Tuesday, September 29, 2015

Release Blitz: Broken Road - Breaking Black Series by Addison Kline


It is often said that time heals all wounds. The words are spoken like a promise... A vow. These words are said to people who have been beaten down to their lowest state. To the poor souls who have nothing left to lose. Whispered into the ear of a grieving daughter, told with a shrug to a man who has nothing left to live for. 

These are dangerous people. 

The down-trodden. The grieving. The ones who love more people dead than alive. 

The words should never be uttered. Not to the ones who have no solid ground on which to stand upon, no rail in which to clasp. The white-knuckled moments of life have come to be expected rather than feared. 

"Time heals all wounds." 

The words are an insult. A slap in the face... and around here, they'll get you hurt. For Averi McClain and her husband Colt, there were few deeper insults. 

In the wake of Black Horse's death, a war has erupted. The Seventy Devils are scattered and on alert, gnawing at the bit for the go-ahead to strike. They would not hesitate to spill the blood of anyone who stood in their way of recompense. They knew they would need to act fast if they wanted to come out on top. Colt was not the kind of guy that you slept on. He'd stop at nothing to protect his family and he was lethal whether he was heavily armed or going toe to toe, bare knuckled beat-down style. Colt did have Black Horse's blood coursing through his veins, after all. But then, so did Jimmy, and he is ready to show everyone that the apple didn't fall far from the tree... in fact, they appear to have formed on the same poisoned branch. 

As leader of the Devils, Jimmy had seventy miscreants to do his bidding - and three goals in which he needed to achieve: 

1. Avenge Black Horse 
2. Kill Colt McClain and Randy Ford 
3. Take Averi for his own 

Jimmy has another thing coming if he thinks victory is easily won. Will Colt and Averi's broken road end in tragedy? Or will they be the ones to banish the devils straight to hell? When the demons of the past rise up, can Colt and Randy face them fearless and determined? Whatever happens, don't expect Colt and Randy to stand alone. Buckle up. The broken road makes for one hell of a ride.

Addison Kline is an award winning, best selling novelist who writes mystery,

psychological thrillers and romantic suspense novels. She lives in

Pennsylvania with her husband, their sons and two rambunctious dogs.

Addison has had a love affair with the written word since before she

entered school. Her grandmother taught her the glory of taking an

adventure in the pages of a book. When Addison isn’t writing, you can

find her reading, going for an adventure with her sons, or traveling

with her family.

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Blog Tour: If It's A Pain in the Ass, Then you're doing it wrong!


 Kindle Cover [3715416]

If It's a Pain In the Ass, Then You're Doing It Wrong! By JC Clarke

Series: The Princess Chronicles #1
Humor/ Contemporary Romance
Publication Date: June 23, 2015
Amazon | B&N

His Princess was a little bit eclectic, a lot of eccentric, and a big time potty mouth. She was outgoing and loud, but held her friends and family close to her heart. She ranted about everything wrong in the world, yet her wild passion made him fall hard and fast. Life gave him the middle finger when she opened his eyes to the beauty around him—and right in front of him.
Her Prick-a-Doodle-Do was an uptight businessman through and through. He never saw the fun in anything and she knew right from the start she could have fun with this man and get him to see things differently. He made her see she didn’t have to always be alone, even when surrounded by people. A knack of bringing out the best in her made her fall for him, even if she didn’t want to admit it to herself.
Both were raised in ‘high society’, but where one was guided by the rules, the other had fun going against them. Though he was her new boss, she didn’t give two hoots about it so when she was given an opportunity to express her views about a certain subject, she readily agreed.
It’s now her personal mission to make Bossman’s life a little harder, while experiencing a little fun along the way, of course.
Because . . . if it’s a pain in the ass, then you’re doing it wrong.

“Bossman, what are my shoes?” I asked and leaned back in my chair to put my feet up on his brand new desk.


“Wrong, for starters, no one calls them that these days. They’re either pumps or heels. Normally, if they’re designer, you just give people that name. What color is my shirt?”

“Red?” he asked, puzzled at where I was taking this.

“No, it’s burgundy. My hair is also in a low twist to the side, but you’d say that it was a ball of mess on the side of my head. My point is, no female author should write her male lead so . . . girlie. He shouldn’t know what cut her dress is or what the exact shade of her nail polish is, because, putting it simply, men don’t know these things. They don’t want to know. The second real men start showing an interest, their girl will never stop asking for their opinions. All men want to do for an easy life is say ‘Yes, dear’ and scratch their balls while
watching a game,” I ranted. All the while his eyes got wider.

