Lena's - "Let people walk all over you and you got what you deserved." Lena is the woman that all heroines should be modeled after. She is a total kickass chick who seriously doesn’t take any garbage from anyone. I love Kylie’s heroines from Ev, to Anne and now Lena they are all real woman with real insecurities and worries. They love hard and absolutely, and they don’t let the men in their lives get away with anything.
I not so patiently waited for this installment of the Stage Dive Series sucking up any excerpts or teasers I found on Facebook, book blogs I could find like a woman starved for water in the desert. I knew it was going to be a roller coaster ride of emotions for me. I was not disappointed in the least. Jimmy makes me cry, scream and want to kick him and then force a hug on him. As mad as he made me and Lena lines like - “No one else has ever meant what you do to me. Please, just … just, come back with me and stay. For good.” Just warmed me all over. Every time Lena tries to leave Jimmy finds a way to make her stay.

The banter between these two was hilarious and sometimes heart wrenching, I could not get enough.
“Don’t make me kill you at this hour of the morning, Jimmy. It’s not civilized.”
“This’ll sting,” I said, liberally dousing the gauze. “Who knows how dirty her nails were. We need to clean it really well.” He wrinkled his nose at the smell. “Don’t pretend you’re not going to enjoy it.” “You wound me. As if I’d ever enjoy causing you mild pain or discomfort.” I couldn’t quite keep the smile off my face.
"I know all about addictions and wanting things that aren't good for you, Lena. End of the day, it's up to you to decide whether to take control and fight it or not."
Jimmy – “stopping looking at me weird!” – I chuckled every time he accused Lena of looking at him funny and died laughing when she denied it.
Oh and Mal – sweet lovable Mal getting to be with him again was heaven. I could not stop smiling at all his antics and laughed out loud.
Mal to Lena. - you’re so cute and cuddly. But what I especially love is how you’re giving me that go-fuck-yourself look from behind your foxy glasses.”
“Ah, I see,” said Mal, still buttoning up his jeans. “Interesting. I’m going to tell you what I told Killer at puppy training today when he tried to mount a teacup poodle he’d only just met. If she means something to you, you gotta do the woo, son. You can’t just be trying to stick it in.”
5 Emotional Stars !!! Love this book can’t wait for Ben’s story and to read about all our Stage Dive boys again. I will miss them.