into declaring war on Grasmere and they’re not alone in their malevolent intensions. An evil lurks in the land that threatens to destroy everything in its wake.

While Baylin readies the Kingdom, Luana discovers a secret about her past that makes her question everything she thought she knew about herself.

All Luana and Baylin wish for is to be safe and happy together. However, constant struggles make it seem as though contentment is impossible. Trials and tribulations strain the delicate core of their relationship.

Will war finally succeed in tearing the lovers apart? Will Luana and Baylin’s bond be able to
withstand the hidden secrets, betrayal and warfare?


Author Suzanna Lynn is a full-time mom of three beautiful, energetic children and lives with her husband and children in a small town nestled in the deep rolling hills of Missouri. 

Growing up in the Ozarks, as a child Suzanna spent her days wandered the fields and woods surrounding her home. She would imagine them to be filled with fairies, dragons, and all number of creatures. 

Having not lost her childhood imagination, Suzanna has written numerous poems, songs and short stories that have won various awards. However, in 2014 she decided to stop wishing she could write a book, and made the dream a reality.

She is the author of 'The Bed Wife Chronicles' series. She also has three other books in the works.

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Sale Blitz: Ultimate SEAL Collection


SEAL My Home by Sharon Hamilton 

March 2015
Contemporary Romance
The Bad Boys of Seal Team 3, #2
SEAL Brotherhood, #9


Bad boy Rory Kennedy was raised in foster care, bouncing in and out of trouble along the way. He finds his true family and real brothers as a Navy SEAL, one of the Navy’s elite warriors. When his BUD/S instructor barked the SEAL’s Motto: Only Easy Day Was Yesterday, he knew he had found home.

Megan Palmer works in a bookstore and finds her passion in life through read-ing steamy romance novels. Her brief affair with a man she later found out was married has left her damaged, until she meets the handsome SEAL, who stands ready to open her world and give her things she’s only dreamed.

On a skiing trip, Rory suffers a possible career-ending injury and also comes face to face with a past he never knew of, and a family who had abandoned him. His relationship with Megan is tested to the breaking point as Rory wades through the dark waters of recovery and whether or not he can live without the life he loves. A home-grown terrorist cell forces his hand and he discovers his true purpose. 

eBook, March 2015, ASIN: B00TSXRDW8
Paperback, April 2015, ISBN: 9781508858614

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The Ultimate SEAL Collection (Books 0.5-4 from The SEAL Brotherhood series)
This box set will be $1.99 till October 1st ONLY!

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Sharon’s NYT and USA Today bestselling novels are almost-erotic Navy SEAL stories of the SEAL Brotherhood. Her characters follow a spicy road to redemption through passion and true love. All of her SEAL Brotherhood Series are available in audio book. She has maintained an Amazon top 100 author status in Romantic Suspense since the end of 2012.

Her Golden Vampires of Tuscany are not like any vamps you’ve read before, since they don’t have to go to ground, and can walk around in the full light of the sun. Honeymoon Bite, Book 1 of the Golden Vampires of Tus-cany Series, has earned the Amazon designation of #1 Gothic Romance. It and Book 2 in the series, Mortal Bite are both available on audio as well.

Her Guardian Angels struggle with the human charges they are sent to save, often escaping their vanilla world of Heaven for the brief human one. You won’t find any of these beings in any Sunday school class. All three books in this popular series are also in print and audio formats.

A lifelong organic gardener, Sharon lives with her husband in the Wine Country of Northern California, where most of her stories take place. When she’s not writing, she’s getting verra verra dirty in the mud, or wandering Farmer’s Markets looking for new Heirloom varieties of vegetables and flowers.  


Release Blast: Dance Under the Harvest Moon by Joanne Rock

Enter to Win a
Jet-Setter Prize Pack

Heartache, TN #3
Joanne Rock
Releasing Oct 1st, 2015
Harlequin Superromance

Heartache—the best place to heal

Chance of a lifetime

It’s finally Heather Finley’s moment. After spending years looking after her mother in the tiny town of Heartache, Tennessee, Heather’s about to follow her dream of singing country music. She can nearly hear the audiences hollering…until the town’s handsome mayor, Zach Chance, comes to her with troubling questions about her late father’s past. Once again, Heather has to choose: protect her family or chase her heart’s desire? Zach is determined to help, and to convince Heather that she belongs in Heartache—with him. But is he just another distraction? Or could he be the one to show Heather how a small-town love can make her big-time dreams come true?

Amazon | B & N | iTunes | Kobo

Three-time RITA nominee Joanne Rock has never met a romance sub-genre she didn't like. The author of over seventy novels enjoys writing contemporary romance and medieval historicals alike, recently exploring
Young Adult romance under a pseudonym. An optimist by nature and perpetual seeker of silver linings, Joanne finds romance–in all its forms-- fits her life outlook perfectly. When she's not writing, Joanne enjoys travel, especially to see her favorite sports teams play with her former sports editor husband and three athletic-minded sons.