“You need to calm down, Princess,” he finally said, but I shook my head.

“But why? As readers, we are basically paying these authors to produce shit work. I don’t want to read that every male character has a monster cock and can give
award-winning oral sex. No virgin can deep throat on her first go and the wording, oh my God. Do I really have to read every character announce that they’re coming like a freight train in every sex scene. If the sex is good enough, it should be clear to the reader in the description, not through ‘Incoming orgasm approaching platform
three, please stand clear of the gap!’

J.C. Clarke

J.C. Clarke lives in the heart of the New Forest in England with her husband and four children. Never a dull moment, her full house provides no shortage of inspiration which fuels her writing. She loves reading and writing a variety of genres in addition to dabbling with graphic art to create book covers,
swag and more.

Release Blast: The Legend of Lyon Redmond by Julie Anne Long

Enter to Win a
$50.00 eGift Card to Choice Book Seller
Complete Print Set of the Pennyroyal Green Series

Pennyroyal Green #11
Julie Anne Long
Releasing Sept 29th, 2015
Avon Books

Bound by centuries of bad blood, England’s two most powerful
families maintain a veneer of civility...until the heir to the staggering
Redmond fortune disappears, reviving rumors of an ancient curse: a Redmond and an Eversea are destined to fall disastrously in love once per generation.

An enduring legend

Rumor has it she broke Lyon Redmond’s heart. But while many a man has since wooed the dazzling Olivia Eversea, none has ever won her—which is why jaws drop when she suddenly accepts a viscount’s proposal. Now London waits with bated breath for the wedding of a decade…and wagers on the return of an heir.

An eternal love

It was instant and irresistible, forbidden...and unforgettable. And Lyon—now a driven, dangerous, infinitely devastating man—decides it’s time for a
reckoning. As the day of her wedding races toward them, Lyon and Olivia will decide whether their love is a curse destined to tear their families part...or the stuff of which legends are made.

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& N
 | iTunes | Kobo


The first week of February …

She’s getting married on the second Saturday in May.
Nine words scrawled across a sheet of foolscap. He stared at them until they blurred into a single gray mass.
When he lifted his head, his ears were ringing and he was as dazed as if he’d literally been dragged backward through time.
For Lyon Redmond, there had always only ever been one “she.”
He was momentarily disoriented to find himself on the deck of a ship docked in Plymouth, not on the Sussex downs, waiting by the double elm tree. The one with the “O” carved into it.
A dozen pairs of eyes were on him, waiting patiently for the command that always came.
His crew was a carefully curated, casually lethal lot of men and one woman, the versatile Miss Delphinia Digby-Thorne, she of the many languages and surprisingly useful acting talents—she had once spilled ale all over his sister, Violet.
They had nothing in common apart from mysterious pedigrees, ambiguous morals, and unswerving loyalty. To him.
Unlike, alas, Olivia Eversea.
But then, every last one of them had prospered the moment they’d aligned their fortunes with him. He was cynical enough to know it was all of a piece, the loyalty and the prosperity. He didn’t care.
The bearer of this news, a man dressed in footman’s livery, took Lyon’s silence as dismissal and turned rather too optimistically to leave.
“Hold,” Lyon said sharply.
The swords of his men came up swiftly to bar the man’s way.
“I’m unarmed,” the footman said hurriedly, holding up his hands. “And alone. You have my word.”
Lyon smiled a smile that would have had many a man wetting his smallclothes. It bore more resemblance to the curve of a cutlass. “While I’m certain your word is indeed priceless, you’ve naught to fear. I just cleaned my sword, so there will be no running through of anyone for at least another few hours.”
This elicited chuckles from his crew.
The footman gave a wobbly, uncertain smile.
Lyon knew a surge of impatience, which he recognized as shame. He was not in the habit of intimidating clearly unarmed and outnumbered men for the sport of it.
Then again, given how history often treated bearers of bad news, the man was probably fortunate he still drew breath.
“Your name, please.”
“Ramsey, sir.”
“You’re in no danger as long as I believe you are answering my questions truthfully, Ramsey.”
“Of course, sir.”
But judging from how the footman blanched, he didn’t miss the implicit threat.
“Who sent you, Ramsey?”
“Begging your pardon, but Lord Lavay said you would know when you read the message. I am in his employ. I’m a footman, sir.” He squared his shoulders and touched the silver braid on his coat, as if for luck. “And I won the coin toss.”
“I was a reward, then, was I, Ramsey?” Lyon drawled, to another scatter of chuckles. “Please describe Lord Lavay to me.”
Ramsey furrowed his brow. “Well … he’s a big gentleman. Perhaps as tall as you, sir. French. He often waves his hands when he talks, like so.” He began to demonstrate with a sweep of his own hands, then clearly thought better of it when all the swords aimed at him twitched a warning. “Took quite an injury in a fight not too long ago, but he’s fit now.”
Lyon studied the footman unblinkingly, searching for the faintest hint of perfidy in the flicker of an eyelash or the tensing of a muscle.
He knew all about that fight and that injury. Lyon and his crew had found Lavay bleeding to death on the Horsleydown Stairs in London.

