My rating: 3 of 5 stars
I really like Rafe(Storm) and Melanie as a couple, I wanted to know their story from when I read His to Possess. But I have to admit this
installment confused me a bit. I don't like the addition of Travis, Storms band mate trying to steal Melanie and that she feels an attraction to him.
That doesn't make sense, she can think he is hot or something cause yeah I get it he's in a band. But she has "loved" Rafe for awhile to suddenly feel attracted to
someone else seems wrong. Rafe is so afraid of his feelings for her because he was hurt so badly and that is written very well, but it seems to me that Melanie is kind of oblivious
to that even though she was there and know what happened with Jessica.
The sex scenes are great they really have chemistry and I feel a growing love between them that should be explored. Melanie
decides she wants to be dominated in the bedroom after a surprise visit to Rafe's office for a little afternoon delight, that has Rafe getting a little dominating.
She doesn't ask him or talk to Rafe about it she just kind of springs it on him knowing his past abusive relationship. He doesn't get why she wants this in their
relationship maybe if she said down and explained the difference to him between abuse and submission he would be willing to try.
So I thought that was a little out of no where and she gets mad when he doesn't want to do it. Also kind of weird. Anyway I enjoyed the short read didn't love it,
but I am still curious as to where Rafe and Melanie will go. I will keep reading.
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