Lyon was in fact the reason Lord Lavay still walked the earth.

Julie Anne Long originally set out to be a rock star when she grew up, and she has the guitars and the questionable wardrobe stuffed in the back of her closet t prove it. When playing to indifferent crowds at midnight in dank clubs lost its, ahem, charm, she realized she could incorporate all of the best things about being in a band—namely, drama, passion and men with unruly hair—into novels, while at the same time indulging her love of history and research. So she made the move from guitar to keyboard (the computer variety) and embarked on a considerably more civilized, if not much more peaceful, career as a novelist.
Julie lives in the San Francisco Bay Area with a fat orange cat. (Little known fact: they issue you a cat the minute you become a romance novelist.)

Release Day Blitz: Alexandr's Reluctant Submissive by Ann Mayburn

The much anticipated, and super sexy & steamy, finale to Alexandr and Jessica’s story: ALEXANDR’S RELUCTANT SUBMISSIVE by Ann Mayburn

The wait is over! Get the super sexy, and climatic (pun intended) ending to Alex and Jessica’s story. We hear it’s too hot for words! Fans of erotic romance and BDSM or who are looking for #whattoreadafterFiftyShades, are going to love Alexandr’s Reluctant Submissive.

Readers will want to make sure they’ve read Alexandr’s Cherished Submissive as this is a two-part story and Alexandr’s Reluctant Submissive is part-two.

Synopsis: Note- this is part TWO of Alex and Jessica's story. Part ONE, Alexandr's Cherished Submissive, should be read first for the most enjoyment.

After believing for five years that his wife and daughter were dead, Alexandr Novikov’s world changes forever when he learns not only are they alive, but that the vile person who tore his family away from him was none other than his father, Jorg. Determined to make up for the lost time, Alex has to set about winning not only the heart and trust of his wife and daughter, but also healing the emotional damage done to Jessica by their forced separation. Something easier said than done when jealousy rears its ugly head and Jessica has to deal with all the women Alex was intimate with after her supposed death.

Jessica has been praying for the chance to reunite with Alex, hopeful that they can be the family they were meant to be, while reclaiming and rebuilding their relationship. That is, if she can get her husband to see her as something other than the naive twenty-year-old girl he married who was content to let him run the show. She’s grown up during their difficult time apart, and she’s no longer happy with just being a piece of arm candy for her powerful husband. If he’s going to bring her back into the deadly world of the Russian mafia Alex needs to realize that she’s strong enough to be his partner in name and in truth.
But Jorg isn’t done meddling with their lives yet and his actions will have deadly consequences for generations to come.

Warning- This book contains a rather kinky Bravta lord who likes to give his woman all the pleasure she can handle with the help of his friends and includes anal, F/F play, spanking, domestic discipline, and a M/F/F/M/F/M/F/M/F scene that'll make you squirm.

About Ann Mayburn

With over forty published books, Ann is Queen of the Castle to her husband and three sons in the mountains of West Virginia. In her past lives she's been an Import Broker, a Communications Specialist, a US Navy Civilian Contractor, a Bartender/Waitress, and an actor at the Michigan Renaissance Festival. She also spent a summer touring with the Grateful Dead-though she will deny to her children that it ever happened.

   From a young Ann has had a love affair with books would read everything she could get her hands on. As Ann grew older, and her hormones kicked in, she discovered bodice ripping Fabio-esque romance novels. They were great at first, but she soon grew tired of the endless stories with a big wonderful emotional buildup to really short and crappy sex. Never a big fan of purple prose, throbbing spears of fleshy pleasure and wet honey pots make her giggle, she sought out books that gave the sex scenes in the story just as much detail and plot as everything else-without using cringe worthy euphemisms. This led her to the wonderful world of Erotic Romance, and she's never looked back.

   Now Ann spends her days trying to tune out cartoons playing in the background to get into her 'sexy space' and has accepted that her Muse has a severe case of ADD.

  Ann loves to talk with her fans, as long as they realize she's weird, and that sarcasm doesn't translate well via text.

Direct link: http://www.rafflecopter.com/rafl/display/b050ef29125/?

Cover Reveal: Entwined by Harper Miller

Title: Entwined 
Author : Harper Miller 
Genre: Erotica and Interracial/Multicultural Romance

After twenty years of devotion to Uncle Sam, I called it quits. I was wired and looking to get into some trouble. Trouble found me all right, in the form of a hot-bodied fox. 

Little did I know how much she’d rock my world.

The names are all fake, details have been fudged, but you’ll get the gist of what went down. 

You’re getting one hell of a tale. This is my story.

*Disclaimer* This is a novelette. Not a short story, novella, or novel. This story features an F/F/M ménage à trois scenario. If ménage stories are not your cup of tea and you are easily offended by threesomes and lesbian sex, you should bypass this story. Content is intended for a mature audience, 18+.

Entwined is the third installment in The Kinky Connect Chronicles. The Kinky Connect Chronicles are short erotic stories/novelettes all wrapped up in neat little bows. These stories are standalones. No cliffhangers in the lot! 

Harper Miller is a thirty-something native New Yorker. She's traveled the world and lived in a variety of places but always finds her way back to the Big Apple. A lackluster love life leaves time to explore new interests, for Harper it is writing. The Sweetest Taboo: An Unconventional Romance is her debut novel. In her mind the perfect Alpha male possesses intellect, humor, and a kinky streak that rivals the size of California. When she isn't writing, Harper utilizes her graduate degree in the field of medical research. She enjoys fitness-related activities, drinking copious amounts of wine, and going on bad dates.

Amazon Author Page  (get notified when Harper releases a new book)

Hosted By:

Virtual Tour: Ryker by Sawyer Bennett

Enter to Win a
Select Loveswept Ebook Bundle

Cold Fury #4
Sawyer Bennett
Releasing Sept 8th, 2015

The rugged men of the Carolina Cold Fury hockey team are winning hearts once again in another scorching novel from New York Times bestselling
author Sawyer Bennett.

The stakes have never been higher for Carolina Cold Fury goalie Ryker Evans. With his contract running out, he’s got a year left to prove he’s still at the top
of his game. And since his wife left him, Ryker has been balancing life as a
pro-hockey star and a single parent to two daughters. Management is waiting for him to screw up. The fans are ready to pounce. Everybody’s taking dirty
shots—except for the fiery redhead whose faith in Ryker gives him a fresh start.

As the league’s only female general manager, Gray Brannon has learned not to mix business with pleasure. And yet even this tough, talented career woman can’t help breaking her own rules as she gives Ryker everything she’s got. She hopes their hot streak will last forever, but with Ryker’s conniving ex plotting to reclaim her man, the pressure is on Gray to step up and save a tender new love before it’s too late.


Amazon | B & N | iTunes | Kobo

“D-a-a-a-d,” Ruby shrieks from upstairs.

It’s a sound that once used to cause all the hair to stand up on my arms and on more than one occasion caused me to go tearing after the call of my youngest daughter thinking she was being murdered by an intruder. I’ve since come to recognize that particular shrill cry as one of excitement and wonder, and I can’t help but grin over what Ruby is possibly into now. At almost five years old, she refuses to accept the concept of a well-mannered, indoor voice and goes balls to the wall in everything she does.

“Is the house on fire, Rubes?” I call out.

Her little voice shouts back to me in a squawk. “No.”

“Have aliens landed?” I keep my voice just loud enough to carry up the stairs but still
decibels below her own.

“No,” she yells, and there . . . right there . . . that’s a little giggle from her.

“Did Timmy fall down the well?”

“No, Dad . . . but you have to come here,” she yells, and, to give her credit, it’s toned down just a bit. When I don’t answer her right away, she calls down in a sweet voice that makes my heart pitter-patter. “Please, Dad.”

Brilliant, little brat. Throwing in some manners to throw me off my game.

“I’ll be right there,” I tell her as I finish the last of Violet’s braid and manage to efficiently bind it with a hair elastic. Leaning over, I place a kiss on her head. “All done, dreamy dwarf.”

Violet leans her head back and gives me an upside-down grin. I love the sprinkle of freckles on her nose and it compels me to kiss her again.

“Do me a favor,” I tell her as I turn toward the living room. “Get the cereal and milk out for me while I go see what your sister needs?”

I don’t bother waiting to see what she does, because Violet has become my metaphorical right hand over the last few months. While she still loves for me to braid her hair and help with her homework, she’s also relished taking on a bit of a caretaker role since the girls moved in with me permanently this past summer.

They’ve been here almost six months and I actually feel like I know what the hell I’m doing now. It wasn’t always like that, and thank God for Kate’s help or I would have gone insane in those first few months of becoming a single parent of two little girls. Kate patiently helped me establish a routine and taught me how to braid hair, distinguish excited shrieks from cries of pain, and most important . . . how to conduct the perfect princess tea party.

I skirt my way through the living room, bending over to pick up one of Ruby’s dolls from the floor, and bound up the stairs taking two at a time. I find Ruby in the bathroom that she and Violet share, bent over the toilet and peering at something.

She shares the same dark hair and gray eyes as Violet, except her locks spring out everywhere in a mass of tiny curls. I have no idea where that came from, but assume it’s a rogue strand of ancestral DNA from either me or my soon-to-be ex-wife, Hensley. Both of us, as well as Violet, have fairly straight hair, so Ruby is definitely dipping into the family gene pool with her wild curls, but damn . . . they totally fit with her personality.

“What’s up?” I ask as I walk over to the toilet.

She straightens up, shoots me a grin, and points. “Look . . . a spider.”

I cautiously take a step forward and lean over, grimacing as I look into the bowl.

And holy shit . . . a spider the size of a T rex is floating on the surface, all eight legs spread out, bent and poised to look as if it’s ready to leap out and attach itself to my face. I suppress a full spinal shudder and reach a tentative hand toward the handle to flush it.

Two things happen almost simultaneously that take at least three years off my life.

The spider somehow manages to skitter across the water, the beast so large it actually creates waves, and Ruby shrieks at me, “No! Don’t kill it, Dad!”

It is with a major blow to my pride—as a man, as a dad, as a six-foot, six-inch professional hockey player nicknamed the Brick because I’m as big and tough as a brick wall—that I jump backward at least two feet from the monster-infested toilet and banshee-crying sprite, causing my hip to slam into the corner of the sink.

“Shit,” I curse loudly, and Ruby’s eyes go round, followed by her lips.

“Oh, Dad . . . that’s a bad word.”

No shit.

I smile at her as I rub my hip. That’s definitely going to leave a bruise. “Sorry, Rubes. I’ll put a dollar in the swear jar.”

She merely nods her acceptance of my apology and turns worried eyes back to the toilet. 

“You have to save it,” she implores.

Yeah . . . that’s not going to happen. Not now. Not ever.

“Sure, baby,” I tell her as I take her by the shoulder and turn her toward the bathroom door. I swear the spider glares at me with a million red, evil eyes. “Go on down and get breakfast. Violet’s fixing your cereal. I’ll get the spider out.”

“Okay,” Ruby says as she pulls away from me, but continues to give me instructions. “But let it out the front door and I’ll bring it some food later.”

“Sounds like a plan,” I assure her as she disappears down the stairs. When I hear her feet hit the bottom landing, I turn toward the toilet, intent on a quick flush to put me out of my misery.

Except when I look in the bowl, the fucking thing is gone.

I’ll just go ahead and admit it. Spiders scare the living hell out of me. I have no clue why, and while I would battle the biggest, baddest monster to the death for my daughters, I’d much rather flush a little spider down the toilet.

I immediately scramble backward out of the bathroom, grabbing the doorknob and shutting it quickly behind me. My heart is racing a million miles an hour, the thought of that furry hell beast now loose in my house.

Just one more thing on the list of things I still need to do today. 

Get the girls dressed and ready for school.

Take the girls to school.

Clean up the spilled laundry detergent.

Finish the laundry.

Arm myself with a can of hairspray and a lighter to torch the rogue spider in the bathroom. 

Pick up my dry cleaning.

Work out.

Team practice.

Pick up the girls from Kate and Zack’s house.



Story time and cuddling.

Go to bed because I’ll be exhausted.

Easy as fucking pie, and I’ll get up and do it all over again the next day with a smile on my face. I’m finding life as a single parent isn’t as daunting as I thought it would be and I’ve finally found my groove.

USA Today and New York Times Best-Selling Author, Sawyer Bennett is a snarky southern woman and reformed trial lawyer who decided to finally start putting on paper all of the stories that were floating in her head. Her husband works for a Fortune 100 company which lets him fly all over the world while she stays at home with their daughter and three big, furry dogs who hog the bed. Sawyer would like to report she doesn’t have many weaknesses but can be bribed with a nominal amount of milk chocolate.

Sawyer is the author of several contemporary romances including the popular Off Series, the Legal Affairs Series and the Last Call Series. She will be releasing her third book in the Cold Fury Hockey Series with Random House Loveswept, June 2015.

Grab the other Cold Fury Romances